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Alexander Khokhlov

Fizico-metallurgical faculty

Department "Treatment metals by pressure "

group MOD-99à

Theme of master's degree work : "Development of methods of estimation of power efficiency

formoizmeneniya in processes of treatment of metals by pressure "

Scientific leader : Kashaev V.M., candidate of engineering sciences , associate professor



    I, Alexander Khokhlov, was born on 21 June, 1982 in a town Makeevka.
    In 1988 went to study in secondary school ¹8. From a 1994 year studied general high school psihologo-pedagogical type at a class with a technical slope in Makeevka.
    During a study took active part in public life of high school, participated in olympiads on mathematics to physics, geography, biology. It was repeatedly rewarded by deeds for busy prize places in district olympiads on mathematics, physics, geography biology. Participated in regional olympiads. Participates actively in nauchno-prakticheskih conferences of technical department of high school. Conducted research works on ecology and mathematics, was a member Small academy of sciences of Ukraine. Came forward with lectures in regional competition-defence of research works of members of MAN Ukraine on to mathematics (Theme: "Application of theory of chances in the games") and ecology (Theme: "Ecological description of Makeevskogo metallurgical factory"), where took prize seats. Got authors svedetelstva after research works on mathematics, ecology narodoznavstvu.
    During 7 years got busy by the sporting swimming, took prize seats in regional competitions. I carry with a chess (there are rewards). I love dogs. Favourite breed of dogs - pitbulterer. My dog has a diplom, medals.
    In to a 1999 year finished high school with by a silver medal. In the same year entered Donetsk National Technical University on phisico-metallurgical faculty.
    In to a 2003 year got red diploma of bachelor on speciality the "Treatment of metals by pressure". Finished military department at DonNTU, got the rank of the second lieutenant of supply the mechanized troops of Ukraine. Now I study on master's degree.
    In to a 1999 year took 1th seat in competition of the student advanced studies the institute of higher on the section "History". In 2001 to the year took prize seats in an olympiad and Regional Olympiad the institute of higher institutes of the Donbasskogo region of higher on the applied mechanics. From a 4th course actively scientific-research work of student got busy and chose the future theme of master's degree works.
    Scientific leader - candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor Valery Kashaev.


Masters   DonNTU

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