Рус    Укр Магистр ДонНТУ Полинский Сергей Владимирович 2006

Polinsky Sergey

Faculty: electrotechnical (ETF)

Speciality: "Electromechanic systems of automation and electric drive" (EAPY)

Theme of master's work:

"Research in Modern Position Electrical Drives Systems"

Leader of work: d.e.s., prof., men. of dep. EAPY Kocegyb P. H.


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Short about myself

     I finished the course of programming in "Donetsk Regional Palace of Children's and Youth's Arts". As a result got the certificate about out-of-school education. I recipient of an award by the diploma of winner for the advanced study: "Development of digital questioner device forming the optimum diagrams of working off moving" on Allukrainian competition of the student advanced studies ( Dneprodzerzhynsk 2006 ) . I took part in a scientific-technical conference on the department "Electrical engineering" DonNTU ( 2006 ). And I took part in the conference devoted to the science day on the department "EAPU" DonNTU ( 2006 ). Hobby is a steward on "RSK OLYMPIC"


     I was born at five minutes eleven on October, 31, 1984 in the city of Donetsk (length - 51cm, weight - less than four kilogram). That day I began to cognize an enormous world for the first time. This wonderful autumn day is not only my birthday, but also a remarkable holiday "Hallowmas".
     Since 1989 I went to nursery school #200. By that time I had already learned to read well enough for my age.


     In 1991 I went to the form 1-a class of general school of the I-III stages #9 of Voroshylovsk district of Donetsk city for the first time. By that time I could fluently read, knew arithmetic. From the 7th form I began a deep study of mathematics. From a 10th form I took part in the district competitions on chemistry. I was staggered by the great diskovery of the periodic law and periodic system in 1869 by D.I. Mendeleev, whioon was far ahead of his time. Maybe, exactly from that moment I began to comprehend the importance of scientific discoverries for the whole world and the necessity of getting higher education to achieve the aims put by me.While studing I showed interest to exact sciences. In 1998 I joined the computer courses on principles of programming in "Donetsk Regional Palace of Children's and Youth's Arts", got basic skills in programming and using the computer. As a result on May, 26, 2001 I received the certificate about out-of-school education. I also paid attention to foreign languages. In addition English language, which was studied at school, I paid great attention to the German language. I want to express special gratitude to the teacher of chemistry Verbytska Victoria Pavlovna for the most interesting and cognitive lectures.
     In the 11th form I learned about rating tests for entering in the Donetsk State Tchnical University. By that moment I had already chosen my future speciality and decided to try my strength in the rating tests on mathematics. I was preparing hard and was taken in DonNTU on the speciality "Electromechanics automation systems and electrical drives" (EASED).

Reason of choice of specialty

     The universality of the speciality absolutely in everything became the reason of my choosing it: it includes mechanics, specific only for this speciality on the faculty, as a result one can work in any branch of industry; it includes electrical engineering, without which nobody can imagine the life of modern people for a long time; finally, the most important is general global automation and computerizing of this industry. In addition, DonNTU is the eldest HIGH SCHOOL of our city which my parents graduated from and it is well-known outside our country.


     In 2001 I finished school and handed over documents for the entrance examination in DonNTU. As a result of my study I found many good friends. I got the necessary basic knowledges in my speciality wich would help me to realize myself. Knowledges is my wealth.
     On July, 18, 2005 I passed the state examination for the educationally-qualifying degree of the bachelor - electrician. I received the diploma of the bachelor's degree in the speciality "Electromechanics automation systems and electrical drives".
     In 2005 - 2006 I studied in the magistracy of DonNTU under the direction of Kotsegub Pavel Kharytonovich, the head of the "Electrical Drive and Automazation of Production Facilities" chair? as well as Tolochko Olga Ivanovna, the doctors of engineering sciences and assistant Rozkoryaka Pavel Ivanovich. The theme my master's degree work is the "Research in Modern Position Electrical Drives Systems ". The primary purpose of this work is development and realization of algorithms of reference signal generation for the direct current position electrical drive system with independent and unregulated exitation under condition of miimum thermal losses in the motor armature while carrying out the sprcified movement within the sprcified time taking into account limitationss of the armature current and speed provided that the constant reactive static moment is present on the motor shaft. Thr laboratory unit for the practical realization is situated in the 8th building of DonNTU in laboratory 109.
     In the nearest future I have to carry laborious and quite complicated research work, both in the theoretical and practical aspect of my master's work. As a result of the conducted work the algorithms of optimum diagrams generation under condition of minimum thermal losses have already been developed, as well as partially realized.
     I took part in allukrainian competition of the student advanced studies of 2005/2006 study year in a section "Elements of automation elektrical drives" directions "Electromechanics". I recipient of an award by the diploma of winner for the advanced study: "Development of digital assign device, forming optimum diagrams of working off moving"

Student years are the most unforgettable time of my life.

Plans on the future

     Apparently my future activity will be closely associated with the production. After I graduate from DonNTU I would like to become a highly skilled broad specialist in great demand everywhere, that is to become a professional in my filed, especially in the filed area of automated electrical drives, to apply in practice the knowledge obtained in DonNTU.
     In the future I see myself a successful financially independent man, I want to create a family with my dear girl, to bring up our children, enjoy my work and communication with my friends.
     I am a self-confident person, put before myself large aims and will do everything realize them. I want to live an interesting life with sense, leaving my trace in this wonderful world. A man lives, when he is remembered.

I wish everyone faith, love and patience!


     My father is Polynskyy Vladimir Yl'ych, was born 02.01.1956 in Donetsk. In 1975 he finished Technical School #51 on speciality "Electrikal fitter". From 1973 to 1977 he servied in the army. From 1979 for 1984 he student in separation DPI in the speciality "Metal forming" He received a qualification as an engineer of metallurgy. From 2005 he has been working at "Donetsk metallurgical inspection gostekhnadzor" on speciality main inspector.
     My mother, Polynskaya Irina Vyacheslavovna, was born 17.09.1962 in Donetsk. In 1979 she graduated from thr secondary school with a golden medal. In 1979 she studied in DPI in the speciality of "Machine and assemblies of chemical productions". In 1984 she received a diploma with honor. From 1996 she studied in DonNU by correspondence in the speciality of "Accouting and audit". In 1999 she received a diploma with honor. From 2002 she has been working as a chief accountant in DP "Donetskstandartmetrologyya"
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