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Andrey Vitsko - master of mechanical faculty DonNTU 2003-2005.Photo of 2004.

Master:  Andrey Vitsko

Faculty:  Mechanical

Speciality:  "Metal - cutters machine tools and systems"
Theme of the masters work:   "Development of a design of a cutter with the extended technological opportunities for turning machine tools"
The chief:  Peter Matuha

E - mail:

The biography

Two native cities (1981-1998)

My family


My prospects

The city of black snow (Autumn 1998 - Spring 1999)

My revival (Summer 1999-2003)

The ending (Spring - Summer 2003)

Continuation (Autumn 2003-...)

Two native cities

   I was born on August 30, 1981 in Pervomaysk of the Lugansk region. The childhood has passed in city Pjpasnay.

My family

   My parents - experts of applied mathematics (The Kharkov State University the faculty of the Mechanics and Mathematics).
   My daddy - Viktor Vitsko - senior inspector - analyst of the Donetsk railway. He is a good-natured man. Viktor is a fan of science fiction, therefore in the beginning of my life I listened to interpretation of Bradbury and Azimoff instead of fairy tales.
   My mum - Elena Vitsko - teacher of the mathematics of the school №27. She loves me very much. I am obliged to her by my life.
   My sister - Margarita Vitsko - student of chemical faculty of Donetsk National University. I love and preserve her.


   The process of education began for me since 1986. I do not remember of the first teachers and schools, in which I studied. My memory keeps only numbers of these schools - 25,20,24. In that time in mine technical and arts education the mum was engaged. She has forced me to take a violin in hands . At musical school (with 1987 on 1994) I played a piano too.

   The science fiction has affected my enthusiasmes. I was very like Astronomy. In 1997 I studied at school №21. Here I systematized the knowledge of MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS and CHEMISTRY. I have been under strong influence of the teachers - Nina Kramorenko (PHYSICS) and Olga Bohanova (CHEMISTRY).

My prospects

   I loved very much to design telescopic systems. I decided many production problems. I liked the process of creation of systems of telescopes, therefore I had the base for education of the engineer.
   In 1998 I have passed exam (55 of 60) on MATHEMATICS and was enlisted by the student of Mechanical faculty of Donetsk State Technical University on a speciality Technology.

The city of black snow

   Donetsk has met me by black snow, gloomy people and heavy realities of life.
   I did not like training here . The fundamental teaching of MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY was replaced with their surface.

My revival

   With 1999 on 2003 I trained in experimental group (German Technical Faculty), the curator - Aleksandr Derkach , speciality - Mechatronika. Here there were free-thinking and creative approach to business - qualities which any engineer should have.

The ending

   In 2003 I have protected the diploma of the engineer.The theme of the diploma - Adaptive systems of machine tools of turning group. The chief - Igor Gorobez .


   After ending of the university I began my labour activity as master on "ДонецкГорМаш".
   Now I work and continue to study. Magistracy it is the next stage for reception of the moral right to have a rank of the engineer.

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