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Shmorgun Evgeniy Igorevich

Master's thesis topic:

  Object simulation of spatial objects




  "Geoinformatics and Geodesy"


  "Engineering geodesy"

Donetsk, January 3, 1983. Early winter twilights. An explicit sky, densely óñûïàííîå by stars. The new Year already has passed. At the front Christmas... I, certainly, it all did not see yet and did not know, but, I think, just due to date of the birth winter — my the most liked season. Well, after one summer(years), naturally...

It is difficult to describe those "far" years, but I will try out. Children's yard and all that with it is connected I poorly I remember, is apparent because the brightest memories of that period were a vacation for the grandmother with the grandfather in a village Krasny Oskol in the Kharkov region. There all was imbued by a history and mystery: ancient a fortress, ïîñòîðåííàÿ still at Boris Godunov, secret underground course in a stability, where Russian are buried knifes and shields, huge tercentery a pine served with a reference point for the soldiers in a fortress... In my opinion, there I was learned read the grandmother has presented me the book " Children of the captain of the Grant ", and this the book I remember already read. I remember the game in "war" — is now remarkable that, before appearance of any terminators and robocops, our protagonists were marshal Zhukov, Shtirlizch , Richard Zorge,Nikolay Kuznetsov, and we "wared" mainly "under Stalingrad ". Now I ask myself, whence children could know these names — and I do not find the answer. .

At school ¹ 96 studied well, received any creditable letters. Were stored of the teacher of mathematics: Efremenko Alla Andreevna and young, only come after university in ours 11 classes, Paniotov Vladimir Vladimirovich, with which one we also have made friends. The dagging by mathematics has played the role by entering then still Donetsk state technical university on a rating in the spring, in the summer has departed to pass examinations on mathematical faculty of Donetsk National university. Rather unexpectedly and for myself I have entred, however as I have decided all to remain in DonNTU and itself, honestly to say, I do not know. On mathematical faculty it was necessary two weeks to fulfil, here of improvement to me have substituted collaboration with the university newspaper " Donetsk Polytechnic "... Has taken a great interest.

Summer vacations after the eighth class... The absolutely new synthesizer "KORG" was completely unexpectedly detected, which one and has become a causing to creation of group " Hot snow ". The Liverpool four seem to me and three my friends so close and understandable, that in their honour we almost two (!) The weeks recorded "Yesterday" on the large studio tape unit "Oreanda". The majority of man's vocal consignments of group belonged to to me, but sometimes I took also bass-guitar. Style of group to define difficultly (I has invented the title "intellecto-disco") are there were ideas young and vigorous A-HA, it is terrible popular Tomas Anders and Diter Bolen from "Modern Talking", almost of unknowns to us ABBA (we were admired "The winner takes it all") and romantic Joe Dassin. At present all participants of group are terribly held, and " Hot snow ", if so it is possible to be expressed to lie in state of lethargic dream, expecting inspiration and new idea somebody from us.

It is difficult to say, that my concerns are original. The musical favours are clear is disco-music, Joe Dassin, French shansonie— Sharle Aznavuor (him of "Une vie d'amour" — whom a not surpassed masterpiece!), Salvatore Adamo. My liked writer — Valentin Picul; is solidly sure, that the books of this remarkable writer will learn histories and patriotism for the state and people much better, than any tutorial on a history. If Ukraine has received such governor (if want, president) as Grigoriy Alexandrovich Potyomkin, problems in ours, undoubtedly worthy, state would be smaller. Also history of the Second world(global) war is interesting to me: the commanders, scouts, battle. My liked film — most famous serial USSR "Seventeen instants of spring"; I remember, what exactly the scene of speculation Shtirlits, decomposing matchs on desktop, in a cellar for Muller has rendered on me irresistable effect. Just after it I have found to mathematician well as science and was took by it seriosly.

About reception in DonNTU I do not feel sorry at all. A geodesy — native the sister of geometry (if so as early as one nobody expressed, I abandon this brand behind myself) and consequently the problems with her were not. With pleasure has opened for itself earlier field of knowledge, not known for me, — programming under the remarkable lectures of Nickolai Nickolaevich Grischenkov about Turbo-Pascal. It has given me a jerk — begun to use then Delphi, Java Script, PHP, VRML and even by the built-in language of a system 1S (1C).

The chief by mine master's work of a thesis the senior lecturer Shlomitsky Andrey Arkadievich — has put for me a rather composite problem — engineering of principles of simulation of spatial objects with usage of the technology of object-oriented programming. The problem is encompass byed to engineering of a set of classes realizing different spatial objects and the relation between them. The solution of this not prime problem consists in creative association of computing geometry, theory of sets, topology, programming and geocomputer science.

My future... With what it to me sees?

"The God has granted to the person craving of spiritual rest, aesthetic achievements, safety of monogynopaedium, equity and freedom, being not satisfied a raising the productivity of a transactions. But just the raising the productivity of a transactions allows to be shared exuberant, instead of fight for missing; it releases time for spiritual, aesthetic and family. It allows the society to route a part of the remedies on institutes of religion, justice and conservation of freedom."

Harlan Mills,DPMA and Human Productivity

In my opinion, these very steep words, which one I for the first time have seen in the book Grady Booche, can be the biotic concept of any person, and not just engineer. And I, pursuant to them, am going to pay the professional knowledge on advantage to the state and people. How it will happen? In my dreams — discovery of the corporation borrowed software engineering in the field of geocomputer science, virtual reality and geodesy. I think, that it is time to Ukraine to become world center of information technologies and to base own " SILICONE apron plain " somewhere on Donbass, for example.

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