


Mining-geological department
Speciality: Technology and tools of geological prospecting

A theme of masters work: “Research a water-driven drilling assembly for sampling soils at engineering-geological investigations”
Scientific supervisor: c.t.s. Ryazanov A. N.

The biograthy

For the first I shall write that I know only by hearsay but now it starts to seem that I really remember it. We shall begin.

I was born in gloomy autumn morning on 23 October 1983 in the city of Dimtrove of Donetsk region. As a year of study in Donetsk polytechnic institute was coming for my mother so family conference decided to send me to the grandmother and the grandfather to the Far North in Murmansk region where I have lived two years. When I returned to native city I had to go to preschool establishment. But probably my organism has opposed such sharp change of a climate as I began to hurt often therefore I did not visit a kindergarten.

On 1 September 1990 I went to a secondary school N10 of Dimitrov. Since the first class my teachers were remarkable people: Panina Galena Andreyvna, Dolgonuk Valentine Stepanovna, Ramony Nina Ignatevna. They have learned me to patience and persistence on achievement of the purposes have waken up interest to knowledge.

At school I leaned well succeed both in exact and in humanitarian disciplines. During study I participated in city Olympiads on mathematics, physics, english, history and jurisprudence. Not seldom I borrowed prize-winning places. And a public life of school hasn’t passed by me. I was a member of a command of KVN and I participated in performances various competitions also. From the childhood I took a great interest in sport, visited section of swimming in a palace of sport "Olympus", went on competitions on cities of Ukraine, Russia, Moldova and Slovakia. Since ten years I have joined noble business of hunting.

In 2000 I ended school with distinction. Leaning in the eleventh class I have handed over rating tests in Donetsk state technical university on a speciality "Technology and tools of investigation of deposits of minerals" by results of which I have been enrolled.

During study I have never regretted that I have chosen this speciality. Owing to teaching structure of Donetsk national technical university I opened for myself new horizons of a science, interested in variety of problems of our time and a role of a scientific idea in their decision.

Since 2002 for 2004 I was training on military faculty on which termination I have received a rank of the lieutenant. I didn’t throw playing sports at university participated in various intrahigh school and interuniversity competitions at swimming.

For understanding nuances of a present life I decided to seize the second trade. And consequently now I am the student of faculty of retraining of staff's on a speciality “Business economics”.

From the fourth rate, under direction of supervisor Ryazanov Andrei Nikolayevich I have actively started to be engaged in research activity. And I have acted in IV Ukrainian student’s scientific technical conference.

In 2004 I passed the state examination successfully and received the bachelor’s degree on a speciality "drilling" (7.090306) so decided to continue training in a magistracy. A theme of my work- “Research a water-driven drilling assembly for sampling soils at engineering-geological investigations”. This theme is actual now. Sea engineering-geological drilling takes leading place in a complex of sea engineering-geological researches as any other method of researches does not provide now reception of quantitative values of physicomechanical parameters of a ground which are necessary for carrying out of a various sort of the works connected with development of oil-and-gas deposits of a shelf and first of all sea construction.

In the further I am measured to work also in this direction. Probably after the termination of magistracy I shall try to act in the Kharkov institute of oil and gas on correspondence branch and to connect the future work with this branch of industry.

Plans for a life can seem arrogant however I expect to reach greater successes in a life to bring the contribution to development of our state and by that to receive respect and popularity.
