
Zaharov Sergey Sergeevich, e-mail


Computer facilities and computer science


 Applied mathematics and computer science

 speciality, group

The software of the automated systems, PO-00b

 Topic name

 Modeling of a terrestrial surface


Bashkov Evgeniy Alexandrovich



Отчет о поиске


I was born on coast Kalmius in hot, according to the parents, day of July 17, 1983. The father mine, Zaharov Sergey Alexandrovich, in the past the engineer, and nowadays businessman, mother – Zaharova Reonata Boleslavovna – medical worker, have awarded me with a perfect set of genes and personal qualities – diligence, by patience etc. have brought up in spirit of independence and purposefulness. I hope, it was possible to them me so to bring up. Childhood I remember vaguely, it was marked by often moving both constant change kindergarten and familiar. Then, the years to three have some steady and most part of time lived in the private house with the grandmother and grandfather. And also mum, daddy, and heap other fine economic animal. Since early years due to the parents took a great interest in sports (with 4х of years age was engaged in figured driving of years seven, then there was everything, that the soul needs – dances, navigation, tennis, struggle etc.) The daddy has imparted mine, in youth the passionate tourist, this love and me – therefore frequently with the parents left with tents on area. And till now I consider as the best rest to charge shoulders rucksack and to set off to little-used woods and mountains. And in general with the parents, I think, me was lucky! I can tell many warm words in their address, but perhaps ограничусь to one large THANKS!

The preschool years, as I already spoke, have passed roughly, in kindergarten I was in many, but anywhere long did not linger over. And then has gone in school № 5, where study at near 8 years of the my life. It was not necessary to miss – usual everyday lives were replaced by holidays, cheerful party, football, by the first enthusiasmes and first love … Participated in Olympiads (and even successfully), but the soul required greater and gradually of beginnings to reflect – and what further. Therefore in 9th a class I have entered in Donetsk (earlier technical, and now it is simple) College. The best memoirs – magnificent teaching structure, remarkable and amicable class are connected to this place at me. Mine there have passed three, probably, most interesting school year. There to me have imparted love to a science, and in the same time I for the first time and have become interested in computers, as has defined my further life. To tell in detail about this time it is possible indefinitely, but I shall tell only, as to this day I with pleasure see the former teachers and classmates and we are still amicable.

For college I have continued training in DonNTU. I have arrived without the special problems, with a choice of a speciality too special questions were not – in the eighth class, when at us at home the computer has appeared, I have got to it some passion and abilities. The school rate of computer science always seem to me little bit boring and always it was curious as it is arranged and as works. The experiences on token down it by a screw-driver have begun (the daddy) does not see yet, analysis of the unpretentious programs and it is a lot of that another, about what it is possible and to not recollect. Therefore in summer of 2000 I have become the student of faculty of applied mathematics and computer science (with faculty I was defined at once - keyboard to me has seemed closer to soul, than паяльник, but here with a speciality there were problems – thought to go on EC – but Teplinsky Sergey Vasilievich me in it has dissuaded – for what to it(him) a thank – never has regretted about a choice ON) in mine and nowadays hotly favourite university. If the children's years at me were higgledy-piggledy, per student's years the life simply beat by a key (truth, as is spoken, nut and on a head, sometimes). To miss at this time it was not necessary – at first simply first rate and weight of impressions, then has engaged in such original kind of sports, as shooting from an bow in club « Gold arrow », based on the basis of an arena DonNTU. Rather quickly has achieved successes and has become the member of modular area on shooting. Now I continue to be engaged in shooting and I hope in soon of time to become the foreman of sports. From the second rate has gone to work in Computer Center DonNTU. It has become good start in my further career. And though already there I do not work, but memoirs on it best! A thank to this collective! Hi Ludmila Lvovna!

Four years of study on the bachelor have flown by as imperceptibly (if to look back since 2005), there were many interesting days and many boring lectures, good set of truancies and some remarks, but nevertheless I think for kilos a mark my personal business has not left. Then has come bachelor examination – week complete prostration and switching-off from a reality and.. All behind. I the bachelor with the red diploma and lust to become doctor of philosophic. During study I have taken a great interest in databases and computer networks. To this also has devoted the further career, but parallel . it was necessary to be engaged in questions of administration of networks and systems, and a theme of the diploma in general has chosen in sphere the computer diagrams – to expand an outlook and simply because interestingly. The choice of a theme I has tried in detail to state in the auto abstract. It is possible to tell about study in магистратуре not so and much – I many times thought what for here has gone, but in general has appeared that in magistrature read (at last)! It is a lot of useful subjects! So there is a hope for the successful ending it and my further perfection.

About the plans for the future to speak rather difficultly - there are some good variants but that to think – of all will be it be visible be further! For present day there are interesting offers on work from the several large companies and I think it will be good start of career. In the sports plan I think within one year to become the foreman of sports, as was already spoken, and to continue traning on shooting. I hope, that the work will not be strong to prevent sports. Well and, certainly, there is a large dream of life – travel the world. This program on all life!