Donetsk National Technical University
Faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automatics
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         Kitaev Ildar Mnirovich

Group IE-99à

The theme of master's work: "The structure substantiation and disign of electronic
system on the account of thermal energy"

Chief: Amirov R.Z.

ICQ: 227066598

          I was born on August 2, 1982 in Makeevka, Donetsk region. My parents (Father – Êitaev Ìnir Nadirovich 1960 y.b. and mother – Êitaeva Ludmila Ivanovna 1960 y.b.) were students of the Kharkov institute of radio electronics in 1982. Up to the school I went to a kindergarden. In kindergarden I started to be interested in knowledge and I liked to consider books with the different pictures. That is why I have early learned to read.

          In 6 years old I have gone to the school ¹14. I was interested in the art literatures and I has read many books (there were more adventure books, because my favourite author was Jule Vern). Also I was fond of active kinds of sports: football, hockey, basketball, athletics. Few years I was ñollected stamps and badges. To the end of primary school I started to be interested in the precise sciences: physics, mathematics. Also I have started to be interested in the foreign languages.

          In 1993 school director exchanged. The school has found the status of liceum. Classes have divided on the preferences of pupils and it was necessary to choose a direction of the future studying: physical and mathematical or humanitarian. I have certainly chosen the first and became the pupil of physical and mathematical class of Makeevka city liceum.
           With a new director a level of training has also changed. Special requirements began to be showed to the teachers and to the pupils. Training became more interesting and deep. I became more disciplined, more responsible and inquisitive. I have took part in Olympiads but prize-winning places I did not occupy. I have actively took part in sports competitions. I have started to study English. In 1999 I finished liceum and I had deep knowledges in mathematics, phisics, computer science.

          I did not have special fears in causing entering to the University after the ending of liceum. I needed to choose University and a speciality. As to a speciality I have already knew that it in any case will touch electronics because all my childhood has been connected to this field of knowledge (indirectly certainly).
          At that time one of my friends already was a student of DonSTU (not yet DonNTU) and he positively responded about it. I have studied special release of the newspaper "Donetsk Polytechnic". Then I have decided, that I have to be student of this university. I strongly was interested in computer and electronic technics and I have chosen a speciality "Electronic systems" (Faculty of the Computer Information Technologies and Automatics). In result, in 1999 I successfully passed exams and acted to the University.

          Studing have been very interesting and fascinating but also more difficult. There were a lot of new friends in the University. During the studing I have took part in Olimpiads. In 2003 received the bachelor's degree and entered to the magistracy.

          Studing in magistracy was more unloaded (studing hours were decrease). But homework hadn't decrease. The most part of work fell to search and studying of materials be relative master's work.
           11-th semester have to be started after the last session and carrying out of summer vacations. It will begin in predegree practice. Then I will begin and actively to continue work above the dissertation.
          After protection the dissertation I am going to work on a speciality in the joint-stock company "Granit".
          I don't know what I'll do in the distant future but anyway I will not stay on a place.

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