Artyukh Sergey Vladimirovich.

Chandge of language (Выбор языка):


Artyukh S.V.

The student of faculty of Ecology and chemical technology
Chair " Applied ecology and protection of an environment "

The theme of scientific work:"Research of problems of ecological safety of quarters".

The scientific adviser: professor Krasnyansky M.E.

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I, Artyukh Sergey Vladimirovych, was born in the town of Khartsyzsk in Donetsk region. This significant for me event took place on November 6, 1981. I don't quite remember the first period of my life, I know about them only under the doubtful stories of the relatives; therefore it isn't necessary to tell about it. I entered secondary school in 1988, and there two of my main features at once have come to light: interest to biology and unreadable, on responses of the teachers, handwriting. It has not changed up to this day, and in many respects has determined my further destiny.

At school №2 of Khartsyzsk my interest to biology has resulted me to Olympiads on this subject. I participated in town Olympiads both on physics, and mathematics, and on other subjects, and showed, as a rule, good results, but on biology I was the town winner for three times and once - in the 9-th form - occupied the third place in regional Olympiad. The next year because of illness I could not take place on regional Olympiad, and in 11-th form my results were worse. But, I should mansion that completely unexpected for myself, I won town Olympiad on Ukrainian language and has occupied the third place in region and but it was all my achievement in this field. I have finished school with a gold medal, though because of handwriting it was more difficult, than I hoped. But it could not strongly touch me any more: By results of the tests I have already been the student of Donetsk National Technical university - DonNTU. (It was the Donetsk State Technical university - DSTU - then).

When thinking of continuing my education I hesitated between medical, technical and humanitarian university (in last two cases I thought about ecology as a speciality: it seems to me to be more appropriate to spirit of time). So, I have not changed my children's predilection for an animate nature up to this day. In my opinion, the protection of a nature is important business, especially in Donbass.

When I was the first-year student, I was wondered at extenuation of the control from the teachers, but it was necessary to work more equally, especial before the first midyear. By the way, it was unusual time, when I was glad to get even "4" points (as usual I always got only "5"); so, at my first midyear I got "4" on mathematics. Later I have got used: became the member of All-Ukrainian league of ecology, I passed almost all my further exams successfully, was engaged in scientific activity (scientific work on philosophy, to my grate surprise, has occupied the first place in competition of student's scientific works of our university; I think that a theme of this work - "The origin of a man" was at least more original then thoughts of other students about philosophies of Sokrat and Platon. Then I took the second place in All-Ukrainian Olympiad on ecology, which was held in DonNTU. The remarkable event for me was the trip to Lviv very beautiful and ancient Ukrainian city where I participated in Olympiad (result - the third place) and ecological conference. Generally speaking I like Olympiads more than conferences, because you have to deliver to grate number of people, try to make them to be interested, and everybody can ask something, that you are not ready for. It is the same that to pass examination without preparation. I hope it will be possible to visit some other plaices of Ukraine and not for one time though it will hardly turn out.

My scientific adviser professor Krasnyansky Michael Yephimovich offered me some themes of scientific work. I chose "The problems of ecology of dwelling" which I was interested in long ago. I think that this theme has a good future because it is investigated not well yet but no doubt that dwelling should provide man's mental and physical health. My nearest plans for future are to get master's degree and continue my research work.

It would be in place here to tell some words about my hobbies. First of all it is reading. I prefer to read fiction and certainly books about nature. Besides I am fond of intellectual games such as "What? Where? When?", "My own game" and others which are very popular in our country. I participate in city and region championships. And that is all about me. Good luck!