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Borisenko À.

Borisenko Aleksey

Cathedra of the Applied Mathematics and Informatics

speciality "Software of the Automatic Systems"

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Master's work theme:

Research of programs translation-time paralleling methods


Datsun Natalya

Was born on the April, 15th 1981 in the town of Kirovskoe in the Donetsk region.
Father: Borisenko Sergey Petrovich, was born in the city of Zheleznovodskoe in the Stavropol region, graduated from the State Agricultural Institute of Krasnodar on "Business accounting in an agriculture" speciality. From 18.10.86 till 19.12.86 took part in the aftermath of the Chernobyl Accident liquidation.
Mother: Borisenko Nadezhda Leonidovna, was born in the village of Archangelsk in the Mari-Turekskiy region, graduated from the State Agricultural Institute of Krasnodar on "Business accounting in an agriculture" speciality.
Since 1979 the parents have lived in the city of Kirovskoe.
I'm, like the most children, was going to the kinder-garden, where I was very sociable. Even in that age I was interested in technology. I liked to look on when my father repaired home appliances. I asked him, remembered answers and studied in this way. It was the main reason of my hobby. Guided by the sketches published in the "Sdelai sam", "Levsha", "Yunnyi tehnik" magazines, I've made many useful things.
In the 1988th I've entered to the Secondary School #2 of the Kirovskoe town. My marks were the best, I always tried to be the best pupil. My ability for exact science was noticed by mathematic teacher of mine. Here name is Lyudmila Aleksandrovna. Thank to her mathematics soon became my favorite lesson. I studied math extra with a teacher of the Secondary School #3 Shkolnyi Nikolay Vasilyevich. I took part in different competitions on math and physics and achieved some success.
Since 1991 till 1993 I was going in for judo. Since 1993 I took part in the "Skillful Hands" section, and took part in the competition.
Since 01.09.95 till 15.05.98 studied at the Open Mathematics College by the Donetsk State University and graduated from it with the best mark. At the times since 13.06.95 till 31.07.95, since 13.06.96 till 30.08.96, since 18.06.97 till 09.08.87 worked at the Mine Building Company of "Oktyabrugol". I've graduated from school in the 1998 with the gold medal.
In 1998 after I've finished the Engineer Reserve School of the State Holding Company "Oktyabrugol" course, I've passed an interview and entered the Donetsk State Technical University at the speciality of "Software of the Automatic Systems".

My choice was caused by my favorite school course and my interest to the informatics.
During my studying at the university I took part in the science conference with a report named "Data compression algorithms". Also took part in the holidays of the cathedra. Since 01.02.2001 till 31.05.2001 studied German language of the base level at the German Goethe Institute, situated at the cathedra of the Romanic-Germanic Philology of the Donetsk State University. In the 2002 I've received higher education and the diploma of a bachelor on Computer Sciences.
Having possibilities and wishes I've continued studying to get a master's degree. My interest to the translators and compilers is the main cause of my choice of my diploma work. I consider my teacher as a high-skilled specialist in this area.

On my mind this theme is needed because of growing popularity of the multi-processor systems.
There are some new developments at the . The most well known work in the arithmetic equations paralleling is “Compilation of Arithmetic Expressions for Parallel Computations” of J.L.Baer and D.P.Bovet In Russian it's "Ââåäåíèå â òåîðèþ àíàëèçà è ðàñïàðàëëåëèâàíèÿ ïðîãðàìì ÝÂÌ â ïðîöåññå òðàíñëÿöèè" of E.A. Trahtengerts.
I hope, that the results of my work will be used during the translators for the multi-processors systems optimization creating, or in development of the hardware with paralleling algorithms realized in it.
After I finish my master's work I hope to found a big organization with one or several large-scale commercial projects. These projects should be really necessary to people. Many programmers are to take part in these projects. Of course, I'm going to be the head of this organization and these projects.

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