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UKRANIAN  RUSSIAN Krasovskiy Stanislav2005ã
Krasovskiy Stanislav

Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU)
Faculty: " Electrotechnical (ETF)
Speciality: Electrical stations (ES)
Theme of work:
Methods of increase of accuracy of measuring transformers of a current
Supervisor: Grebchenko Nikolay Vasilevich

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        I was born on May, 28, 1983 in the city of Kharkov.
      The father - Krasovsky Jury Jurevich on a nationality ukrainian, by formation the aviation engineer, year of a birth 1962.
      Mum - Krasovskaja Natalia Vladimirovna on a nationality ukrainian by formation the aviation engineer, year of a birth 1962.
      The brother - Krasovsky Oleg Jurevich, pupil school ¹ 2 of Schaste city, year of a birth 1988.

      01.09.1988 years of Gorlovka of Donetsk area in which has gone to a comprehensive school school ¹ 54 Studied up to 6 classes. Then has passed school ¹ 54 of Schaste city in where has ended 11 class.

     In the spring of 1999, still the pupil of 11-th class has taken part in rating tests on the physicist among entrants of Donetsk State Technical University (now Donetsk National Technical University), on a speciality "Power plants". The typed points was enough for reception of the recommendation to transfer in university without delivery of entrance examinations. 19.06.1999 has ended 11-th class of a comprehensive school ¹ 46 also has submitted documents to selection committee DonNTU.

      Motives of receipt in DonNTU were: desire to receive the maximum technical education at university which it is recognized not only in Ukraine but also in the Europe; experts which have ended a speciality "Power plants" DonNTU, at the enterprises of branch are considered as the best. In the first year of training the university has amazed me with scale, the developed infrastructure, riches of traditions. The system of training, the approach of teachers to students, and the main thing a wide choice intellectual and sports has liked.

      From 08.07.2001 till during passage of an industrial practice worked on Lugansk TES in a post of the electrical engineer. 08.03.2002 till 25.08.2002 was in the academic holiday. During this period worked on Lugansk TES in a post of the operator of the boiler equipment. From 1.09.2001 It was restored on 3 rate of electrotechnical faculty. Since this time of the beginnings actively to be engaged in research work. I have some published clauses. On faculty " Power plant " and " Electric systems " in educational process 2 laboratory stands of my development are introduced. Participated in Olympiad on Saving of energy. Now I study in magistracy DonNTU. Actively I am engaged in researches Connected with mine magisters work. Also I work at the enterprise DonORGRES on a post of the engineer in group of relay protection.

      After the termination of university I shall continue the work in DonORGRES. Also I plan receipt in postgraduate study. In current of 5 years I wish to receive wide experience of work and to become the highly skilled expert.