Master's portal
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Strebkova Olga Aleksandrovna

Faculty: Ecology and chemical tachnology

Speciality: Ecolody and guard of environment

Theme of master's work: "Ecology and children population healf of Donbas"

Leader of work: Chaika Ludmila Viktorovna
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Report about the seach   


    Was born on the 6th of January, 1984 in the family of a miner. My father is Strebkov Aleksandr Mihajlovich, he works as a mechanics to trade and refrigerating equipment in Makeevskij metallurgical plant. My mother, Strebkova Valentina Borisovna, is a housewife.

    In the childhood I was a very quiet child but I am Capricorn according to the sign of the zodiac and I am very obstinate. I liked communicating with the children of my age so I went to the kindergarten when I was 3 years old. At the age of 6 my parents took me to the musical school to play the piano, but I was not interested in music and I gave up my music career. In the kindergarten I was very active, I took part in all performances and I played different roles.

    At the age of 7 I went to the first form and my school years began. When I was at school I studied and behaved well so my parents were very glad and proud of me. At school I participated in the competitions in chemistry, algebra, Russian literature. At school I obtained such features of character as punctuality, kindness, tenderness and call of duty.

    When I was in the 11th form I couldn’t imagine that I would study on the faculty of ecology and chemistry technologies in Donetsk national technical university. I was more interested in medicine or jurisprudence. I didn’t think that this specialty of ecological safety management was so interesting and cognitive, but my mother insisted on that choice and now I am very thankful to her.

    I entered Donetsk national technical university and my first day at university began. A new group, new friends and I didn’t suspect that I would be engaged in scientific activity. I visited discotheques, cafes and night clubs as other students. My first exams I passed not bad, but I could better. I told myself that I would do my best in order my parents to be proud of me. Soon I became the chief of Donetzk national youth center “Ecological initiatives”. The participations in different conferences, excellent marks and after the second course and I was moved to the budget form of education. I think that it was my first victory. My parents were very proud of me.

    I decide to get the second education but my new specialty didn’t interest me so much and I stopped when I got bachelor degree.

    Finally I chose the theme of my master work. It is “Ecological factors influence on health condition of children population in Donetsk region”. I think this topic is very actual because nowadays the ecological situation in our city gives up better. Industrial growth, volume pollution increase, worsening of adult health lead to the worsening of children’s health. My scientific leader is Chajka Ljudmila Viktorovna, candidate of chemical sciences, assistant professor in department “Applied ecology and environmental protection”. This person taught me to look at the surrounding world with another eyes, changed my attitude to people and to apprehend the world simpler. I am very obliged to her for everything that she does for us, students.

    In a year I am graduating from the university and I am also going to enter post graduating courses and I hope to defense my dissertation. I am going to work at my lovely department. Most of all I would like to create a very friendly and strong family which will be support for me in my love. I will not plan for 25 years because our life is so unpredictable and we even don’t know what will wait for us in the future. I hope a lot of good events will happen in my love.

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Report about the seach