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 Andrey À.

E-mail: elecon@ukr.net

Donetsk national technical university

Faculty of electromechanics and automation

Kafedra of mountain electromechanics and automatics

Theme of the dissertation: "Development and research
of the automated system of the account of the electric power of the removed inputs of mine"

Was born August, 6, 1978 in city of Donetsk. Studied in school N92. This school is considered one of the best in city. During study participated in regional olympiads in physics and mathematics where occupied prize-winning places.

After the ending of nine classes has arrived in Donetsk technical school of industrial automatics. It is one of the recognized leaders of Ukraine in preparation of younger experts in the field of automation of manufacture. Therefore the speciality chosen me began " Operation of the automated systems in the coal industry ". During work has received a deep professional knowledge in the field of mine automatics and telemechanics. In 1997 has received a honours degree with assignment of qualification mountain electromechanics.

In 1997 has passed examinations and acted in Donetsk national technical university, on faculty of electromechanics and automation on a related speciality " Automation of technological processes and manufactures " ( Kafedra of mountain electromechanics and automatics). Since December, 1, 1999 on the basis of faculty GEA the representation Sterling Group Ukraine in Donetsk area is created. It is the Ukrainian - Swiss joint venture included in holding Sterling Group. One of organizers of the given representation is my supervisor of studies Serezentinov Gennady Vladimirovich . The major direction of our work is studying questions of creation of the automated control systems by technological processes by means of SCADA - systems on the basis of industrial controllers of manufacture Allen Bradley. Alongside with it work on the decision of questions of the savings of energy in the industry is conducted. In laboratory of the management information SYSTEM of faculty working physical similar model of the automated system of the account of the electric power is submitted on the basis of complex SINET-1 and counters of the electric power (the Euroalpha, ET, LZQM) constructed at my direct participation. In 2001 at regional competition on the best work on problems of the savings of energy it is awarded with the diploma of the winner for work " Technical aspects of economy of the electric power with the help of the automated systems ". Except for it I have some publications in collections of scientific articles and in magazine " Savings of energy ". In 2001 has received the bachelor's degree with distinction on a speciality: " It is computer - integrated technologies and automation ".

Theme of the dissertation of the master: " Development and research of the automated system of the account of the electric power of the removed inputs of mine ". The choice of the given theme is caused by that the problem(task) of a rational current consumption is now very important as the share of power resources in the cost price of production of the large industrial enterprises at times reaches 25-40 %. Now I am engaged in the decision of this problem(task) not only theoretically, but also practically being the employee of firm " ELECON ".


For contacts:
tel.+380 62 305 85 24
E-mail: elecon@ukr.net

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