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Romanenko Vladimir
Master of faculty of economy and management
Donetsk national technikal university (DonNTU)
Group UA 98
The theme of master's work: "Perfection of the accounting of financial results."
The supervisor of studies: Belyaze L.P.

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My name is Romanenko Vladimir Anatolyevich. I was born on the 23-rd of October 1981 in the town of Komsomolsk Donetsk region. Some time later I went to the kindergarden. In a kindergarten, as well as all children, we spent time behind games.
Then I went to school. Most of my frends went to school N5, so I did the same. The teacher of Chemistry Andrusenko Lyudmila Nikolayevna became our class leader. We studied Chemistry with great interest. Of course we had a lot of other experienced teacher. Among them was Grukhovskaya Galina Nikolayevna - the teacher of Russian and others.
I started to be engaged in dances when to me was executed 13 years in our Palace of Culture. With the members of our dancing group we had concert in many towns and cities of our region. We travelled a lot especially during our holidays.
I like sport, so I took part in different school competitions. When I was in the 9-11 forms I whent to tourist competitions. There we lived in tents and got aquaitence with different situations that may happen with a man.

After passing school exams I entered the Donetsk National Technical University on the economic department. I lived in a hostel. And on my 2-nd year of studing I started to teach sport dances. But it proceeded not for long because of an inconvenient site a mug.
In university I choose specialty "The Account and Audit" because I always wanted to be a bookkeeper.
During the period of studying in university I participated in Accounting conferences.
Having passed graduation examinations in the summer 2002, I have been enter in magistracy. The supervisor of my master's theses is the Belyaze L.P. Accounting of financial results is very popular topic in the department of Accounting and Audit.
I hope that in the result of my research on this problem I will find new ways of improving financial results accounting methods.
In future I would like to find interesting and profitable job.

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