Souissi Sedki
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Souissi Sedki

это я

Souissi Sedki

universite technique Donetsk national.
Faculte kita.

specialete"system telecominication et reseaux".

Tem Magistrature- "Мetode d'evaluations de niveau d'affailissement de signale au l'entree de reception de le base de l'antenne satilite et la liaison des canneaux".


I’m souissi sedki,Was born on Aout, 1976 in Tunisia in the city of Bardo. My childhood was very interesting .But I was a very good student and I had many friends at school and in city, i like playing football, im a great fan of the best football team of tunisia Club africain. And in ukraine I like the best football team of ukraine shakhtar.

In 1998 has finished my high school in the city of Bardo. Earlier, my dream is to become engineer and when I will finish my university,to return and work in tunisia. In Tunisia it has be failed to study in the university of telecommunication.however i decided to travel in Ukraine to continue my study and became an engineer. In 1999 had acted on a preparatory course in the city of Donetsk, during this rate I too thought of a speciality which is pleasant to me and in the beginning of the next year already have chosen speciality: telecommunication.
I liked this speciality and it would be desirable to protect the dissertation after a magistracy to teach at university. In the future, for me,I see some prospects, first of all in search of work are short-term, but more real plans. I Would like to work in a great enterprise.

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