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Name: Kovalchuk Nikolay Mihajlovich
Faculty: Automatics and telecommunications (ÀÒ)
Faculty: Computer information technologies and automatics (FCITA)
Speciality: Telecommunication systems and networks (TSN)
Group: TSN-00
Theme of scientific work: Optimization of characteristics of the interoffice traffic in PSTN the big cities
The supervisor of studies: c.t.s., managing faculty AT Bessarab Vladimir Ivanovich

I was born in November, the 5-th, in 1981 in a small town - Shakhtyorsk situated in Donetsk region. But nevertheless I consider that my native land is Poles'ye (Zhitomir rigion).

I spent all my chilhood in previosly mentioned Shakhtyorsk. I had a lot of friends, so my childhood was quite interesting and full of exciting adventures. I went to the kindergarten as all other children did. There I was tought to sew on buttons and I do it myself up to now. But, unfortunately, in the course of time my memories become much more indistinct.

I started my school education in 1988. It was so interesting and something new. I remeber the Soviet times, how I was accepted to the ranks of oktyabryata and how I became a pioneer, studying in two shifts and Soviet system of education. I never had problems with studying and usually got only excellent marks. I made there many real friends and we try to keep our relations up to the present. As far as I remember I didn't miss lessons without valid cause. I was always prepared for all lessons and tried to help others. My favourite subject was mathematics, I used to count figures or accomplish different tasks. It was my hobby. Once I took part in school olympiad on chemistry and occupied the 8-th place. In my school years I understood what I want to achieve in life. I realised that it was necessary to get a good education and become a perfect specialist. So my parents never made me study. I understood it myself.

The choice of a speciality and HIGH SCHOOL was gave uneasily. Earlier I planned to become an engeneer of bakery products producing. But my mother didn't allow me to study at Kiev university of food technologies. I hesitated for along time, but then decided to enter Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU). Gorpinych Valeriy Sergeevich - the leading engeneer of Kiev management of "Ukrtelecom" Ltd, played an important role in choosing my future speciality. I've chosen the speciality - Telecommunication systems and networks. I entered the university in 1998 according to the results of conversation.

During studying at the university my life completely changed. I made the accuintance with other interesting people and found some good friends. Some new hobbies and interests also appeared in my life. While studying at school I developed some positive features such as purposefulness and assiduity. My character was formated just during studying at the university. These features helped me to study well and to achieve all my objectivities, I attended all classes and tried to help others. The only thing I disliked was programming. In 2003 I defended my degree work and get an excellent mark. I've received the diploma of the expert and qualification of an eneneer of telecommunication systems and networks. After graduating from university I began to work in Donetsk in "Ukrtelecom" Ltd, in departament planing-budget. Having worked there for two years and two month, I changed my place of work. Now I work in "Donetskgorgas" Ltd. But just working in "Ukrtelecom" Ltd I decided to continue my education and to get master's degree. Therefore, having submitted documents in the summer 2004, me have enlisted on the fifth rate of my speciality.

My supervisor of studies is Bessarab Vladimir Ivanovich. The senior lecturer, c.t.s., managing faculty AT. Manages faculty since 2000. Has ended DPI on a speciality of the management information sysytem (MIS) and has headed faculty after a premature leaving of the teacher - Borisov A. A. Due to his initiative and persistence the new speciality - "Telecommunication systems and networks" is open, the first release of experts was held in 2002.

Area of scientific interest:
digital telecommunication systems and networks;
the automatic and automated control systems.

The autor of 50 scientific works, including 6 copyright certificates on inventions.

Reads lectures on the following disciplines:
"Analog and digital systems of transfer".
"Networks of telecommunication".
"Optoelectronics and optoelectronic systems".
"Telecommunication technologies of a satellite communication".
"Technologies of mobile communication".

My fourth year of studies was the most stressful year because i had to determine the direction of my future speciality. Having thought what I want to devote my life to I decided to chose the following direction - telephony. I wanted Bessarab V. I. to be my thesis adviser as he is also engaged in this field. The theme of my degree project is also connected with telephony (To make a project of the digital segment of city telephone system for conditions of Kiev area in Donetsk city). The supervisor of studies of the degree project was also Bessarab V. I.

What I think about the future of my speciality? It's an interesting question. My speciality is considered to be one of the most urgent and prestigious. I studied in group TSN-98. We have strong contenders: National academy of communication in Odessa and Kiev institute of communication.

Plans for the future. I would like to learn English and study at network academy "Shag". Then I would like to get second education (economic), use my potential, my opportunities, to get an experience and certainly to have a family.


© DonNTU, 2005
© Kovalchuk Nikolay, 2005

Emblem DonNTU

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