The Urgency At present in geologo-prospecting drilling becomes a problem that all created devices should be entered in small diameters of modern chinks. In connection with necessity of the further modernisation of the geologo-prospecting organizations and equipment by their highly effective equipment and the equipment, means of drilling should correspond to the best world samples and standards.
As a result of long research and developmental works at direct participation of employees of faculty TTGR it was possible to create original hydrochok, possessing all advantages of already existing mechanisms and deprived their lacks. Created gydroshock has been developed only by diameter 127%.
 Scientific novelty of work consists that shells are developed for drilling in prospecting chinks in diameters 112, 93 and 76 mm, accordingly diameters of shells will make 108, 89 and 73 mm .The purpose of work is development of the complete set similar gydroshocks various diameters for drilling prospecting chinks by with great dispatch-rotary way.
Achievement of the purpose of work is provided by the decision of such problems:
1. To systematize results of research and developmental works by development of new diameters Hydroshock;
2. To specify features of a design and to define the basic geometrical parameters of a shell;
3. To result the design scheme, and also drawings of the developed shells;
4. To define the importance of development for modern drilling.
The design scheme Is shown.
Efficiency of with great dispatch-rotary drilling is defined by that at shock influence on breed: loadings considerably above, than at rotary drilling; time of full contact of the tool with breed makes no more than 2 % of general time of drilling that reduces abrasive deterioration of the tool; on a face there is a zone of predestruction. The superficial layer of a face becomes covered by cracks, that considerably raises speed of drilling. Key parameter defining efficiency of hydroshock drilling, the size of energy of individual impact is. Basic elements of a complex of means for hydroshock drilling are hydroshock machines .
Exist gydroshock direct action - machines in which dispersal gydroshock and its impact on an anvil rigidly connected with by the tool (AT), is carried out under action of energy of a stream washing liquids, and return Hydroshock in a starting position - due to the spring compressed at a direct course.
Hydroshock the return machines in which dispersal Hydroshock and its impact on an anvil is carried out under action of weight Hydroshock and energy of an elastic element, and rise - under action of hydraulic impact.
Gydroshock double action is gydroshocks in which direct and return courses gydroshock are carried out under action of energy of a stream washing liquids at absence of power springs. Also subdivide gydroshock under the frequency characteristic: mid-frequency and highly frequency.
It is shown Hydroshock G-7.
Mid-frequency gydroshocks are intended for drilling in breeds of average hardness. Hydroshock machines G-7 and G-9 are executed with one a socket without special restriction of a course of the valve, have in mobile details konuse connections, the number of carving connections and sealing cuffs is reduced, strong fastening springs is provided.
New elements are included in a design of these machines (the valve with a floating support, понизитель the charge washing liquids, etc.), improving chisel qualities gydroshocks. High-frequency gydroshocks are intended for drilling in breeds of average hardness, firm and strong with use usual Firm alloy and diamond core beat .
It is shown Hydroshock G-9.
High-frequency Hydroshocks GV-6 and GV-5 represents the machine of direct action, distribution of a liquid in which is carried out by the valve. Application in Hydroshocks GV-5 as the valve of the floating plug removes the axial vibration caused by movement and a stop in the top position Hydroshocks. Drilling by this machine is carried out or Firm alloy core beat type СА which owing to vertical installation of cutters possesses the highest durability, or diamond core beat.
Unified hydroshock machines G-76 and G-59 are intended for drilling prospecting chinks in breeds of 4-12 categories on drilling capacity. Machines can work in two modes - shock and high-frequency and replace Hydroshocks G-7, GV-5, G-9 and GV-6.
Hydroshock machines G-76 and G-59 represent machines of direct action, automatic distribution of a liquid in which is carried out flat metal spring by the valve placed in the top part of the machine above the piston with the central channel. Depending on adjustment of a course of the valve, a tightness of springs and the charge of a liquid energy and frequency of fluctuation gydroshock therefore the corresponding operating mode is established vary
In unified gydroshock the hydrodynamical system with the purpose of maintenance of frequency of fluctuations Hydroshock at a high level irrespective of depth of a chink and viscosity of a solution is advanced; the area of the piston in zones of contact to the valve and accommodations of a spring that has allowed to simplify a design is reduced, to lower losses of energy of individual impact, and to raise parameters of reliability; Cases acting above a surface centration, reinforced by a firm alloy, and strong conic grooves of the case have improved parameters of reliability; the opportunity of work of one machine in various modes depending on conditions of drilling is provided.
Parameters of drilling unified gydroshocks exceed similar parameters of machines of type G and GV on 10 - 30 %. The hydroshock reversively shell of a state district power station is intended for increase of an output of a core at drilling in crack and the shattered breeds 8 - 10 categories on drilling capacity by high-frequency hydroshock machines GV-6 with serial diamond core beat. Unlike unary shells by means of a shell of a state district power station it is possible to wash out chinks a direct stream washing liquids. Reliability kerning approbations as hit in column pipe of breed with wall chinks and as the rests of a core and dust from the previous flight is warned as a result raises. From other shells with the combined washing differs simplicity of work, convenience in operation and high safety in operation. From set existing and above the listed shells their basic lack not a prosperity is direct washing. Direct washing leads to washing out of a core and in the further to its self-jamming. Application double column pipes is possible, but their application leads to reduction of diameter of a core that is undesirable at prospecting drilling. All this leads to reduction of an output of a core. For increase of an output of a core creation of return washing is necessary.
Egector shells are intended for increase in an output of a core at hydroshock drilling in crack breeds by maintenance face return washing. Egector it is established between hydroshock machine and колонковой a pipe. It represents the usual jet pump in which due to speed of a jet of a stream of the liquid leaving from hydroshock , the zone разряжения is created. This zone is connected by through channels with an internal cavity column pipes owing to what return is established.
The scheme of a shell of a state district power station-59 is shown. For increase of factor egecting on an output of a stream the second is established egecting the device representing konuse an insert with the central channel and a cover with Structure by the top grooves. The stream leaving outside sucks in in addition washing a liquid from column pipes, increasing quantity egecting liquids on 15-20 % .
Owing to the raised charges washing liquids at hydroshock drilling the quantity egecting liquids also increases in comparison with rotary drilling, that favorably affects an output of a core. But lack egector shells is that it is impossible to define precisely quantity washing liquids on a face of a chink and it can lead Failure and to creation of an emergency.
The design hydroshock under the scheme developed on faculty is offered. Such hydroshock were used in Uchtinskoy GRE and have proved from the good party. The purpose masters works is development such hydroshocks various diameters. A principle of work: in the case in an initial position beat with a shaft under action of weight borrows extreme bottom position, therefore the inlet valve located in valve to a box, it is closed, and final - it is opened.

At submission by the pump washing liquids it through channels of an adapter acts in the bottom cavity of the cylinder and lifts the piston together with brisk upwards. In process of rise of the piston-is brisk the spring is compressed, as the block of valves is kept in an initial position owing to pressure of a liquid upon the inlet valve. In the top position the piston strikes on the valve that causes rearrangement of valves: the inlet valve connected with a final pusher, will open, and final - will be closed. During the moment of rearrangement beat will strike on the top anvil. At such arrangement of valves washing the liquid acts and in the top cavity of the cylinder. As the working area of the piston from above is more, than from below the piston-beat will direct downwards, thus valve the block is kept in the top position due to pressure of a liquid upon the final valve. The piston, moving downwards, will grasp a shaft of the valve and will move valve the block to a starting position. Simultaneously beat will strike on bottom The principle of work of the pump block located in the bottom part of a shell, consists in the following: at movement it is brisk upwards under the scheme occurs soaking liquids and dust from a chink through column a pipe and soaking up valve in space under a rod, and at a course of a rod downwards the liquid will be dumped in a chink through the exhaust valve.
Thus, during work hydrochok return circulation of a liquid in призабойной to a zone is created. It allows to receive a high output of a core (90-100 %).
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