Brief resume

Name Eliferov Vladimir Vladimirovich
Date of Birth 26.08.1993
Place of Birth Donetsk
  • 2000–2010 – Physical‐mathematical school № 17 in Donetsk city
  • 2010–2014 – Donetsk national technical university, Software Engineering, bachelor
  • 2014–2016 – Donetsk national technical university, Software Engineering, master
Average 4.3 (for bachelor)
  • Russian – native
  • Ukrainian – free
  • English – intermediate level
Interests Programming, martial arts, computer games, books, snowboarding, traveling
Personal qualities Responsible, purposeful, honest, sociable
Professional specialization and computer skills
  • Operating Systems: Linux, Windows;
  • Programming languages: C/C++, Ruby, JavaScrit, PHP, C#, Java;
  • Internet technology: HTML5, CSS3;
  • Frameworks and libraries: Ruby on Rails, jQuery;
  • DBMS: MySQL, MS Access;
  • Graphic packages: Adobe Photoshop;
  • IDEs and Editors: Sublime Text, Visual Studio, PHPStorm, , Eclipse (Android Developer Tools);
  • Version control systems: GIT, SVN
Plans for the future Find a good job in the specialty, where there is opportunity for career and professional growth. Travel the world
Contact Information
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