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Master DonNTU Yamkovaya Olga Petrovna E-mail Email:

Yamkovaya Olga Petrovna

Abstract of master's degree work

On theme: Researching methods administration of objects of the municipal property

The superviser: d.t.s. Mytrofanova Helena Igorevna

English Russian

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  1. Master's work actuality
  2. The purpose and problems work
  3. Prospective scientific novelty
  4. Prospective practical value
  5. The review of a current status of a subject of research
  6. The list of unresolved problems
  7. Planned and received own result
  8. The conclusion

1. Master’s work actuality

Today regions of Ukraine have sharp problems of perfection of object management of the municipal property. The delay with its decision creates serious risks for national economy of the country, prohibits the establishment of full market relations, forms unattractive eness for the investor image of Ukraine.

2. The purpose and problems work

The purpose of work is to research and analyze the methods of management of the real estate and improvement of the existing system of administration system control of objects of the municipal property.
Research problems are:

3. Prospective scientific novelty

Having studied the advanced principles of management of the municipal property I am planning to develop effective model of objects management of the real estate for Donetsk which will help to organize a set of necessary actions according to requirements of "new" time. As scientific publications on the given problem in Ukraine practically are absent, the given work can bring the contribution into the sphere of scientific knowledge.

4. Prospective practical value

The practical part of Master’s work is the creation of the Data Base (db), realizing a spatial binding of buildings and constructions with the ground areas.

5. The review of a current status of a subject of research

Feature of all "the transitive countries”, including Ukraine, is that there is a lot of still not privatized real estates from which it is possible to take the income due to rent or sales. In the countries with market economy, local authorities have no such amount of the property because many services which were state at socialism, there traditionally appeared to be a private sector. Such understanding of the purposes to which the municipal property serves is the basis of classification of all objects of the municipal property into three groups guin below. The given classifications for the first time has been entered in the city of Denver, state of Colorado, the USA. Classification covers only real estate as the personal estate is supposed, that, as a rule, enters into property complexes with the real estate and consequently divides its destiny. It is not the end aim ,of course, it is necessary to develop differing budgetary and contractual politics for each group. In other words, classification is a basis for the further steps on financing and the maintenance of objects.

Group A: The Basic objects.
The following belongs to this group:
The objects used for maintenance of functions of management of a city and life-support of a city.

Group B: Additional objects.

The objects used for realization of functions and services, not included in the obligatory list, but recognized by local self-management as socially or politically important.

Group C: Superfluous objects.

The objects used for realization of those functions and services which have been included neither in the obligatory list, nor in the list socially or politically important.
On the basis of the given classification of objects the financial-budgetary politics in relation to various groups of objects is formed.

6. The list of unresolved problems

There are some problems which haven’t been solved in Master’s work. They are:

7. Planned and received own result

The result of the master’s work is analysis and systematization of the best practices of foreign countries in the field of management of objects of the municipal property. Also it is planned to develop model of management of the real estate for Donetsk. At the given stage of the work recommendations on management of objects of the municipal property are offered.

8. The conclusion

The international experience says, that the unconditional property right to own and dispose of the municipal property should entirely belong to local communities on behalf of institutions of local government. Only in this case the municipal property can be used as much as possible effectively, to bring the greatest advantage on places.

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