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Kayira Vasiliy Vasilyevich

Faculty: CITA

Spesilty: CSD 00а

Master's thesis subject: Development of methods and algorithms for estimation of a functional state of living cells

 Scientific adviser:  Ph.D., c.t.s. assistant prof. Adamov Vladimir Grigorievich





animation:cell dying

Specialty CSD is excellent, especially I like classes, bounded with medicine. I think, that it is no need to considerably change studying process, and so, gradually accumulate the knowledge. It gives good knowledge base, it is a pity, that in our country the experts of such profile can not be completely implemented, but our time will come. We are not only programmers, but partly electricians and doctors, who wanted to study – those can everything of it.

In further I plan to enter a post graduate course, to protect a thesis of the candidate of sciences. Thus, I think to connect the life with a science and researches.

Русская версияУкраїнська версія Abstract Library References