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Khmelevoy Oleg's photo
Khmelevoy Oleg

Faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automatics
Telecommunication systems and networks
The theme of master's work is: "Research and development of methods spectral estimating signals, for the decision of tasks of telecommunication systems".
83000 Donetsk Artem str. 131ŕ, room 362
email: khmol@ukrtop.com

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         I was born on June 27, 1981 in village Jasnaya - Polyana of the Nikolaev area. In 1982 all my family has moved in village Zoryanoe of the Donetsk area. Now parents live in the same place.

About relatives.
         Mother: Khmelevaya Nina, 1956 of a birth. She is the teacher of elementary grades.
         Father: Khmelevoy Vladimir, 1951 of a birth. He is the engineer mechanic.
         Brother: Khmelevoy Sergey, 1979 of a birth. He has finished Donetsk State Technical University (DSTU) in 2001 and has received qualification of the master system engineering. Now he is continues training in postgraduate study of university.

         At school I was fond of mathematics, physics and chemistry. I also went in for sports much. In 1 – 4 classes I was engaged in music (played on spoons), and in the senior classes was fond of technical equipment – in the beginning a bicycle, then a moped, the automobile, and also was interested in electronics. Therefore the future trade chose from mechanics and electronics. The second variant was more perspective and brave, it was more difficult to pass examinations. But after my older brother has acted in DSTU on a computer speciality, the question has been solved.

         In 1998 I have finished a comprehensive school in Zoryanoe, and have received a gold medal. Then I have acted on rating tests in DSTU on a speciality «Telecommunication systems and networks » (faculty of the Computer Information Technologies and Automatic). During training at university I have proved to myself and my teachers, that the graduate of rural school is worse nothing than graduates of technical licea: has received the bachelor's degree with distinction. Repeatedly participated in university Olympiads, on 3-rd rate has won first place on metrology. Also I have finished military faculty DSTU and after the termination of university I shall receive a rank the lieutenant.

         The theme of master's work is research of opportunities of use of methods spectral estimating signals, for the decision of tasks of telecommunication systems. This direction is new enough and perspective, is especial at use of modern computer facilities, and will allow to create systems of technical diagnostics of the industrial equipment, working in real time and assessing serviceability of object with a high degree of reliability. I think, this direction in the future will widely develop, and my work will help somebody with realization of new development on the given subjects.

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