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Research algoritms of compression information and choice the optimal from them for archiving data in environment system of automation laying-out rolled metal in UBM

All about compression

This is a collection of materials, concerning data compression. This server contains extracts from the book "Methods of data compression" (released in 2002), over 1030 articles on data compression & source codes of more then 50 compressors.

Maxim Zaharov Page

This site contains articles on compression, source codes of compressors, links to other similar resources. There are described the most popular algorithms of compression of text & executable files.

General algorithms of compression and coding

Description of most common methods of text & executables compression.

Modeling for Text Compression

Review of basic compression algorithms. A translation of an article from ACM Computing Surveys, Vol.21, No.4, pp.557-591, Dec. 1989. The review is solid but a little bit out-of-date.

Compression by transfer of the information

Articles "Compression in data transfer" by Semenyuk V.V. Here are reviev basic communication protocols & standarts, using data compression algorithms while transferring data: modem protocol MNP, standart V.24 bis, Compression Control Protocol (CCP), ways of package header information compression. Countains a short reviev of ADPCM methods.

Telecommunication technologies

Site materials are based upon books: "Internet protocol & resources", "Internet Networks. Architecture & protocols", "Internet protocols. Encyclopedia" & use contains descriptions of basic compression algorithms & use of compression in network protocols.

Semenov Y.A. "Telecommunication technologies"

Manual "Telecommunicational technologies" by Semenov Yu.A. Contains description of data compression methods, used both in saving & transferring data.

Personal page of magister Boykov V.A.

DonNTU master Boykov V.A.'s personal site. Dissertation theme: "Development of modified LZS algorithms for on-line compressor, followed by realization of this device's IP-Core in HDL Verilog language & placement on FPGA chip."

Introduction to Data Compression

Slides of lectures (in english), featuring a guiz with key. Themes: Huffman codes, Golomb codes, Tunstall codes, arithmetical encoding, LZW, LZ77, context modelling, BWT, JPEG 2000, SPIHT, video encoding, etc.

To the developers plugins and utilities for Total Commander

Information for TC plugins & utilities developers.Contains guides to writing lister-plugins,file system plugins & archive plugins.