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Faculty of ecology and chemical technology

Chair of chemical technology of fuel

Gubanov S.




The theme of the master's work:

"Research of vacuum carbonaceous sulphurcleaning

and the ways of it improvement"

The Scientific supervisor: PhD Grebenyuc A.F.

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I was born on the 16 of november 1981 in Makeevka of Donetsk region. My mother - Gubanova T.A., 1950, she is a heart-beat doctor. My father - Gubanov A.S., 1950, employer of the mine "Chaykino".

I started going to school #14 on 1987. On 1992 the school got a status of Makeevskiy Lyceum. My favourite subject in the Lyceum were chemistry, physics, astronomy, English. My favourite teacher was teacher of chemistry Chernishova R.I. PhD of chemistry. With her help and my enthusiasm I participated in olympiads from chemistry, the result was getting a first place and honorary credentials.

My keening on chemistry defined entering the Donetsk State Technical University, where I was included on 1998 by the results of testing on the faculty of ecology and chemical technology on the spesiality of chemical technology of fuel and carbonical materials.

My achievements at the university connected again with chemistry. I participated in olympiads from organic and analytic chemistry and physical chemistry. On 2002 I hold a fifth place at the Ukrainian olympiad from processing of hard combustible mineral recources.

Because most of coke chemical plants become obsoleted, it needs modernization. As object of modernization I chose a shops of sulphurcleaning, because better recoverens of coke gas from hydrogen sulphide is necessary. It can be attained by providing a bigradate vacuum carbonaceous sulphurcleaning. The carried out process calculation showed the practical efficiency of the introduced method. During three years my scientific supervisor is engaging in this problem. He publicated many articles at the magazine "Coke and Chemistry" about this topic. At this direction also master of 2002 year Khodacovsky V. was working.

Future of my topic I see in providing bigradate vacuum carbonaceous sulphurcleaning on the coke chemical plants of Ukraine. It will let with less expenditure to increase an yield of final product - sulfuric acid and to reduce an effluents at the atmosphere.

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