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Language:   ukrainian   russian
Nichvolodov B.A

Nichvolodov Boris Aleksandrovich
Group PO-00b

Magister work theme: Research of quality of the single-channel signature analyzer
Boss: prof. Barashko Anatoly Sergeevich

The childhood

        I, Nichvolodov Boris Aleksandrovich, was born on January, 3, 1983 in the city of Donetsk in family of engineers. Mum, Nichvolodova Lyudmila Valentinovna of 1959 of a birth worked ingeneer in a project institute. Father, Nichvolodov Alexander Petrovich, worked as the engineer in institute DonetskTeploProekt. In 2 years the brother, Nichvolodov Anatoly Aleksandrovich was born.
        To 2 years i went in kindergarten. In 2 years has passed to another kindergarten in which the sister of my grandmother worked.

School days

        In 7 years I went to school ¹124 in which I studied 1-8 classes. Of a computer started to be fond in elementary grades, but has mastered them then very superficially as sat at it seldom (approximately hour per week), and in a computer class at school there were computers POISK2, on which except for a simulator of the keyboard we (i.e. schoolboys) almost and did not use anything. In 3-5 classes visited an airmodelling circle, but then the teacher has left for Russia. Then, in 6-7 class was engaged in basketball, had there 2 category. In 8 class has gone on a computer circle to a palace of pioneers where studied language PASCAL. Computers on a mug were i386. Worked in TURBO PASCAL 7 environment. The rate has been designed for 3 years, but, unfortunately, one year later the teacher has passed for other work and the rest of language studied independently. As I started with language PASCAL it and is at me the priority programming language (now basically all programs I write in Delphi environment).
        9-11 classes I studied in Donetsk Technical College. My favorite subjects were computer science (but almost that to us told all I knew before) and chemistry. After pairs sometimes came in laboratory in chemistry and carried out different experiences (whenever possible more effectively). In college has received a driving licence though the machine till now I have no.


        Has then arrived in Donetsk national technical university (then still DonGTU) on faculty VTI on a speciality PO (software). On the given speciality planned to act in 10-th class. Has arrived on ratings on the target contract. Such variant of me arranged and consequently on interview has not gone any more.
        On a vacation after the second rate tried to work in area the Internet of programming. Developed a site under web-server Zope. I liked opportunities of this web-server and language Python used there, but project heads have not got on with the heads and the project have covered. Also participated in Olympiads on programming and has received a pair of diplomas.

Plans for the future

        My priority direction is computer graphics. Since the childhood I loved computer games, beautiful demonstration programs and itself wanted to write something beautiful. As I like three-dimensional modelling, but I have mastered it superficially (I like more to program).
        I planned to write magister work on computer graphics, but on coincidence of circumstances I write work under the name "Research of quality of the single-channel signature analyzer".
        After the ending of institute I plan to work in the field of computer graphics or in the field of computer games.

biography    dissertation    electronic library    links on a theme    report on search    individual task