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Kargapolov Sergey Vladimirovich

Report about the results of search in Internet

e-mail: fatstyle@ukr.net
Mountain-geological Faculty

Master's degree work:


Leader: Kupenko Ivan Vladimirovich

Autoreferats magister's paper
Search results
Personal task
Magister's DonNTU
" Adversus necessitatem ne dii quidem resistunt."
Против необходимости бессильны даже боги.;
Table-1. Result of search of documents on master's degree work in different searching systems on 20.03.06
Keywords Google Yandex meta aport Rambler Ya hoo MSN
консольно-анкерное крепление 1 2 0 1609 17 4 1
консоль 3900000 1953327 3072 2837 71348 851000 127981
анкер 320000 252939 686 2912 19713 76900 25096
вертикальный ствол 172000 21390 817 4019 89 2930 1841
изменяющийся массив 32200 17923 1206 3161 4863 173 132
крепление расстрелов 9580 49 38 40 51 39 27
антикорозийное покрытие 497 17753 66 174 3820 289 279
армировка 573 3626 65 205 1175 719 1668
антикорозия 219 289 41 21 90 121 12
Повышение коррозийной стойкости элементов армировки пертикальных шахтных стволов 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
расстрелы в вертикальных стволах 0 88 28 0 0 0 0
защита расстрелов от коррозии 2 24215 11 0 0 0 0
Table-2. Result of search of documents on master's degree work in different searching systems on 29.05.06
Ключевые слова Google Yandex meta aport Rambler Ya hoo MSN
консольно-анкерное крепление 7 2 6 1436 5 0 1
консоль 5860000 2062382 57907 2654 80388 372 140996
анкер 277000 295145 5709 1 22467 108 30100
вертикальный ствол 177000 23924 5336 1 8120 9 1946
изменяющийся массив 31300 19123 8136 2936 5227 0 104
крепление расстрелов 10200 52 129 2003 59 0 104
антикорозийное покрытие 202000 1106292 225 6248 16545 29 10500
армировка 9260 4699 236 220 1299 5 1483
антикорозия 429 6551 224 206 135 0 1039
Повышение коррозийной стойкости элементов армировки пертикальных шахтных стволов 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
расстрелы в вертикальных стволах 816 28 99 328 268 0 4
защита расстрелов от коррозии 472 420 15 3444 13 0 6

During work do the results represented in table were got.

Most of results was observed in searching the Google and Yandex systems, and the least - meta,Rambler and Yahoo.

As visible from table, on some queries one searching system produces thousand documents, and other the zeros. Possibly, it is explained by the features of work of the searching system. Also it should be noted that in table there are "anomalies". They are expressed that one searching system in March produces, for example, 4900000 documents in demand, and in May-5860000 the documents. Possibly, it is related to some failures in work of the searching system.

The searching systems differ by a plenty of information incongruous to the query. Majority of information is represented on surveying level.

It is possible to do a conclusion, that Internet - unique tool for information retrieval. Searching systems Internet, on comparison with the information retrieval in a printing kind, win in speed availability. But, besides advantages an user runs into the following problem: in order to find necessary information, it is necessary to expend enough heap of time and sift from a lot of unnecessary information.

The search of results was made 20.03.2006 and 29.05.2006