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Механический факультет

Группа КСС-00

Тема магистерской работы:

"Разработка методов работы сотрудников в команде на основе использования принципов TQM."

Руководитель: доцент Момот Александр Иванович



В качестве индивидуального задания представлена собственная статья по теме на английском языке.


Clause on a theme:



Has executed item гр . QSS-00 N.N.Lavrishcheva

The head senior lecturer А . I . Момо t


In modern conditions creative potential of workers перевоплащает in the monetary capital. Therefore in management of the personnel to become one of the main tasks the savings and development of this potential, including workers. The human factor has reincarnated in the main motive power of manufacture. The concept " investments into the personnel " is more and more actively used. [1, c.63]

under forecasts in 1-2 decade of XXI century the part of intellectual work will make 75-85 % from a total sum of expenses for maintenance and product quality control. [2]

for efficient control the personnel of any organization it is necessary to realize such operating conditions which practical realization will lead to motivational management of the personnel, focused on achievement of the purposes of the enterprise. The success depends not only on abilities and knowledge, but also from motivation (aspiration to work and reach high results). The above the level of motivation and activity, the more factors induce the person to actions, the it is more than efforts applies for achievement of the purpose (success).

there Is a set of definitions of motivation. I offer such: " Мотивация -it is set of inducing factors which cause activity of the person and define aiming of its activity for achievement of the purposes, and also allow to open as much as possible creative potential of the person ”. [3]

Presently to motivation of the personnel it is given more and more than attention at use of principles of quality management (TQM).

however only administrative methods in a combination to elements of provision of economic incentives do not provide active participation of all personnel in the activity connected with formation and development of a control system by quality (CSQ) which meet the requirements of international standards ISO of a series 9000:2000 and to principles TQM.

At the tests devoted to this problem, the successful decision of problems was often defined, that, and further effective development TQM in any organization it is impossible for certification without active participation of all personnel. [4,5,]

whether there Is a return process? Whether exist introduction TQM motivational which influences activity of the personnel? With the purpose of reception of answers to these questions questioning the personnel on techniques has been lead:

•  Technique ” Diagnostics of motivational structure of the person ”. [6] This technique allows to reveal some proof tendencies of the person, i.e. the general and creative activity, aspiration to dialogue, maintenance of comfort or the social status, security or social utility, and also those from them which it is more. To become the main thing that on the basis of the analysis of all answers it is possible to come to conclusion in occasion of a working (business) or vital orientation of the person.

•  Technique ” Motivation to success “. [6] Technique allows to reveal a level of motivation to achievement of the purposes (to success): low, average, high or very high level of motivation.

The above motivation of the person to success - achievement of the purposes, the below risk. Thus the motivation to success influences hope for success: at strong motivation the hope for success is less, than at weak. Therefore to people who мотивированы on success also have greater hopes for it, it is better to avoid the big risk.

all XX century people have carefully improved manufacture. Control systems of the organizations, management of projects, creation and use of systems of quality - all these fields of activity, are not capable to survive without leadership. Moreover, organizer functions cannot be understood differently, than with all other official duties. The head who cannot or does not wish to become the leader, will lead the organization to accident. It will occur is only business of time.

problems of leadership and authority are closely connected. And the authority as always is understood as force. Therefore, in new economic conditions direct use of force, as a rule, at all does not conduct to achievement of that purpose for the sake of which it was used. Force causes resistance on which overcoming energy, time and other resources which so are necessary for satisfaction of consumers, strengthening of market positions is used, development of new production or service.

the Leader is a person who does not need to use force or to struggle with resistance. Therefore under other equal conditions presence of the leader provides enormous competitive advantages.

the Leader cannot be appointed, they can become only. The concept of the responsibility is closely connected with representations about leadership. The matter is that against ordinary idea, the responsibility cannot be appointed the order. It needs to be emphasized powers. And powers on give( надаются) authority. Thus very important constantly to support balance between voluntary taken on itself of the responsibility of power with which the person is allocated with authority. Monitoring and regulation of this balance appear as one of the main tasks of management. Except for reception of balance it is necessary to provide interaction still. Then peak efficiency it will not be reached.

In a new paradigm the initiative is not denied, it is welcomed and accepted.

from all it it is visible, that numerous ordinary functions of the chief, the head disappear. On change of administration and the control other function comes absolutely. The leader becomes the teacher, the instructor, the assistant, even the trainer.

Leader-a necessary condition of proof success, but organizer functions are necessary at all levels of the organization, at the decision of any responsible problems. In another way it is difficult to hope for creation of an atmosphere of creative rise, on enthusiasm with which people start to operate. This atmosphere also is necessary for creating in the organization ready to a rigid competition in the modern markets.

without leaders it is impossible to construct flexible, dynamic, effective organizational structure, to create mission and its visibility. An especial question - interaction of the leader with culture of the organization which role is difficult for overestimating. It is the most conservative element. In conditions of the transient markets it is important to bring in culture of the organization some corrective amendments from time to time. To change culture always it is difficult. Only the leader can lead such changes.

than more people who work in the organization, operate to it for the good of, especially light prospects open before it. Only as it to reach? Some variants have been used. Certainly, on the personnel, really, the culture of the organization and style of leadership influences, but the situation attitudes « the leader - a command » turns out. And it means, that now the organization is represented to us as system of cooperating commands. The command is "Grecian horse" which has been called to destroy the traditional organization since it any more completely answers realities of the modern market. For increase in the sizes of the organization two versatile tendencies amplify.

one of them is connected with growth of volume of resources, opportunities for flexible actions, forces of influence on competitors, influence not only on an environment, but also on a political situation, opportunities of priorities of the interests. All this as a whole the positive moments in a share of the organization or success in business. Together with it the structure becomes complicated, the number of levels of management increases, the number of managers grows, quickly there is a process bureaucracy the organizations. And it, undoubtedly, negatively influences a share of the organization, on an opportunity of its survival.

here also there is a command to unite advantages of the small organization above advantages big. Thus, usually, such organizational form as the project is used. It is possible to speak even about « design style of a life ». The project comes to the organization or from the outside, or as a result of any initiative approved by a management. The typical external project is an occurrence of the new client, the internal project – development and introduction of system of quality. In all cases at occurrence of the project someone in the organization is obliged to incur the responsibility for its realization and to receive powers in the form of "proprietor" of the project. Then it (or it) can realize the leader functions. But the command which, certainly, is typed from volunteers on a competitive basis is necessary for this purpose for it.

the First step for adjustment of attitudes in a command – delegation of powers. Already for a long time it is noticed, that decisions and actions the more effectively, than more close to a source of the information the mechanism of decision-making is located. Delegation of powers is based on trust, and trust – one of the major elements of a creative climate who promotes effective work in the rigid markets. It creates conditions for an openness of information streams in a command, for their transparency. The transparency of information streams, in turn, influences to attraction of the personnel, as to delegation of powers. [7]

relating the personnel intensify at use of principles participation managements, that is submission to all members of a command of a real opportunity to take participation in management – in manufacture and realizations of administrative decisions. Such opportunity gives rise in people of feeling of participation that sharply strengthens motivation to creative work.

it is possible to tell, that the new task concerning the personnel is a transformation of the typed workers in employees. It is one of key questions. Wage labor existed during several centuries. Why it began to not satisfy us? The answer consists in that change of the market forced us to change attitudes between people during manufacture, in business. The logic of the employed worker entirely is clear. Its main interests lay outside the organization. It here works because does not see at present other opportunity to earn to itself for a life. From here comes up, that on work does not follow перетруждаться and the share of the organization to it does not disturb. At last, this firm will go bankrupt, there will be another. The employee, in comparison with the hired worker, divides culture and values of the organization, it is ready, if it will be necessary, to divide and their share. Leaves, it is necessary to want that the individual purposes of each employee, on - opportunities, coincided with the purposes of the organization.

marvellous opportunities are opened with such approach. It is necessary to tell and use a principle of refusal of idea of punishment of employees. It destroys at them fear, shows the initiative and gives rise to enthusiasm. Besides refusal of punishment does unnecessary lie as the tool of management (or, it it is better to tell, a manipulation). In the market of the consumer the lie – is fatally unreliable, as generates the erroneous decision which is often not conterminous with preservation of business. The market of the seller easy lives in lie. Now it is impossible.

In such command everyone well understands the role and aspires to play it better. The insuperable desire to study and feel command game is formed. Everyone wishes to admire with the work for what called E. Deming. To imagine, how much new situation is unusual, we shall pay attention that in the new world there is no place to such usual institute as trade unions. Really, if the purposes of employees coincide with the purposes of the organization there is no need in creation of special means, for search of compromises.

we yet did not speak about money. Certainly, material stimulation plays not such important role as already considered stimulus, but all it too is important. The important condition of attraction of employees is refusal of the fixed salaries and communication of material stimulation with commercial results of the organization. Thus disappear as the premium – the tool of moving from a sick head on healthy. In such conditions the employee not from a management receives the salary, and itself earns for a life. Thus earns interesting creative work, and "management" on - various helps it with it. And both of them receive satisfaction from work.

In various spheres of human activity information technologies – the necessary condition of maintenance of competitiveness, therefore the process description of activity of the organization is completely pertinent. Thus, it is a question about a phenomenon of process thinking, that is such sight at the world which all re-embodies visible in this world in processes. For this purpose the purpose-process which consists of fourteen steps is offered:

1) to reveal (to set) full system of the processes necessary for a quality management;

2) to define sequence, interrelation and interaction in this system of processes;

3) from a position of the strategic purposes and plans to define key processes;

4) to find the employee, ready to incur the responsibility for the given process and to charge to it corresponding powers, to make the proprietor of process;

5) to define the customer or the consumer of process and to describe an output of process, that is the requirement to quality of results of its functioning;

6) to define suppliers of process and the requirement to elements of an input of process, that is to resources;

7) to define criteria of effective management of the given process and to choose for them metrology the provided measuring instruments;

8) to plan processes of measurement of parameters of quality and efficiency of process;

9) to describe process in the form of the block diagram or schemes of streams in view of system of management of process;

10) to define entrance and target documents on stages of process (for example, the rules, duty regulations, working magazine and another);

11) to provide the information streams necessary for effective management and monitoring of process;

12) to conduct a regular estimation, monitoring and the analysis of data which concern to process;

13) systematicalally to spend the correcting and warning actions directed on achievement of the purposes of process;

14) to define the order of entering into process of changes.

“ All flows, all changes ”, and only changes are constant. That we did not speak, constant improvement begins with the person, from improvement of its personal qualities, knowledge, skills and skills. A following step – improvement of work of a command, first of all, by regular training and creation of a favorable atmosphere. There is an improvement of "inhabitancy", a workplace, a working zone Further. Japanese, on this question, had a whole philosophy which referred to ”5S”. Japanese recognize that the order around of us and the order in our ideas – are interconnected: the our inhabitancy, the more productively and more effectively our ideas is is better organized. Therefore matters constantly to make efforts on the organization and to keep order, for this purpose and (table 1) is offered five procedures.

Table 1.









To delete unnecessary




Quickly to find necessary




To be responsible for cleanliness




To mark, trace


Self – discipline


To carry out every day


Organization - is directed on careful separation of all things which surround us during work. The less than things us will surround, the it will be easier to work.

Accuracy – assumes the careful analysis of a current state of affairs for revealing ways and the reasons of each thing. It will allow to find convenient places for preservation of all things and the greatest routes of their moving.

Care of cleanliness – business not only cleaners, but also everyone. It is a question not only of hygiene. The dust, a dirt, production wastes if with them to not struggle regularly cause marriage, expenses and set of inconveniences.

Standardization of all elements of work allows to bring to each movement perfection.

Discipline – that is work (all aforesaid) it is necessary to carry out every day. [7]


maintenance of quality should be emphasized constantly through the program of special means which can include acquainted and initial rates for for the first time accepted workers, periodically repeated rates for workers who already worked some time, and also studying of the positions, concerning initiation by the personnel of preventing and correcting actions and other techniques.

definition of parameters of quality. If necessary it is necessary to make methods of definition of parameters of quality which have been reached by workers. They will help workers to see these parameters personally that have reached as collective, and everyone separately. It can inspire them to improvement of quality. Definition of an appropriate level of execution should be provided.

safety of production. With the purpose of a safety it is necessary to pay attention to definition of aspects of safety of production and productions. Used ways can include:

- definition of corresponding norms of safety with the purpose of exact formation of technical requirements to production;

- carrying out of tests on estimation the project and fail-safe tests of the investigated sample (or models) with documentary acknowledgement of results of researches;

- carrying out of the analysis of instructions and ways of safety which are offered the consumer, grants on service, and also warning signs and prospectuses with the purpose of exception of their wrong understanding, except for ways of use and known possible troubles;

- drawing up of ways of tracking for simplification of process of return of production;

- consideration of an opportunity of drawing up of the program of urgent means in case of revealing necessity of return of production.



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