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Brief resume

Name Olga Stepovaya
Date of birth July 2, 1994
Place of birth Donetsk
School 2001–2011 — Donetsk Humanitarian Gymnasium № 33
Universities 2011–2015 — Donetsk National Technical University, Mining and Geology Faculty, Department of Geoinformatics and Geodesy, Speciality Geodesy, cartography, land management, Bachelor;
2015–2017 — Donetsk National Technical University, Mining and Geology Faculty, Department of Geoinformatics and Geodesy, Speciality Land management and Cadastre, Master
Average score 4,7
Languages Russian and Ukrainian languages (native), English (Intermediate)
Hobbies and interests Books (classics, modern literature, non-fiction), music, travel, sports (american football, flag football), dancing
Personal qualities Responsibility, commitment, ability to learn quickly and learn new skills, communication skills.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows XP, Windows 7
2. Applications: ArcView; AutoCAD, MathCad, MGseti, Delta Digitals, Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, Power Point, Word), ArcGIS
3. Programming languages: Pascal
4. Development environment: Delta
Professional experience 01.09.2015–01.11.2015 — Municipal enterprise Donetsk urban land resources, industrial practice, engineer-surveyor
11.01.2015–present — Municipal enterprise Donetsk urban land resources, engineer-surveyor.
Future plans To successfully graduate from university, to study English language, to finish driving lessons.
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