- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. General information about the protection and rational use of land resources
- 3.1. Basic concepts
- 3.2. Rational use of land in Ukraine
- 4. The legal framework of Ukraine
- Conclusion
- References
Land – a land surface, a natural resource that characterize space, soil cover, vegetation, mineral resources, water, and an object of social-economic interests and relations, which is the principal means of production in agriculture and spatial placement basis and development of all sectors in the economy.
Land is the basis of the spatial placement and enterprise development organizations and institutions of all sectors of the economy: manufacturing, mining and agriculture.
In the mining industry, it is also a subject of labor, with its placement determines the presence of a mineral (iron ore, oil, gas, etc.).
In the manufacturing industry – a spatial basis (basis) the location and development of a production process, it depends on the placement of locations of extraction of raw materials, the presence of the entire infrastructure, as well as economic feasibility.
The agriculture land is the subject of labor at the same time, work equipment and, therefore, the means of production. Placement of agricultural production depends mainly on the climatic conditions (climate, soil fertility, relief etc.), as well as the need for food and raw materials for the processing industry.
1. Theme urgency
Among the topical legal issues of the protection and rational use of land, some have direct access to the practical problems of increasing the efficiency of land control, legal regulation of its kinds and forms, which are regularly subject to changes, additions.
Earth, being a natural resource, in the course of economic activity, transformed into means of production, the subject of social-economic relations of people, the object of land relations. With the uniqueness of regional quality it performs the function of public property, used and protected in the interests of the resident population, social, economic and ecological space. Rational use and protection of land, regardless of its properties are mandatory conditions of effective economic development and environmental management. Organization of rational management, use and protection of land increases the potential of the area, increases the level of social-economic development of the region.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The goal of the study is to establish the functioning of the laws of the land as a natural resource and its quality condition with prolonged systemic exposure. In addition, the goal is to develop theoretical and methodological bases of the organization of rational use and protection of agricultural lands on the example of the Donetsk region.
Research tasks:
- To formulate the basic provisions of the organization of the use and protection of agricultural land.
- Set the laws, scientific principles and contents of land use on agricultural lands.
- The model of organization of the use and protection of land resources and land management systems on agricultural lands.
- Develop a methodical sequence of solutions of land surveying tasks in the organization of land use and protection.
- The current state and to carry out monitoring of agricultural land for the purpose of identifying changes in land status, prognosis, prevention and elimination of consequences of negative processes.
- To develop recommendations for the introduction of new methods of rational use of land and land monitoring technology.
- Develop a system of indicators of economic and environmental efficiency of the organization of land use and protection and to assess the impact of its use in land management on agricultural land.
The subject of the study are the laws of organization of rational use and protection of land resources on agricultural lands.
The object of study chosen Donetsk region. The object of the study are land resources of agricultural enterprises with various forms of economic, ecological systems and landscapes.
Expected results:
- Development of the methodological sequence solving land management problems and structural model of organization of the use and protection of land resources of agricultural land.
- Development of methods for the economic and environmental justification of organizing the use and protection of land resources in the area of land management schemes on agricultural land.
- The high importance and lack of practice developed of the topic.
- Scientific novelty of the research lies in the proper theoretical and applied analysis of the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of rational use and protection of land and produced on the basis of its conclusions and proposals.
3. General information about the protection and rational use of land resources
3.1. Basic concepts
Natural resources – the body and the forces of nature that are at this level of development of production are used to meet the needs of society.
Natural conditions – the body and the forces of nature that affect the activities of human society, but directly in the production activities are not involved.
Classification of natural resources is displayed in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Classification of natural resources (animation: 6 frames, 5 cycles of repetition, 16 kilobytes)
Land protection – a system of legal, organizational, technological and other measures aimed at the preservation and reproduction of soil fertility and integrity, protection against degradation, agricultural production subject to soil conservation technologies and ecological environment security environment [1].
Rational use of land – to ensure all land users in the process of production of the maximal effect in the implementation of land use purposes, taking into account the protection of land and optimum interaction with the natural factors [2].
This is a use which does not harm the land as a natural object, is carried out in accordance with the purpose and the optimal organization of the territory.
The land to be used intensively, because It is the main means of production, but consumption should be careful – the land is a natural component. That is the rational use of land includes the environmental and economic factors – economic efficiency and environmental safety.
In order to put into practice the rules to ensure the rational use of the land fund, it is necessary to establish criteria for land use rationality and to establish land use requirements that will lead to sustainable land use.
Called rational use of land, in which:
- More fully take into account natural and economic conditions and the properties of a given territory;
- Provided the social and economic interests of society;
- The high efficiency of production and other activities;
- Provides protection and reproduction of productive land and other soil properties.
3.2. Rational use of land in Ukraine
Agriculture specificity of entrepreneurial activity is that the main productive resource is land. On how effectively it is used by the land user, it depends not only on the value of earned income, but also the welfare of society and each citizen in particular.
A significant contribution to the development of theoretical and methodological issues of improving the efficiency of use of agricultural land made G. Gorokhov, L. Novakovsky, D. Kind, I. Reasonable, A. Sohnich, S. Bulygin and other scientists.
Increase of economic efficiency of agricultural production and its intensification, rational use and protection of land resources in the process of development of land relations more fully reflected in the works of A. Antonets, N. Vergunov, P. Zolkiewski, P. Milekhina, V. Plotnikov, A. Tretyak, M. Schurika, A. Yurchenko and others. According to V. Zbarsky and V. Matsibory can distinguish such basic directions of increase of economic efficiency of land use in agriculture:
- the system of measures to improve soil fertility;
- protection of soil from erosion and other destructive processes;
- decrease in land area, which falls out of agricultural use [4].
At the same time, the efficiency of use of agricultural land in determining the extent depends on the level of profitability of agricultural enterprises, but their financial interests must not lead to the deterioration of land properties as the principal means of production in agriculture [5].
Analysis of the agricultural land determined the increasing rate of soil degradation and environmental degradation due to contamination by heavy metals, radionuclides, pesticides, chemicals, distribution of erosion, decrease of humus content, increasing the area of acidic and saline soils. Environmental degradation of land leads inevitably reduce the quality of the product and its environmental safety [6].
It should be noted that in Ukraine more than 50% of the arable land is defliation-warning (Fig. 2). In the Kharkiv region in 1023 ha, or 43% of agricultural land – Defliation-warnings. The greatest spread of deflation processes gained in Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson and Mykolaiv regions. In general, the development of erosion processes in Ukraine annually extends to 80-90 thousand. Ha and is accompanied by a loss of humus (about 11 million. tons), nitrogen (0.5 mln. tons), phosphorus (0.4 million. tons) and potassium (0.7 mln. tons).
However, despite the deterioration of the ecological status of the land, there is a reduction in funding anti-erosion measures. In particular, during 2009-2010, the funding directed to perform activities on land protection and erosion control measures on local budgets is practically not allocated.

Figure 2 – The area of defliation-warning arable land in Ukraine
Source: according to the State Committee of Ukraine [7].
Soil fertility is largely dependent on the reaction of the soil solution. According to the eighth round of agrochemical survey of arable land, which have high acidity, make up 36% of the total area surveyed land, land with an alkaline reaction is about 25% (Fig. 3).

Figure 3 – Structure of arable land in Ukraine by the reaction of the soil solution (according to the VIII round of agrochemical inspection)
Source: according to the agrarian sector of Ukraine. [8].
Current national policies of land use in Ukraine does not ensure preservation of soil fertility as a basis for stable functioning of agricultural production systems and national food safety [9].
The problem of increasing the efficiency of use of agricultural land should not be limited to increasing land yield, and should at the same time to ensure the preservation and enhancement of soil productivity and minimize the cost per unit of production.
Improving the efficiency of agricultural production and to ensure rational land use, market conditions, should be based on the integrated use of the treated in the previous year, the factors of economic efficiency (nature-climate, material-technical, biological, economic, organizational, social), and the introduction of new factors of an institutional nature [3].
4. The legal framework of Ukraine
- The Land Code of Ukraine from 25.10.2001 number 2768-III [1];
- The Law of Ukraine on the protection of land from 19.06.2003 number 962-IV;
- The Law of Ukraine on Environmental Protection from 25.06.1991 number 1264-XII;
- The Law of Ukraine on Environmental Expertise of 09.02.1995 number 45/95-BP;
- The Law of Ukraine on land reclamation from 14.01.2000 number 1389-XIV;
Rational use of land provides:
- The most effective in achieving the objectives for which it was provided;
- Optimum interaction with its other natural factors;
- Reliable and comprehensive land protection.
Implementation of these goals can be achieved both economic and legal means.
Problems in the rational use of land are solved by the implementation of the following key measures:
- The use of high-performance and increase fertility land-measures to improve the land;
- The intensive use of agricultural land;
- Involvement in the use of new agricultural land;
- The fight against soil erosion;
- The protection of lands from misuse and deterioration.
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete.
Final completion: May 2017. The full text of work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.
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