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Kolomijets Oksana Nikolaevna

The  master  of   Chair   of   management   and   economic   low

Faculty   of   Economy   and   Management

Theme of Master's work:"Human resourses management at the industrial enterprises"

Supervisor: Senior lecturer, PhD of economic Gylchencova V. Victoria

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   My biography

I was born on May, 3, 1982 in a town of Donetsk at remarkable people: Kolomiets Nikolai Leonidovich and Kolomiets Tatyana Lvovna. It is lucky for me to have parents by which it is possible to be proud of. And I need only to hope that in future I'll be as clever, elegant, stylish as my mother is and as professional, reliable, sociable, operative as my dad is and I will be able to educate my children with such patience, understanding and love with as they educated me. Mother and dad are both the specialists with high education. They're graduated from the Donetsk department of Kharkov railway academy.

̀ama walked up to the question of my education very seriously. The first results showed up already in nursery school. When after ending of matinee educator suggested to the children to tell some poem or sing a song on the choice, I told "Grey-eyed king" by A.Ahmatovoy (she is one of my favourite poetesses until nowadays). Already then I was forever captivated by the fairy-tale world of literature. Instead of lullabies a mother read me poems by Esenin, Paustovskii, Tsvetaeva... When I was ill, we re-read with her novels by G.Sand or the "Scarlet sails" by A.Grin. Every weekend my mother led me in a theater, circus, planetarium or in a cinema.

A school period was marked by beginning of marathon of societies and sections. I was always distinguished by the desire to learn as many interesting things as it was possible. All began from a callisthenics. Then there were ballroom dances, folk choir, theatrical studio. I was visiting theatrical studio more then 3 years. For this time I played a role of snow maiden a lot of times, conducted concerts in recreation centres and even on center square of Donetsk on Day of Miner. We rode to Kiev on a folk-lore festival as representatives of Donetsk region and conquered the prize of the Audience liking there). Also I finished musical school. I can play piano. I was making of soft toys, was going in for drawing. And finally in 17 years carried with fencing on foils. I have 1st category. A study was given me easily, I practically did not do lessons, as quickly I grab and memorize a new information. And to me seemed by much more interesting to spend time with friends, than to learn lessons all the time. Nevertheless, I finished school with the golden medal. During my studying I took part in district olympiads on different disciplines, and on history and to the economy even took prize seats.

The choice on DonNTU (Donetsk National Technical University) fell enough by a chance. I studied in shcool ¹70 in an economic class and in a 10-11 class the course of economy to us read associate professor of department of "Economy and marketing" Maslenko Julia Vladimirovna. She asked me somehow, where I was going to continue my education. I answered that I did not decide yet, and Julia Vladimirovna has said, that would recommend me DonNTU. I was advised with parents and decided, that in spite of the fact that I want to study an economy, it is better to do it in the walls of technical university. Our region is industrial and economists-theorists on production are not very needed. By the same arguments I used when i had choosed speciality the "Management of organizations".There I studied economic disciplines, but also technical (courses: Technique and technology of industries; Organization of maintenance, repair and exploitation of machines; Chemical and physical bases of production). Also this speciality interested me to those, that all base legal disciplines are studied here. The interest to the problem of human resources at first in a legal aspect, and afterwards in economic started for me from studying of course the "Labour right for Ukraine". That was the reason to choos themes of master's work "Human resources management on the enterprises of machine building".

The years of teaching in the university flew as one instant. Time was hammered in by studing on two specialities (2th my speciality is a "Accounting and audit"), by training, by intercourse with friends. Except for an obligatory study I took part in an interfaculty olympiad on Ukrainian and took the 1st place, participated in conferences on history, rode on tourist collections with the DonNTU command in Slavyanogorsk (2nd place).

In the nearest future my plans are to become a master of management and get the diploma of specialist on speciality the "Accounting and audit". I have lived in Kiev since 2003 and all my plans are connected with this city. I hope that in future I will be able to find well paid work which will allow to me to realize all my skills and capabilities.

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