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Abstract on the topic of graduation work



The relevance of the topic. The realities of modern conditions increasingly prove to society that education has been and will be the most important component of human life. Education is the foundation. This is not only knowledge, but also spirituality, decency, and good manners of a person. Therefore, highly qualified, experienced teachers who are ready to improve their professional knowledge and skills by improving their professional qualification level should also provide educational services.

School teachers are called upon to solve a complex set of issues of socialization of the individual, the involvement of children and youth in the values of culture, the formation of their high civic qualities, scientific and artistic worldview, the need to preserve and further enhance the spiritual and material wealth of the people. Success in ensuring the educational process of a music school, improving quality and efficiency depends on the professional training of teachers and their pedagogical skills.

The degree of elaboration of the research topic. From a philosophical point of view, such scientists as V. Kremen, I. Zyazyun, I. Bekh worked on the issue of improving the professional qualification level of teaching staff, A. Petrovsky, N. Kalinina conducted their research. However, despite the significant number of well-known scientists and practitioners who have studied this issue, the problem of improving the professional qualification level still does not have an exact solution. From this point of view, it continues to be considered relevant today. After all, only teachers with a high professional qualification level and continuously improving it can educate a person with modern life views, high morals, who is able to quickly navigate in wide circles. This explains the relevance of the topic, the purpose and objectives of the study.

The purpose and objectives of the bachelor's final qualification work. The purpose of the scientific work is to theoretically substantiate and develop methodological recommendations for assessing the professional level of teaching staff.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set and solved in the work:

the methodological foundations of the organization of the process of assessing the professional level of teachers are analyzed;

a comprehensive study of modern problems of the expediency of using modern methods of assessing the professional level of teaching staff has been carried out;

the system of professional development of the staff of the MUDO "Art School No. 2 named after A. Khanzhonkov" has been studied;

the indicators of professional development of pediatricians are analyzed;

the monitoring of teachers' performance indicators was carried out;

methodological recommendations have been developed for the formation of a model for assessing the professional level of pediatricians based on monitoring their readiness to improve their professional level;

an assessment of the effectiveness of measures to assess the effectiveness of the qualimetric system for assessing the professional level of teaching staff was carried out.

The object of the study is the processes of assessing the professional level of teaching staff.

The subject of the research is the theoretical, methodological and practical foundations for assessing the professional level of teaching staff.

The methodological and theoretical basis of the research was formed by the works of domestic and foreign authors in the field of personnel training.

Research methods. The following research methods were used in the work: a systematic approach, forecasting, accounting for statistical information about the state and results of the organization's activities, comparative characteristics of the organization's statistical data, vertical and horizontal analysis, coefficient analysis, tabular and graphical methods, polling and questionnaires.

The information base of the research is domestic and foreign publications, laws and regulations on professional development of personnel, accounting and statistical data of the MUDO "Art School No. 2 named after A. Khanzhonkov".

The elements of scientific novelty are that as a result of the study of the methodological foundations of the organization of the process of assessing the professional level of teachers and monitoring readiness for professional development, a qualimetric system for assessing the professional level of teaching staff has been developed, which will not only promote professional development, but also contribute to the continuous self-development of the teacher and his influence on the development of students (pp. 63-66).

The theoretical significance consists in the development of methodological recommendations for assessing the professional level of teaching staff by forming a professional level assessment model.

The practical significance of the results obtained lies in the fact that their implementation in the conditions of the Art School No. 2 named after A. Khanzhonkov will contribute to the formation of motivation among teaching staff for highly effective and creative work, the creation of an effective mechanism that guarantees the quality of education.

Letters on the order of the research topic and the implementation of its results are attached (Appendix B, D).

Approbation of the research results. One printed work, with a total volume of 0.6 pp.l., has been published on the topic of the work in the journal included in the RSCI citation database. (Appendix B).

The structure of the bachelor's final qualification work. The work consists of an introduction, four sections, conclusions, and a list of 50 references. The bachelor's final qualification work contains 15 tables, 18 figures, 7 formulas, 4 appendices.


1.1 Organization of the process of assessing the professional level of teachers

At the present stage, the school should be considered as a social institution providing favorable conditions for the versatile development of the individual, his social self-determination based on a harmonious combination of national and universal spiritual values. The introduction of market relations into the process of development of modern society necessitates the education of business people who are comprehensively prepared for life, persistent, able-bodied, creatively thinking, highly educated both intellectually and morally. At the same time, the main purpose of the content of education in school is that it serves as a means and condition for the development of abilities, the formation of the foundations of creative thinking of students, the disclosure of the creative potential of each of them.

In this regard, the role of a teacher, his professional competence, and, most importantly, the ability to be mobile in choosing forms, methods and technologies of education are of particular importance. Because education is a strategic resource for the socio-economic, cultural and spiritual development of society, improving the well-being of people, ensuring national interests, strengthening the international authority and image of our state, creating conditions for the self-realization of each individual. It should be noted the need for fundamental changes, the main focus of which is to improve the quality and competitiveness of education, solving strategic tasks facing the national education system in new economic and socio-cultural conditions [2].

To date, all processes in the educational space are accompanied by qualitative changes in the training of teaching staff. The range of specialties for training future professionals in higher pedagogical educational institutions is expanding.

Thus, the long-standing teaching profession is currently acquiring a new development, reflecting the needs of a modern school on the path of its humanization and democratization [18].

The main problems in the development of the republican education system are the insufficient compliance of educational services with the requirements of society, the needs of the individual, the needs of the labor market; the lack of an integrated education system, the decline of public morality, lack of spirituality, low culture of behavior of a significant part of the student youth; an effective system of national monitoring and evaluation of the quality of education has not been worked out; an appropriate level of scientific and methodological support has not been provided the educational process; the lack of a system of motivation, stimulation of innovative activities in the education system and leveling the risks of negative consequences of these activities, etc. This requires a critical reflection on what has been achieved and the concentration of efforts and resources on solving the most acute problems hindering the development of the educational industry. Among these problems is the provision of objective diagnostics and assessment of the quality of educational services.

The purpose of professional pedagogical activity is to educate a person in harmony with himself and society. Despite all the differences between the teaching professions, they have a common goal inherent in pedagogical activity – to attract people to the values of culture. It is in the goals that the specificity of this activity manifests itself. This goal is defined as a special mission, the purpose of which is the creation and self–determination of the individual in culture, the affirmation of man in man.

The content of teaching activity is the process of organizing students' educational activities aimed at their assimilation of subject socio-cultural experience as the basis and conditions for development, as well as the process of organizing their own activities.

The result of teaching is the development of the student, his personal, intellectual improvement, his formation as a person, as a subject of educational activity.

Thus, the activity of a teacher is a continuous process of solving a variety of tasks of different types, classes, and levels.

The pedagogical activity of a teacher, like any other, is characterized by a certain style. The style of activity (for example, managerial, industrial, pedagogical) in the broadest sense of the word is a stable system of methods and techniques that manifest themselves in different conditions of its existence. It is determined by the specifics of the activity itself, the individual characteristics of a person.

The style of pedagogical activity, reflecting its specifics, includes the style of managerial activity, the style of self–regulation, and the style of communication, the cognitive style of its subject - the teacher. The style of pedagogical activity is influenced by at least three factors: the individual psychological characteristics of the teacher, including individual typological, personal and behavioral characteristics; the characteristics of the activity itself; the characteristics of students (age, gender, status, level of knowledge, etc.). The effectiveness of pedagogical activity depends on the motives for choosing this profession. With the right choice of profession, the individual characteristics of a graduate of a secondary educational institution generally coincide with the requirements of the profession [17, ρ. 122].

Preparation for the teaching profession should begin long before a person makes his professional choice, and continue in the process of his professional training at a certain educational institution. In the structure of the teacher's personality, a special role belongs to the professional and pedagogical orientation. It is the framework around which the main professionally important characteristics of the teacher's personality are assembled. The professional orientation of the teacher's personality includes interest in the teaching profession, pedagogical vocation, professional and pedagogical intentions and inclinations.

The basis of the cognitive orientation of the teacher's personality is his spiritual needs and interests [8, p. 89]. A modern teacher should be well-versed in various fields of science that he teaches, be constantly aware of new research, discoveries, and see the prospects of science. The most common characteristic of the cognitive orientation of a teacher's personality is the culture of scientific and pedagogical thinking, that is, to be competent.

It should be noted that the quality of the educational process in most cases is determined by the competence of teachers, reveals the functions and content of the diagnosis of the teacher's professional activity.

The effectiveness of the implementation of the management of the educational sector depends on how sensitive the system of monitoring and evaluation of the quality of education is to the goals and objectives of the state educational policy and how the management decisions taken are adequate to the results and recommendations of monitoring studies.

The problem of assessing the quality of school activities is now relevant and therefore there is a need to generalize modern approaches to evaluating the educational process as a diagnosis of the quality of teacher activity [9].

The main indicators of the quality of a teacher's activity are the educational achievements of students, their upbringing and the development of creative abilities. Academic achievements are determined by the student's ability to assimilate educational material during the time regulated by the curriculum or program. For the most part, the term "academic achievements" refers to the degree of assimilation of knowledge, the acquisition of skills and abilities established by the curriculum, in terms of their completeness, depth, awareness and durability. The level of academic achievement is reflected in the scores on the 5-point knowledge assessment system. A comparison of grades in individual subjects characterizes both the student's academic achievements in each academic subject, and the academic achievements of the class or school as a whole.

The diagnosis of students' educational achievements includes: control, verification and assessment of knowledge; accumulation of statistical data on this basis and their analysis; identification of the dynamics of students' achievements, their trends; forecasting further educational development of students. All this allows us to fully characterize the level of achievements in the educational process, highlight its positive and negative aspects, find out the causes of shortcomings and determine ways to overcome them.

Pedagogical diagnostics also includes such functions as analytical, evaluative, control function, correctional, orientation, informational, motivation and stimulation functions.

The analytical function is a function offering a psychological and pedagogical analysis of the educational process at all levels of its structural organization as a pedagogical system. The psychological and pedagogical study by the school administration of the acquired knowledge, upbringing and development of the student, as well as the level of professional competence of the teacher, is actually a diagnostic function. The control function assumes operational control over the process of teaching and educating students, since it contains information about its condition [33, ρ. 45].

Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the quality of the school administration, each teacher and each student is an evaluative function of pedagogical diagnostics. The correctional function is the didactic correction of the educational process and the psychological and pedagogical correction of the teacher's activity towards self–development. The essence of the orienting function is in the orientation of the teaching staff to solve the goals and objectives of the school and eliminate the shortcomings that take place in the life of the teaching staff and individual teachers.

Constant informing of all participants in the pedagogical process about the results of pedagogical diagnostics reveals the essence of the information function. The function of motivation and stimulation is understood as wage differentiation, adequate use of external incentives, and an increase in the level of personal motivation.

To diagnose the quality of a teacher's professional activity, specially developed criteria for evaluating the basic professional skills of a teacher are used, in particular:

1) diagnostic skills of a teacher – implies the ability to diagnose the quality of knowledge; to determine the level of knowledge of children, taking into account their characteristics;

2) organizational characteristics of the teacher, such as: the ability to organize the cognitive activity of students so that the educational material becomes the object of their active actions;

3) methodological skills: the choice of teaching methods and tools, taking into account the ability of children to assimilate the content of educational material and its use;

4) didactic mastery: a criterion showing how correctly an indicative basis of knowledge is created, with the help of which each student knows what and how to study, where and what information can be obtained and where and how to use it;

5) the moral and psychological atmosphere in the lesson, the friendly attitude of the teacher to the student and students among themselves; the active position of students in the lesson, their independence, activity and friendly attitude towards the teacher; the ability (ability) to correctly understand the educational material (introspection, self-assessment);

6) the level of assimilation by the teacher of the leading ideas of science, new concepts of terminology. [26].

In order to evaluate these indicators, V.G. Maksimov proposed using a 10-point system in which the specified number of points corresponds to the assessment characteristic: 1 point – very low, 2 – low, 3 – below average, 4 – slightly below average, 5 – average, 6 – slightly higher. for average, 7 – above average, 8 – high, 9 – very high, 10 – the highest [29]. It should be borne in mind that all estimates are relative. The final assessment of the quality of the teacher's professional activity in the educational process is the arithmetic mean (in points) of the teacher's self-assessment, the external assessment of the school administration and the assessment of the members of the school's subject commission. However, an assessment of a teacher's professional activity based on this indicator alone is insufficient. New learning technologies are focused on the intensive creative development of schoolchildren. In this regard, there is a need for new approaches to the diagnosis of the educational process.

To solve the difficulty of finding new approaches, one can use the concept of developmental learning by L.V. Zankov, D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov, O. Dusavitsky, etc., which defines the main principles of developmental learning: the leading role of theoretical knowledge in the content of learning; learning at a high level of difficulties – overcoming obstacles; constant work on the development of all students [44].

The teacher should be well versed in the methodology of diagnosing the lesson and constantly implement it, that is, be able to independently identify the causes that determine the quality of the educational impact, since the school administration is practically unable to diagnose each lesson so that it meets certain requirements. The very study of these causes has been and remains a crucial task of pedagogy. The degree of solving this problem determines the practical level of optimization, the effectiveness of all innovations to rationalize the educational process. Success in the work of a teacher depends on how deeply he will know the causes of pedagogical influence and take them into account in the case of planning educational activities.

Modern pedagogy differentiates the factors of educational impact by their nature and genesis. According to these criteria, four main factors are distinguished: educational material; organizational and pedagogical influence; students' ability to learn; time [38].

The first factor "Educational material" includes the general components of information origin and includes all the characteristics of educational information, such as: the content and quantity of the material, its quality and form of presentation; method, structure, accessibility of presentation.

The components of the second factor "Organizational and pedagogical influence" are: action in the lesson; action outside the lesson. The action in the lesson is characterized by the forms of learning, teaching methods, learning situations, teacher performance, student performance, monitoring and verification of learning outcomes, a variety of learning tools, learning conditions.

The third factor, "Learning ability", includes two components: learning in the classroom and in the process of self-preparation. The cognitive activity of a student in a lesson depends on the level of general preparation and interest in a particular subject, the peculiarities of thinking, motivation for learning, the pace of learning and acquisition of skills, the state of health and age of students, value orientations, life goals, activity, discipline. When studying the ability to learn in the process of self-training, it is necessary to pay attention to self-control, will and perseverance, the ability to work independently, the mode and organization of work, efficiency and other features of the student's cognitive activity.

The last factor "Time" also requires an analysis of such components as the time spent in the lesson and in the process of self-preparation. The teacher's activity in the lesson requires rational planning of time for the perception and primary assimilation of knowledge by students, consolidation of what they have learned, storing information in memory, performing training exercises and learning projects, repetition. The time spent in the process of self-preparation is divided into time for: doing homework; reading auxiliary and additional literature; attending electives and additional classes; participation in group work, etc.

Thus, according to I.P. Podlassi, the effectiveness of the educational process in the lesson is determined by at least 100 general factors, and the number of specific ones reaches 300 – and this list, according to scientists, can be continued. [11].

An important task of the teacher is to study the level of education of the personality of the students. In the scientific and educational literature, various developments of methods for studying the level of education of a student's personality are presented. Some of them consider the upbringing of a person as an integral category, others are based on the diagnosis of individual components of upbringing.

But the methods of studying the level of personal education, developed by M. Krasovitsky, are most relevant in the practical work of every teacher. First of all, this is a pedagogical diagnosis, which is actually a program for studying and compiling a student's pedagogical characteristics [7].

As a method of studying the moral education of schoolchildren, which is quite interesting for students and teachers, you can use the method of "unfinished sentences", questionnaires, studying the products of students' activities, locus of control, tests, sociological and sociometric research methods, etc. The study of the education of students is preceded by establishing contact with them in order to set them up for cooperation. This will help you get honest, natural answers. It should be borne in mind that the diagnosis of moral personality traits of a student is provided by using not one separate method, but a combination of them, which contributes to a greater probability of its results.

Consequently, the quality of a teacher's work is determined through the product of his activity – the holistic development of a student's personality. This is quite in tune with the famous saying of A. Disterveg: "Show me your students, and I will see you."

According to M.S. Suntsova, based on the analysis of the functions of pedagogical diagnostics, its main tasks can be identified:

identification of personal qualities of a teacher that affect the educational process;

identifying the positive and negative sides of the teacher;

development of criteria for the effectiveness of the teacher's work;

fixing the professionally necessary level of knowledge and skills of the teacher [10].

As can be seen, the list of main tasks of pedagogical diagnostics includes determining the level of professional competence of each teacher, quantitative and qualitative assessment of his activities. At the same time, the main task of diagnosing the successful activity of a teacher is not to give him an external, maximally objective expert assessment, but to stimulate the teacher himself to comprehend and solve his professional problems, since a good teacher is always focused on introspection and self-diagnosis.

Thus, it can be concluded that pedagogical diagnostics is designed to solve a number of important tasks to improve the educational process. It is important that pedagogical diagnostics, in addition to specific functions, also performs a number of other functions. Therefore, it can be argued that she plays a leading role in the educational process.

1.2 Methods of assessing the professional level of teaching staff

The diversity and complexity of the content of the teacher's work diagnostics leads to the fact that in modern scientific literature there are several approaches to the definition of the concept of "pedagogical diagnostics". In most cases, such definitions are given from the point of view of psychology. They pay special attention to the content of pedagogical diagnostics as the study of psychological processes and the formation of personal qualities of a teacher.

When choosing diagnostic techniques, they should be arranged in accordance with the psychological concept, according to which the teacher's work as a complex mental reality is presented in the form of a three-level spatial model, including: the teacher's personality, pedagogical activity, pedagogical communication. All these levels are united by a single goal – the development of the student's personality. The following types of diagnostics are distinguished: initial, preliminary, periodic, repeated, final.

The initial diagnosis is carried out upon the teacher's admission to work and helps the head to identify the level of professional competence of the young teacher and build a strategy plan for further interaction with the employee. At the stage of preliminary diagnostics, more detailed information is collected about the level of development of professionally important personality traits of a teacher and the results of his pedagogical activity. Periodic diagnostics is performed most often once a year. This is how they receive information about the progress of professional growth of the teacher and the teaching staff of the school.

Prolonged diagnosis of the dynamics of the teacher's personality development allows you to monitor the development process, always have new relevant information. During the final diagnosis, the level of the real state of development of the teacher or teaching staff is compared with the expected one, a new stage and a strategy for further development of individual teachers or the teaching staff of the school as a whole are predicted.

The process of studying the personality of a teacher or teaching staff of an educational institution should be based on the following principles:

Firstly, the study of the teacher's personality should be aimed at increasing the level of his professional competence. Secondly, the study should be comprehensive - that is, it should cover all the main professionally important areas of the teacher's personality. Thirdly, diagnostic techniques should be offered in an accessible form, and research should be conducted in the normal conditions of an educational institution.

Their classification helps to quickly and correctly choose the appropriate method and methodology. There are many different approaches to the classification of diagnostic techniques, they are grouped depending on the focus on studying individual characteristics, states of a person or a team, on the nature of the participation of subjects in their conduct, on the time and place of the diagnostic study, depending on the form and method of use. The issue of classification of diagnostic techniques was dealt with by Friedman L.M., Bespalko V.P., Kettel R., Tsvetkova L.S. and others[9,24,40].

Bespalko V.P. identifies two levels in the diagnostic process. The first level involves the observation, identification and recording of data about the personality and activities of the teacher. The second level is the elaboration of information, the recognition of the essence of the studied object, the correlation of the results obtained with practice [10].

It should be noted that pedagogical diagnostics of the professional level of teaching staff can be carried out by a small group of competent experts: the administration, specialists of educational management bodies, the most experienced subject teachers, pre-trained in accordance with the set goals of diagnosis. The results of pedagogical diagnostics are used further in the development of a system of measures to implement the conclusions drawn based on the analysis of the results of studying the pedagogical activity of a teacher: overcoming difficulties, consolidating positive experience, changing psychological qualities of a personality.

The use of diverse diagnostic methods and techniques helps to identify not only the real level of development of the professionalism of teaching staff, but also allows us to determine the prospects for their development in the future.

Therefore, in order to conduct a diagnostic study at the proper level, the administration of an educational institution must have full methodological support, providing for the creation and constant replenishment of a bank of psychological and pedagogical diagnostic techniques, maintaining appropriate documentation on a regular basis, where diagnostic results are recorded. The active use of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics allows the head of an educational institution to create favorable foundations for the professional growth of teaching staff and the effective solution of the tasks of the educational process.

The main goal of education is not a simple set of knowledge, skills and abilities, but personal, social and professional competence based on them – the ability to independently receive, analyze and effectively use information, the ability to live rationally and effectively, and work in a rapidly changing world. And this is possible only if there is a new look at the scientific and methodological support of both the educational process as a whole and the improvement of the professional level of each teacher.

It is advisable to note that the problem of designing the activities of the head of a general educational institution to improve the professional level of teachers is to identify managerial and organizational pedagogical conditions of activity and is aimed at improving the professional qualification level of teachers of an educational institution. The project is necessary to create organizational, scientific and methodological, informational, and resource conditions conducive to the formation and development of an effective model of activity of the head of an educational institution for scientific and methodological support of teachers' activities, which will lead to an increase in professional level.

The full concept of the manager's activity model is shown in Fig. 1.1.

The activity model of the head of an educational institution for scientific and methodological support of professional development of teachers

Figure 1.1 – A model of the activity of the head of an educational institution for scientific and methodological support for improving the professional level of teachers

The implementation of the project will contribute to:

the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and technologies for professional development by managers and teachers;

mastering the techniques of self-assessment and introspection by the subjects of the educational process.

mastering pedagogical technologies and modern diagnostic techniques by the heads of educational institutions;

development, testing and implementation of new methods aimed at anticipating the creative participation of each teacher in the educational process, which will contribute to improving the professional level [39].

The successful implementation of the constructed model will allow teachers and managers of the education system to be continuously adapted to changes in the socio-economic and information technology spheres affecting the modernization of domestic education, will contribute to the formation of motivation for highly effective and creative work, the creation of an effective mechanism that guarantees the quality of education. At the teacher level, the implementation of the project will make it possible to increase information and network culture, improve the professional level, and gain additional opportunities to maintain and develop the personality of students [1, ρ. 136].

The focus of the entire educational process on the final result suggests a new approach to ways to improve the professional level of teachers. There is an essential transformation of such ordinary functions as pedagogical analysis, planning, organization and control.

As one of the ways to improve the professional level of teachers is the organization of a system of scientific and methodological work in an educational institution. Scientific and methodological work is considered as an integral one, based on the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience and on a specific analysis of the educational process, a system of interrelated actions and activities aimed at comprehensively improving the qualifications and professional level of each teacher, and ultimately – for the development and achievement of the consequences of the educational process, the main and essential thing in scientific and methodological work at school is to provide real, effective assistance to teaching staff in developing their professional level as an alloy of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and personality properties and qualities necessary for a modern teacher [34].

The basis of the system of scientific and methodological work in a general educational institution is the interaction of teachers participating in scientific and methodological work. It objectively plays the role of a link between the life and work of a particular teaching staff and the national education system, psychological and pedagogical science, and advanced pedagogical experience.

According to its content, scientific and methodological work at school should be connected with other forms of work to improve the skills of teaching staff, that is, with their course retraining, the activities of regional methodological associations, seminars. Scientific and methodological work at school should, on the one hand, continue and consolidate the work that was carried out at courses and seminars, and on the other hand, it should prepare teaching staff for the next course retraining. However, such a relationship is still not enough. In the scientific and methodological work that is carried out at school, there must also be a constant and widespread interconnection. [23].

The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the activities of teachers can be attributed to the path of professional development. Today, when information and the international division of labor are becoming integral components of the global economy, education remains the basis for any person's personal and professional success. Accordingly, the requirements for the educational level have changed: in addition to the constant updating of basic knowledge, a modern specialist must be able to effectively apply the latest achievements of science and technology, use a personal computer and information resources. Considerable attention is paid to the possibilities of information and telecommunication technologies that bring education to a new level, providing free access to educational resources to a wide range of the population, regardless of place of residence. Internet network technologies are a decisive factor in the development of distance learning methods and informatization of the education system.

It should be noted that the transition to new computer-oriented technologies in ensuring professional development, creating conditions for their development, testing and implementation, a rational combination of new information technologies with traditional ones is a complex methodological task that requires solving a whole complex of psychology, pedagogical organizational, educational–methodical, technical and other problems.

The main of these problems are:

development of scientific and methodological support for solving the problems of informatization and improving the professional level of teachers;

training of teaching staff for the use of modern information and communication technologies in the educational process;

material, technical, scientific and methodological support of educational institutions [26].

Analyzing the ways to successfully solve the multidimensional problems of informatization of scientific and methodological support for improving the professional level of teachers, it can be argued that it is possible only if the psychological conditions that determine the result of the effectiveness of creative activity are met.

The constant striving to improve one's professional level is a characteristic feature for most creative professions, including teachers, whose work specifics repeatedly strengthen this desire. Therefore, one of the tasks of scientific and methodological support in a general educational institution is to create conditions for the development of teachers' research skills and assistance in the formation of experience in preparing for self-educational activities.

In order to provide real assistance to a teacher in organizing self-education, it is necessary to know the needs, requests, and interests of a person in the field of professional activity. Specially organized methodical work at school should be tailored to the individual needs of teachers. In this case, the teacher, participating in collective forms of professional development, will find answers to his questions. The self-education of a teacher consists in his ability to organize his personal time, make an individual plan for self-education and implement it. Indicators of the effectiveness of pedagogical self-education are, first of all, the quality of the educational process organized by the teacher and the professional and qualification growth of the teacher [6].

Conditions for self-education should be created on a diagnostic basis, based on the results of monitoring the teacher's pedagogical, methodological, and psychological training. Sources of teacher satisfaction should also be provided, which will lead to professional development and creative growth (Fig. 1.2).

The effectiveness of a teacher's self-education lies in the management style of the teaching staff, which assumes an individual approach to each teacher, comprehensive support for his creativity, and the desire for self-realization.

The main sources of teacher satisfaction with work

Figure 1.2 – The main sources of teacher satisfaction with work

Evaluating the effectiveness of management activities in the context of improving the professional level of teachers is extremely important and, at the same time, is a poorly developed and controversial problem. By evaluating the effectiveness of the entire school, it is possible to determine the quality of management of improving the professional level of teachers. At the same time, the correlation of the achieved results with the requirements for professionalism and forecasts of its improvement, the establishment of their compliance can be the starting criterion for evaluating both the work of all parts of the methodological service system and the effectiveness of management of this system [3].

Today it is obvious that the management of scientific and methodological support in schools should be both effective and efficient, that is, ensure not only the achievement of predictable results, but also their constant dynamics; and the assessment of this effectiveness and efficiency is the need to develop internal management to improve professional level. Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of management of scientific and methodological support for improving the professional level of teachers is a feedback tool for the management activities of the head of an educational institution [36].

The identification of the effectiveness of the management of the scientific and methodological support process in an educational institution allows you to select questions for evaluation for each component (type of management activity and indicator of their effectiveness). When using this technique, you can use point estimates. If the indicator characterizing the activity is always found, then it must be estimated at 4 points; "often" – 3 points; "rarely" – 2 points; "sometimes" – 1 point; "never" – 0 points. The scoring of each indicator makes it possible to calculate the efficiency coefficient (K) both for each type of management activity and for the entire activity as a whole by using such a formula:


If the efficiency coefficient of scientific and methodological support management is:

from 100% to 75%, then the operation is optimal;

from 74% to 50%, then the activity is carried out at an acceptable level;

from 49% to 25%, then the level of activity is critical;

below 24%, the level of activity is unacceptable [49,50].

In the context of the need to modernize pedagogical education, one of the important tasks of innovative development is to update the scientific and methodological support and support of the educational process. Today it is important to move away from the outdated understanding of the system of methodological work as a controlling structure, as a translator of instructions and directives, typical and traditional methods that ensure the reproductive nature of their implementation.

The success of pedagogical activity today is determined not so much by the degree of professional training of a teacher, the level of knowledge, as by the desire and opportunities to deepen theoretical knowledge and polish practical skills, that is, to constantly increase the level of professional competence, to form a pedagogical position. The primary task of the school administration is to consolidate efforts on creating a model of continuing education for teachers, which is an organic component of the process of improving the educational process.

It should be noted that the main place in improving the professional level of a teacher is occupied by work on an individual methodological, pedagogical, psychological topic (problem). This topic cannot be suggested by anyone, it must follow from the professional interest of the teacher.

The methodological office of the educational institution should become the organizing center for methodological work with teaching staff. The task of the school methodical classrooms should be: to provide information support for the activities of the structural units of the methodological service of a general educational institution; to create a database of programmatic, methodological, regulatory, scientific and technical information; to provide educational and methodological advice to teachers; coordination of collective forms and methods of work and self-education aimed at improving the professional level and professional training of teachers; satisfaction of teachers' requests and needs for information of professional and personal orientation; organization of a system of events aimed at developing the creative potential of teachers, the introduction of achievements of the best pedagogical experience and innovative technologies.

Thus, preparing for the new academic year, planning methodological work with personnel, the organizers of the methodological service of educational institutions should comprehend the priority areas of methodological work, identify the main factors for the further development of the scientific and methodological support system. Development management should take place on the basis of taking into account current trends in the education system, postgraduate pedagogical education, innovative searches and experience, taking into account the resources and capabilities of the educational institution.


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