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group ÑÏ-00m


the theme of my master's work:

"System organization of portal of cartographic information"

my supervisor: Anoprienko Aleksandr Yakovlevich


I was born in industrial town Donetsk, in the warm and sunnny day of summer, and more precisely on 31th July of 1983.
I appeared in already taking place family father
Alexander Vasiliyevivh, physicist; mother Larisa Ivanovna, mathematician and brother Andrey.
Since my mother’s maternity leave ended :) in 1985th they gave me in preschool, where I became acquainted with new friends. From the most pleasant flashbacks are certainly arrival of parents after me! It was terribly disliked to sleep in the day-time in a kindergarten, about what I reminisce with envy now.
Because parents worked in state (and at that time only were such kind) institution, so every summer they obtained tours on a sea, in the forest or in a camp. And after that necessarily to the grandmother, where were so many grandchildren, that missing was not necessary.
Because a dad carried with physical preparation (not only for himself, for that enormous thanks to him!), sometimes got up early and hurried on the run, or at home became on gyms, he even purchased me little dumbbells, for 0.5 kg each..and I increased hardly something, looking like muscles. :) In winter time we often skied on local waste banks, and I certainly had the littlest skis. In warm time we went in forest on shashlicks. Generally, I was «tortured» by many things… they poured me in cold water in winter, and led me on mountains by Sochi, and they took me in hikes. Yes, my childhood was very saturated and merry.
But as though it is good was in careless childhood, came time to get knowledges!

School years
So on 1th September
of 1989th I went to school, in a first grade. I don’t remember the special affection for one or another subject, all was new, all was interesting. Only after 7th grade I noticed interest to exact sciences, even this was impossible to name “interest”, I simply turned out to decide tasks and examples, and when it turns out, it is always desirable to do. But it doesn’t mean that I didn’t learn the other subjects, I perfectly remember that at nights I read books (mainly Ukrainian literature) and learned biology and other lessons.
So as any child doing well, I was brought over to the advanced studies, competitions, olympiads, etc.
My class was friendly and merry, this was so due to a class leader, Ghdanova Kira Nickolaevna, who tried to collect us out of school walls. Journeys to the forest, hikes in the local landings, journeys to Lvov, to Sevastopol, circus, cinema, theater. All of it only drew us together and, certainly, left a lot of pleasant flashbacks.
Already in a 10th grade I began to think about the choice of educational establishment. Simply, the choice was between the Donetsk national university and Donetsk national technical university. From all the faculties the faculty of the computing engineering of exactly the Donetsk national technical university was chosen on domestic advice. And about this choice I do not spare, in fact the specialists of this specialty are claimed at «our market».
Finishing school fine, in 2000th I’ve acted on FVTY on specialty «system programming». So I became the student of group named SP

brightest and stormy impressions remained from the first course. Yes, it was not easy… but everybody has to pass through this «school of life».
Study flowed smoothly enough, interesting subjects were alternated with very and not very much interesting. So four years passed unnoticed. For this period I had time to know a great deal and to learn a lot of things, and also have understood that more new and interesting remained unovercame.
In 2004 I’ve graduated bachelory and entered magistracy, where I study presently. The theme of my master's work is "System organization of portal of cartographic information". My supervisor – senior lecturer, candidate of technical sciences, Anoprienko Alexander Yakovlevich. Within the framework of master's work research work was conducted, the purpose of which was the accordance of cartographic information for the users of mobile phones. Because of swift development of mobile technology, additional possibilities for the users of mobile devices also develop. One of such possibilities is an access to the Internet through a WAP-portal. It is necessary to develop WAP-portal for user with the accordance of map, on which it is possible to be easier to orient. On the way of decision of this task stood row of problems which it was necessary to decide in the process of creation of the portal. This work is very interesting and actual, because development of the mobile internet and accordance of services over the Internet, and in particular
cartographic information, it is something new and attractive, foremost, for the users of mobile telephones.
In master's degree work this theme will be unfolded and new scientific researches will be added.

Plans on the future
will not expose everything of my „Napoleon” plans on the future (apparently I’m a little superstitious). But broadly speaking it is possible to dream up. :)
The first years, after ending of university, will be devoted, foremost, to work. It is necessary to settle down on serious work, to try myself in various directions, to choose pleasing. I am ready to work hardly, persistently and selflessly on condition that this will be noticed it and will be estimated.
And in 5 years, work will step back already on the second plan, in fact there will be children and lovely husband on the first plan.