Telecommunications operators, practically sating the market of the big and average cities with a sentence of traditional services of television and low-speed access to network resources, pass to the extension of the list of offered services. First of all passage is carried out at the expense of implementation of multimedia services, such, as IP telephony VoIP, the high definition television (HDTV), IP-television IPTV, video on demand (VoD), network games.
Provision of similar services demands passage to broadband access networks (BAN), thus the operator is forced to search for the compromise between volume of investments and a level of upgrade of a network that sharply brings an attention to the question on a correct choice of technology of creation BAN and an estimation of its economic efficiency.[1,4]
Main problem at development of a network for one-storey microdistrict is unattainability quality characteristics, as in area with multistorey houses at comparable capital and current network expenditure. Limitless rates induce to loading the big files from P2P networks. The active usage of P2P networks makes impossible usage of services of real time. It is caused by a constant of 100% loading of the proceeding channel in an operating time of the computer of the subscriber.
In operation the problem of provision of services of broadband access to a network the Internet in one-storey microdistrict is researched. Optimization of quality characteristics is fulfilled at the active proceeding loading Р2Р of the traffic. Practical value of results of operation consists in application of technology GEPON for improving of technical and economic indexes.
Technology GEPON (Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network) is one of varieties of technology of passive optical networks PON and one of the advanced variants of building of the communication networks, providing fast rate of information transfer (to 1,2 Gbps). Primary benefit of technology GEPON consists that she allows to use a fiber optical resource of a cable optimally. For example, for connection of 64 subscribers only one fiber optical segment is enough to involve in radius of 20 km.
Usage of standard mechanisms 802.3ah that allows to lower equipment cost considerably in the long term;
To solve a problem of P2P networks it is possible creation of priority queue. Lists of priorities allow a router to sort and process starting with networks packets depending on the priorities assigned by it.
Compilation of the ˝white˝ list of priority queue defines most often used services and defines it the highest priority in service. Thus, the problem of identification of the traffic of P2P networks dares.
Table 1 – the List of services
Service |
Protocol |
Port |
Priority |
VoIP |
5060, >10000 |
high |
554 |
high |
25 2525, 465 |
medium |
110, 995 |
medium |
143, 993 |
medium |
80-83 1080 8000 8080 8088 8888 |
medium |
443 |
medium |
File transfer |
20 21 |
normal |
Telnet |
23 |
medium |
P2P networks |
~ |
low |
Internet pagers |
5190 |
medium |
6667-6669 |
medium |
| Agent/TCP |
2041 |
medium |
1863 |
medium |
Auxiliary |
53 |
high |
Proxy servers |
3128 |
normal |
There is a fragment of listing of configuration files of a router. We create the access list number 101 which contains the auxiliary protocols and UDP datagrams.
access-list 101 permit icmp any any
access-list 101 permit udp any any gt 1
access-list 101 permit tcp any any eq domain
Let's apply this access list to the priority list number 1, and also all other queues.
priority-list 1 protocol ip high list 101
priority-list 1 protocol ip high tcp 5060
priority-list 1 protocol ip high tcp 554
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 80
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 81
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 82
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 83
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 8080
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 8088
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 8888
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 8000
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 1080
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 443
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 143
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 110
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 993
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 995
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 25
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 2525
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 465
priority-list 1 protocol ip normal tcp 20
priority-list 1 protocol ip normal tcp 21
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 23
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 5190
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 6667
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 6668
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 6669
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 2041
priority-list 1 protocol ip medium tcp 1863
priority-list 1 protocol ip normal tcp 3128
priority-list 1 default low
We apply it to the interface of the router belonging to an internal network after creation of the priority list.
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
priority-group 1
In the given operation mechanisms of control QoS are considered only and results of their application can be received by simulation modeling or observation over a real network.