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Panchenko O. G.

Panchenko Olga Gennadievna, 1983
Faculty:computer facilities
Speciality: The software of the automated systems
Theme of my dissertation:
"Estimation of efficiency of parallel single-step numerical methods
of the decision of problem Koshi for the ODE"

Leader: Feldman L.P.

E-mail po@donapex.net

master's work



report of search


personal task


All began with meeting of my parents in glorious city Donetsk. Soon after that they married and I was born at 14th of October in 1983. I don't remember exactly my first impressions, but mother says that first several days I was quiet and calm child. Afterwards all changed... My mother prepared to pass her exams so that in two month I was with my loved grandmothers and grandfathers. They allowed me to do everything. For this reason I've damaged old-time watch, about twenty eggs and very much sugar and flour, but my especial passion became books. We had them so many that it was possible to build castles. When I was 3 years old I went to kindergarten. I didn't like it. All it was necessary and nothing it was possible. We had to eat everything, had to sleep at the dinner, we couldn't go home any time... So every morning was with tears. But due to my loved grandmothers and grandfathers it finished!

In 1990 I went to the first class. I thought, that it could be a beginning of interesting life, but after first week I didn't want to learn. By this time I could read and didn't want more. After first year I had only "C". My grandmother said that it was not bad for me and this was shocked me. At the end of third class I had only "A". I found many good friends with time. At the same moment my mother has worked as a teatcher, traveled very much and taken my sister and me. I've seen Kiev, Sevastopol, Lvov, Yaremcha and other beautiful cities. It was spring when we were in Sevastopol so that I like this small city more than other.

I like math all time, so my mother offered me to enter the liceum "Intellect". After some efforts I became a pupil of mathematician-informatician class. First lesson was English. We had more difficult program than other so I had to learn it hard. But we had another occupations too. Liceum's life was tempestuous. We went to forest, made some holidays and concerts. Every winter our teatchers have organized "shedrivki". We learnt roles, dressed our costumes and went playing and singing. That was interesting very much. In liceum I saw and was able to work with real computer first time. Practically every evening I stayed in computer class before 6 hours, and got home at 8. I had only 2-3 hours for my lessons. Now I don't know, how I've been able to hold such mad rhythm. One of the first programs was the calculator, it has been written with friend on Delphi. It was really fantastic for me! By the beginning of the eleventh form it has got up the question about future. I was learning in infromation class, so I decided to pass exams for speciality "Software". The math wasn't difficult for me, but informatics with diagram has been given not easily. In the end I could take necessary rating and entered at university. I passed school exams without problems. Due to preparation for exams I have been able to pass the additional exam without problems and got the certificate of the operator PC.

In 2000 I became a first year student of DSTU. I remember my first impressions about group: so many new names! Can I remember all them? With the start of education I began to write articles to the student's newspaper, but soon I had to leave this occupation because time wasn't enough... At the end of the 1st course I have been enrolled in special group. It was ended on the 4th course by getting the certificate. Crime's traveling marked the second course. It was wonderful. I've got many impressions and positive emotions. At the end of the 4th course I've pass main exam and I’ve received the red bachelor's degree, this has defined my further education in magistracy. Now I'm learning on the 5th course and working in "Hercules" company. I'm writing forms using HTML and VBScript. When I came there first time, I thought that I didn't know anything... But later I've read something and consulted with its functioning absolutely. Books often helped me in critical situation. One of the loved authors is Richard Bah. I like his expression: "Break the chain, constraining your thought, and you will break the chain, which is numbed your body..."
Theme of my dissertation is "Estimation of efficiency of parallel single-step numerical methods of the decision of problem Koshi for the ODE".
Leader: Feldman L.P.

In the future I want to finish university, will nestle in life, else more hear, see, understand. Although I want to save such good relationships with my own friends, who've helped me in my life.