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Боровлев Артем Сергеевич

Borovlev Artem Sergeevich

Magister work theme: Automated design of the Moora FSM in FPGA with objects' codes transformation

Supervisor: d.t.s. Barkalov A. A.

     I, Borovlev Artem, was born on February, 10th, 1983 in a Donetsk in hospital 3. How was I born, I can not tell anything – I do not remember. Further – all as at people. Went in kindergarten (in sense me there violently drove – horror as it was not pleasant) , in parallel with it very much in an important issue was engaged in various mugs and sections (that in figure skating in SP "Druzhba" was engaged while a skating rink have not ceased to fill, with track and field athletics, national dances, etc.). In 6 years I have gone to musical school and, been occupied there 8 years (!), successfully finished it. So I am able to play on a piano and a guitar a little :).

     In 1990 has gone to school 9. At school to study it was not so fascinating, I shall tell even worse – boringly. The class was not so amicable, divided on quantity of "cash" in a pocket :). The most favourite lesson was computer science (I have started to study programming from ten so I had not to do lessons almost :).

     Well, in general, I have left school with distinction though and without a gold medal, and has decided to enter the institute. But not simple somewhere and that have to be interesting and useful. And I have wanted to become the programmer (that more abruptly Gates's Bill to become, probably). I have gone to our darling university, Donetsk national now. Has looked what there are faculties, specialities. The choice was big, but, having consulted with friends, I have stopped on favourite by all us native faculty FVTI! Has chosen a speciality and has gone to prepare for entrance examinations (all process of a choice of the future speciality occured while I went to school in 11 class). I acted on ratings. The first rating I have written not bad (was somewhere in the beginning of the list, I do not remember already where), after the second rating I have cast away back, that I could get without ceremony on full payment that I very much would not like. And I have solved to have handed over 3rd rating even more abruptly the first! Has got on 7 place in the list and has passed on the budget. Pleasures was – to not transfer.

     So my student's life has begun. Our group was simply remarkable. And not only group, and all stream! In general it was cheerful very much. With group we left on the nature on shish kebabs (in Slavyanogorsk, in Kakhovka), and simple gathered.

     The first course, in my opinion, was heaviest year in my training. All somehow unusual, terrible. Examinations, session. At school such never was. Terrible. Horrible subjects on the first rate are were physics and mathematics. VERY heavy (though there can be someone and liked). Till now me distorts, when I recollect tortures before examinations in these subjects.

     On the second course I have passed in English group to study English. We studied with foreigners – children cheerful, but lazy (except for the several person). I studied, studied and have gone to work – to earn experience. I have gone to work as the system administrator/programmer in cafe "Shato". It was required quickly to learn 1С, its built in language, etc. To work it was interesting – new acquaintances, experience of dialogue with people well simply super.

     Further to work it became heavier. The enterprise began to develop, frequent business trips, all the May long and the floor of June has vegetated in Berdyansk, adjusting cafe. Well in general in cafe I have worked about 2,5 years. In the middle of autumn of 2004 to me work in the newspaper "Donetskie Novosti" has turned up. Without thinking twice, I have escaped there. Work is much quieter also experience absolutely other, "newspaper". There now I work.

     Finally, we've reached most interesting place of my autobiography - 5th year of education and my magister work's theme! So, hte theme of my magister work is — "Automated design of the Moora FSM in FPGA with objects' codes transformation". The supervisor of my work is professor of our university — Barkalov A. A. The object of my scientistific work is optimization of the microprogram units of Moora with objects' codes transformation, and "automation" — developing of the program, wich automatically makes the synthesys of such units. The program in it's own is component (i.e. module) for more powerfull software, which is developed by some peoples.

Conserning the plans for the future... I do not know. In our life it is very difficult to plan something. Of course, I would like to continue my studies, choosing another education. It may be economics or something connected with financies. Also, I would like to get an MSCE certificate. So we will see how it will be like.