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gr. GEA-96


Creative biography:

Was born on February 12, 1977 in city Donetsk. Studied in Donetsk high school N1 since 1984 on 1992 year. The given high school has certain degree good parameters on preparation schoolboys on to natural sciences.

After termination nine classes has passed examinations and has acted In a Donetsk technical school of industrial automatics (DTSIA). DTSIA is one of the recognized leaders of Donbass in preparation of the younger experts in area automation and automatics. Therefore speciality, chosen by me, became "operation of the automated systems in a coal industry (EAS)". Studied in group 2-EAS-92. In 1995 passed practice and work at the rent enterprise "mine by him. About. F. Zasyadko" in a post the underground electromechanic on a site automatics. Has handed over on excellent examinations on reception tariffli-qualifying the category. During work has received deep professional knowledge in area mine automatics and telemechanics. In 1996 has protected degree work on a theme "complex of the control of work of clearing combines" also has received diploma with distinction with by assignment of qualification mountain technician-electrical-engineer-mechanic. On a theme of degree work in time fulfilment diploma headed and directed a brigade of the students on manufacturing the stand with a breadboard model of a complex of the control of work of clearing combines in conditions mines "Deep". Personally has conceived, has designed and has developed basic the electrical functional, structural and assembly circuits. Has made, has mounted, has made start-up and adjustment of the given stand. Since then and to this day the given stand with a breadboard model participate educational process, render assistance to the students to master and to deepen the knowledge in the field of automatic control facilities by technological processes (ACFTP).

In 1996 has passed examinations and has acted in Donetsk State technical university(DSTU) echnician-electrical-engineer-mechanic faculty (TEMF) in a consequence renamed in Faculty engineer-mechanic and automation a related speciality "Automation technological processes and manufactures (GEA)" a direction поготовки: "Automation and the computer-integrated technologies". Studied in group GEA-96. Accepted active participation in scientific activity ours and others of university, participated in the international scientific - methodical conferences. In particular in September, 1997. Participated in 3 international scientific - methodical conferences of the teachers Ukraines, Russia, Byelorussia (September 22-26) "Methods of perfection fundamental formation at schools and high schools" with the report: "Peculiarities teaching of maximum mathematics to the students of mountain specialities in DSTU". In 1998 has acted on faculty of retraining of the staff (FPK) for reception of the second speciality: "The Account, analysis, audit". Studied in group UA-98-1S. Accepted active participation in the international scientific conferences. In particular acted at 1 international student's scientific conference "Economy and marketing 21 centuries" with the report on a theme: "Problems of the account of a fixed capital in Ukraine". The scientific chief on the second speciality the manager by faculty of Accoun and audit (A and А), professor, d.e.s. - Gavrilenko V.А.

In 2000 has received the red bachelor's degree on a speciality: "Automation and computer-integrated technologies". In 2000 has acted in masterly on a direction of preparation: "Automation and computer-integrated technologies". In February, 2001 has received the red bachelor's degree on economy with a direction of preparation: "Economy and business". Theme of the degree project: "The account, analysis and audit of the basic means on the basis of the enterprise АОZТ DPTP "Of Donbass". Theme degree masterly of work "A Substantiation and development of parameters maximal current of protection for the mine combined low-voltage electrical network". Working in the given direction has made a laboratory sample maximal current of protection. The scientific chief - holder of the chair of GEA, senior lecturer,c.e.s. - Marenich K.N.
The world of enthusiasmes:
Maximal current protection
The account, analysis and audit of the basic means
Performance degree masterly of work

For contactes:
by-street Kazachiy,12/5
city Donetsk, 83000,
tel. +380 - 062 337-27-39


Contact with sub-faculty: тел. (0622)910-726, 979-211.
Wait your information and wish on Web-pagesub-faculty GEA on E-mail:

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