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Faculty of Economics and Management

group IE 98à

Theme of Master's work:"Antidumping procedures, as a mechanism of protection of producer on the goods and services market"

The supervisor of Masters project: Yana V. Xomenko

I was born on July 26, 1981 in Makeyevka town, Donetsk region. When I was 3 years old my parents sent me to kindergarten. And as I was gregarious, affable, inquisitive child, after my 6th birthday parents decided that I was ready for school.

So in the year 1987 I enter a school. From 1st to 5th class I was studying in the secondary school No 14 in Makeyevka. In 1992 we moved and I had to change the school to the school of general specialization of I-III grade ¹ 37. But for me it didn’t become a problem. I got acclimatized very quickly in new accommodation, collective. I met new friend, favorite teachers. My class was with profound study of Mathematics. During my studying in school I participated in district and regional Olympiads of English and Russian languages, Geography, Math. I took an active part in out-of-class life of school, participated in KVN, competitions between classes, school concerts. In the year 1998 I graduated from school No 37 with honours.

After graduating from school a problem, where to continue my study, arise. But the specialty was defined at school. I definitely knew, that I want y future specialty to be connected with foreign language and foreign-economy activity. Science of law didn’t attract me and only languages are not enough as a specialty. So the only thing left, was to decide what institute of higher education to choose. Unfortunately I left the possibility to enter Moscow State Institute of Foreign Affairs and I entered Donetsk State Technical University (DonSTU), as I consider that DonSTU is the most serious University in Donetsk.

So in 1998 I entered DonSTU, the faculty of “Economics and Management”, specialty “Foreign economy activity of enterprise”. After the first year, having passed the English exam, I entered so called “Dutch Department” and from that day my specialty was called “International Economy”. Besides study of Economic disciplines, Mathematics I had a possibility to improve my knowledge of English (some of disciplines, including Math, were in English) and learn German.

In the year 2002 I obtained a distinction, I got a bachelor’s degree. Now the theme of my Masters work is “Antidumping procedures, as a mechanism of protection of producer on the goods and services market”, the supervisor of my Masters project is Yana V. Xomenko. The subject of “dumping” is very interesting and urgent, because especially nowadays accusation in dumping are being brought against Ukraine as a whole and Ukrainian enterprises. As far as I know, this theme has been rated at our department by nobody. So I will be the first.

I think that I am a polygonal person. Besides study I have a lot of hobbies: music, literature, sport, especially tennis… I like to travel a lot, to make acquaintance of new cultures, meet new people. The world is so big, there are so many wonderful places, which I would like to see by my own.

Planes for future… Now for me it is difficult to say, where exactly I will work or what I will be doing after graduating. But I can say exactly that I want to realize myself fully and become real business lady.