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What are you directing? Disrespect...

Altuhov Sergey

Donetsk national technical university

Faculty of computer information technologies and automation

Speciality: Control systems and automatics

Master's work: Transformation methods of signal by means of input circuits with vibroacoustic diagnostics

Scientific adviser: Yaroshenko O.A.

E-mail: crazyuncle@mail.ru


The early childhood

One cloudless summer night in territory of the former USSR the atmosphere somehow was unnaturally heated, then has sharply blown fresh wind and all Budenovsky area of city of Donetsk has felt that something has taken place. Actually, as then it has been much wrote, at that moment I was born - Altuhov Segey. This significant event has taken place in June, 17 1983.
My family (people, who somehow have found out about above described event beforehand, and also have begun to prepare for it for 9 months):

  • Dad - Altuhov Vyacheslav Grigorievich;
  • Mom - Altuhova Alla Nikolaevna.

Before achievement of 5 years by me we lived in Budenovskiy area. This period of life was remembered by learning of the world, environmental things, playing games with plastic soldiers with friends and studying several rigid curses. When I was executed 5 years we with parents have moved to the Kievskiy area where till now I live. Up to entry in school I went to kindergarden "Skvorushka". Kindergarden is remembered, first of all, by studying of difficult structure of kindergarden building and purchasing of many new friends, with many of whom I was studying in school. In kindergarden I was already skilful to write and to read, and in I was entered school with some base of knowledge.

School days

In 1990 I have entered in the first class of school №70 of Donetsk (now, it is the grammar School №70 Kievkiy area). The first class was finished with honour. Younger and middle classes studied only on 4 and 5. I always loved the exact sciences and physical culture. A basic problem, which accompanied with me during first 8 classes - it was my behaviour. Every week in a diary was occurbed inscription " Behaviour is 2 " or something like this. Many pupils, who studied on 2 and 3 might not such brag. In the eighth class at school have begun to create and introduce semestrial system of training. I have entered in 8-А class Mathematical. The most liked my subject was mathematics. Our teacher of Mathematics, Kolishkina Bella Petrovna, was my most liked teacher. Before leaving school I was taking place in many Olympiads, sometimes even occupied prize-winning places. On studiyng in the senior classes of remarks on behaviour in a diary began to decrease. I began to reflect of the future receipt in university and has finished school with a gold medal.

I'm a student!

Choosing the university I analyzed prospects after reception the diploma. All over again I wanted to act in DonNU on Mathematic Faculty, but after long meditations and sleepless night has stopped at Faculty Computer information technologies and automatics of Donetsk National technical university. Computer technologies today is one of the most actual and perspective branches in a science and engineering. On carried ratings which were spent in 2000 I have entered on a speciality "Control systems and automatics" of faculty CITA of DonNTU. I have finished the first semester not so good, because I has strongly relaxed before session, but from the second semester I have undertaken of mind and estimations in the test book have begun to be improved by exponential law. On the second course I was taking place in the regional Olympiad on Theoretical Foundation of Electrotechnics. During training I have passed 2 practices:

  • August, 2003 - in Dongiprouglemash (Donetsk Scientifically Research Institute of Complex Mechanization of Mines), where I was engaged in research of devices of automatics which used in the coal industry;
  • February, 2004 - in NRICA (Scientifically Research Institute of Complex Automation) - I was engaged in research of the designing documentation and principles of works of the radio-modem.

In 2004 I have received the bachelor's degree of Computer Control systems and automatics with honour.

Then, apparently that page is in a portal of masters, I have entered in a magistracy. My master's work is devoted to research of transformation methods of signal by means of input circuits with vibroacoustic diagnostics. Vibrodiagnostics is very important area of researches, because it substantially allows to reduce expenses on repair of the equipment by revealing defects of various units at an early stage and by predicting their development in time. The scientific adviser of my master's work is the senior teacher of faculty CITA Yaroshenko Oleg Aleksandrovich.

From the second on the fourth year in DonNTU, one day in week I served on Faculty of Special Preparation on direction of Antiaircraft defense, therefore, I has received a rank of the second lieutenant.

Because the knowledge of economy and financial operations always is useful, and also that experts with several qualifications are irreplaceable, on the second year I have entered on speciality "Finance" of International University of Finances, taking place in DonNTU under aegis of faculty improvements of professional skill and retrainings of personnel. Thus, after reception of the diploma in the finance, I shall know most optimum ways of fulfilment of financial frauds on a network by means of the computer. And, if it is serious, I think, that having combined twohigher educations I can achieve significant successes in the future. In February, 2005 I have received the diploma of the bachelor of finances. After reception of the diploma, I have prolonged the contract, and, now I continue training on the specialist of finances. Thus, at the moment of a spelling of the biography, I am the happy owner of 2 bachelor's degrees.

Everything just begin...

Now my task is to hand over master's session successfully and to pass to the following stages: to passage 2 practices and to spelling of two works (master's work on control systems and degree work on finances) which I will protect approximately in the same period.

In the future it would be desirable to find interesting and perspective work, which will enable me to realize the vital plans. Having received in the first years of work necessary and sufficient life experience and the main thing (if will be carry) the capital, I am gather to open the own company, which, on my beleiving, should grow in corporation and bring fabulous incomes. In general, there is an aspiration, so we shall operate by circumstances...

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