Filobok Roman

Donetsk national technical university
Faculty CITA group PE 99

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I was born on June, 23, 1982 in the city of Donetsk in the former great and mighty USSR.

Speaking about the parents, necessary I think to mention only mum as existence us with father as a uniform cell of a society has ended somewhere after a year after my birth then contacts to it I do not support.

Mother, Filobok Margarita Ivanovna, 1942 of a birth, works as the doctor-radiologist in CCCH №6. Till now I can not understand, than all medical workers in our country, and in particular, doctors of this hard and dangerous trade, have deserved to themselves such inattentive attitude on the part of the state. At it it is a lot of friends which occurrence was promoted by such character traits as responsiveness and desire to help all familiar and native (frequently to itself in damage).

The childhood

The childhood always causes pleasant memoirs: it is a lot of friends in a court yard with which then the friendship began. Some then friends have remained friends till now, and, I hope, for ever. Together with them carried out days without a break, tirelessly inventing all new and new kinds of entertainments. Never there was a problem, than to be engaged during this or that moment - all have been planned up to the smallest details.

School days

Secondary education has received at physical and mathematical school 17 cities of Donetsk which was always glorified by old traditions in preparation of graduates with very serious knowledge in the field of physics and mathematics. Doubtless and conclusive "pluss" of the approach to training, in my opinion, was that efforts of teachers (in particular, Lysov Vladimir Ivanovich's mathematics - the national teacher of Ukraine) went not only on studying of fundamental laws, but also on development of mathematical thinking. Pupils were offered to search for non-standard decisions, to leave for frameworks of trivial application of formulas and to try to think, having added one more measurement. It is not necessary and speak, that the resulted methods were offered to be applied to tasks from entrance examinations of the Moscow State University, “Baumanka”, etc. It was not given out also day that Vladimir Ivanovich did not accompany with all this "exclusive" comments and comical histories, amusing cases from a real student's life, that the grateful graduates of the last years presented to it. From his lips it was possible to hear the freshest school news in the most unexpected (and, perhaps, with impatience expected) interpretations. So to us the love to the student's life even covered with secrets took root. The teacher of Russian and the literature Bolovina Olga Nikolaevna approached to us horizons of the world literature, thought out all exercises with a view of "liquidation of illiteracy" among the school population. It is thought, that many are now grateful to excessive severity seeming at that moment in estimations of our knowledge. Many cunnings of storing of complex rules are remembered and now. The statement associates with Olga Nikolaevna: "Formation is that remains at the person when it forgets rules ". I want to express gratitude to all teachers of school for that luggage of knowledge which we, undoubtedly, have brought to ourselves in an active.

To the hobbies accompanied me all described time, I can attribute the following: shooting from the pneumatic weapon (basically, rifles IZ 38s and pistols "Cornet"), employment of struggle which were visited by "all brotherhood", football (by a smaller part), basketball (on the greater), table tennis.

When the choice has appeared...

At a choice of the further place of training there were, actually, 3 choices: Donetsk medical university, Donetsk state technical university and institute of internal affairs. Concerning the first, at an available opportunity there was no desire (that terribly for all my undertakings doomed for failure, that is absence of desire to operate in this direction); the second - represented the certain interest; and the question of receipt in the third has disappeared after judgement of the purposes in a life. Also the choice for the benefit of DonSTU was affected with presence of friends and familiar, there already trained, military faculty and many additional trifles. The faculty of the CITA has been chosen not without taking into account advice of the senior comrades (see above), and distinction in specialities then (and now) did not play for me a determining role. So, after preparatory courses (on which we were studied by Kosolapov Jury Fedorovich), I have acted on first rate DonSTU (now DonNTU) faculty of the CITA, a speciality "Electronic systems".


Study appeared so dynamical and interesting, various and bright, that a raging stream has picked up us and has incurred towards to "approaching dangers". In this stream new true friends who, on my sensations, will stay those in the future have appeared. I am glad, that distribution on groups has passed thus. Sometimes you imagine, that with the stroke of the pen it is possible to spoil 5 next years. Training of friendship began in "field" conditions on joint trips on rest. As it sing in one of our student's songs: "us sees both Yalta, and Alma-Ata". But friends are shown not only in fun, they help to overcome difficulties in what I had an opportunity to make sure on own experience. After such once again you notice, that the world keeps on kind people.

Choice of a theme

I have chosen a theme of the scientific work itself, then, having consulted with senior lecturer Vinnichenko Nikolay Grigorevich (to the most tempered in sphere of system engineering of the control over the food-processing industry) which became my head, we were defined, which problems will be solved during development of this theme. She is formulated as "the Microprocessor monitoring system of temperature of confectionery weight" and developed in conditions of Joint-Stock Company "AVK".

Prospects on the future

Definitely to answer a question "So will be after ..." hardly now I shall undertake. Exists a little bit completely versatile approaches to construction of the further activity. The certain print was left with work in advertising agency. It is necessary to find an interesting problem such place which would allow to apply all received skills.


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