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Clipa T.V.
Russian (RUS) Ukrainian (UA)

master of the faculty of the economy and management
group EPM-99à

Master's thesis topic is - "Evoluation and managing of industrial enterprise's competitiveness"
The assistent - L.V.Tarasieva






I, Clipa Tatiana Vasilievna, was born on the 12-th of March in 1982 in maternity home (Vishnevskiy hospital). My mother - Moskvina Galina Petrovna, my father - Clipa Vasiliy Ivanovich and the famous professor Chaika Vladimir Kirilovich, Kirilovich took an active part in my birth. Since my childhood (to be more precise when I was 10 month) my mother gave me to the nursery. My first nursery was "Kalinka", and then I went to "Lastochka" at the age of five. At the same period of my life (from 5 till 7) I studied at the musical school "Malyshok" which was situated in Lenin Palace of Culture. I was taught singing and drawing there. I was active part in performances for children. I sang songs, danced and recited poems.

On the first of September in 1989 I went to providing general education school number 25, which was situated in Donetsk in Lenin district. I studied at the 1-st "A" form. My first teacher was Bityutskaya Alexandra Grigorievna. It was only she who had been teaching us for five years. During next 5 years there were more then 15 teachers in my school-life. But I'd like mentioned my last class teacher - Chirkova Lyudmila Anatolievna. She taught my classmates and me physics. As I see was the best teacher at school. She was kind sensitive and sympathetic woman. I also want to thank my teacher of Russian Razygraeva Lyubov Yurievna. She cultivated love to literature and poetry in me. At school I took an active part in competitions on Russian, Ukrainian, Algebra, Geometry, played basketball as well. But all finished! On the 25-th of May, 1999 I left school ¹ 25. And the broad way of the adult life was opened to me...

The choice of further education was a kind of problem. There was a wide range of different institutions, but I made the decision to enter the National Technical University, and this decision of course was influenced by my parents' opinion. Honestly speaking I attempted to study at the Faculty of Foreign - economic Activity, but my score was half a ball (0,5) less then the lowest passing score. I was suggested an absolutely new faculty - MARKETING. I agreed and don't regret in the least about it!!!

During there five years I have grown adult considerably and felt myself more serious and self - independent.

Studying at the University I didn't surpass all the others, but I had some articles in the University's yearbooks and, in distinction, my knowledge are well enough to translate them into life.

And this is the reason I've made up my mind to study, at Magistracy. My master's the sis's topic is "Evaluation and managing of industrial enterprise's competitiveness". I am carrying out the abovementioned work under the supervision of Tarasieva Lilia Vladimirovna, the candidate of Economic science, the teacher our sub - faculty. I consider the evaluation and managing of competitiveness to be the most important and complicated process among all marketing ones. That's why I will try to light up the peculiarities of this precisely marketing process and questions connected with it in my master's thesis.

After studying at Magistracy I'm not going to confirm the further post - graduate course, because I think I'm ready to start my labor activity. I'm interested more in realization of my own abilities and ideas and also in worthy payment of my physical, intellectual faculties. Who know, but possibly in the nearest future I will be a manager of the big enterprise. At least I will do my best to achieve it. I hope for your support in the future!