
Mining-Geolodgical Faculty
Construction of Mine and Underground Constructions

Subject of work:Improvement of the Organizational and Normative Documents in Conditions of Re-structuring of the Coal Industry of Ukraine

I was born on April 16 in city Donetsk of Donetsk area.
The educational career I began since seven years, from that time, when has gone to study in the first class of high school 52. It is one of oldest schools of. Donetsk, which in 1996 has noted 80 years from the date of the basis. There are perfect methodical base and remarkable teacher's cast. At school I studied in a physical and mathematical class, more than once occupied prize-winning places on regional Olympiads on chemistry and physics. But the interest by exact sciences did not prevent me to participate in various public measures. I was the member of a school team "KBH". Also I has published the stories and sketches in school " The Literary Almanac ", for what I was awarded third place in competition "The Test of pen ". By motives of my receipt in technical universityand choice of a speciality for me were those facts: that it is one of well-known university in east of Ukraine, and also that it is advice of my parents, which both have finished DPI and steel by the highly skilled mining engineers. There fore my interest to exact natural sciences and tradition in my family have made me in 1997 student of the first rate of mining-geological faculty, by the speciality I have chosen " Mine and underground construction ".
When I have studying in university on the basic speciality, I have decided to use an opportunity to get knowledge of economy, therefore I have acted to study as faculty of retraining and training for a new profession of the staff of our university on a speciality " Economy of the enterprise ".
During all my study at university I tried to receive (and I think, has received), versatile knowledge, participated in scientific conferences with the reports (for what I have the honourable letters), wrote clauses in the collections of student's scientific works. Thus managed to not miss the cheerful parties of student's life, as I am very communicatle.
The theme of mine work is connected to construction of mathematical model of closing of mines taking into account technical, organizational, economic forces. A task of work is the analysis of the received results on the constructed model in comparison with real, on the basis of which the recommendations for improvement of the normative documentation on re-structuring a coal industry will be given. Besides if the received model will describe authentically enough processes at closing mines, it will allow to spend the further researches in various directions in this sphere.
The basic motive of a choice of a theme became for me a urgency of a problem of re-structuring of a coal industry in Donbass. On necessity of such researches my attention pay to my scientific chief the doctor of engineering science the professor Shevcov N R , which also has offered to me a theme of final work. Besides the researches in this direction will allow to apply my engineering and economic knowledge.
In the future I shall continue to be engaged in the theme, besides the development of other mathematical models in the mining branch as a whole and in the mine construction in particular is of interest. There is my realization as expert to be continue in a design institute.

Last edit April 2002