Магистратура Донецкого Национального Университета

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Horoshilov Alexander Vladimirovich

My childhood

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My life have started thanks to my parents Vladimir and Vera Horoshilov's. They bestowed my life upon me and the lines below I dedicate to severely limited description of it.

Посреди зимы я наконец-то понял, что во мне живет непобедимое лето.

Альбер Камю

       My childhood have started early enough, as I remember now. My very first expressions about those far past times appeared in my mind when I was only three years old. The first thing that I can remember was the long room with armchairs, round windows and the landscape somewhere underneath. Then was the white bright day outside, the frost, semicircle ceiling, warm tube of hot-water heating beside me. Just now I can understand that I remember the plane, the north, New Urengoy settlement and our dwelling house made of heated tank-wagon with partitions inside it and windows cut through on each side so I could see only wide white field and a tube that was emitting smoke far away. I can remember my father's words: "As you see this tube smoking sonny we are having light". I remember helicopters, dogs that were higher than me, dining hall where my mother worked as cook. I remember how I was hiding from everyone because it was outlawed living and working in New Urengoy with children. And I remember wooden toys that my father have cut with knife for me.

The job have brought our young family so far. My father as architect and my mother as cook earned more money. As for me it was the first big adventure in my life which I kept in mind by spartanian living conditions which have begun making the sort of man who I am now of me.

Strangely enough but after the returning to Donetsk to the two-room apartment to grandparents Micha and Masha there was nothing interesting to remember besides my plays with grandfather, going to kindergarten and ballroom dance cources with a partner Sirchenko Nataly.

         However there was a trip to Caucasus that I remember by the same spartanian living conditions but much more warmer, by destructions made by tornado that flooded Tuapse and by new swimming skill.

         Perhaps it was my last careless years. I gone to school.

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   My childhood

   My school years

   Donetsk college

   DNTU - starting terms

   To study, work and study

   DNTU  - The masters degree

   My plans for future


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