Donetsk National Technical University

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Master DonNTU Nikitin Oleg Vladimirovich


Faculty: CITA
Group: CSD 01a
Headmaster : prof. Skobtsov Jury Aleksandrovich
Theme of works: " Development SCS of modelling of structual-functional properties
arterial blood channel of the human "
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Middle mark in the period of studies in university 4,8. I freely know Russian and Ukrainian languages. I know English sufficiently reading and corresponding. I have skills in operation systems MS DOS, Windows 95/98/2000/XP/2003, Linux, FreeBSD; using programming languages - Borland Pascal, C++, Delphi, Visual Basic,PHP,Perl; in work with databases - Access, Visual FoxPro, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL; graphic packages - Flash, Corel, Photoshop, packages MS Office 97/2000/2003, ERwin, NetCracker, MathCAD, Matlab, EWB. I have an operational experience in Apache+PHP+MySQL(PostgreSQL) and mail systems.


Was born on December, 21st, 1983 in the city Hartsyzsk of Donetsk area.
Father: Nikitin Vladimir Anatolevich.
Mother: Nikitin Elena Mihajlovna.

The childhood

In the age of one and a half years I have gone to a kindergarten "Belochka" the cities of Hartsyzska where went before the receipt to school and where I had new friends of whom I am friends till now, by the end kindergarten I already could read and even to write a little. In the childhood I was the usual child as well as everyone, but already then I at me had a draft to study world around and I comprehended it by virtue of the opportunities.


I have got acquainted with the future school even in the summer of 1991, when mum has led me on interview to get in a class with a technical bias from Kharkov Aviation Institute (KAI) where I was met by the director of studies of our school, and in a consequence the teacher of physics, Kochergina Svetlana Fyodorovna, about that what to me questions set and as I have answered them I don't remember, but on September, 1st, 1991, I have gone to school and become the pupil of technical 1 class of school ¹24 (now lyceum ¹1). Studying in the first class there was my first acquaintance to a computer, it was a computer "Electronica" with the black-white monitor which stood for that moment at our school, in a year them have replaced with computers "POISK-2" which were IBM compatible and were for that moment almost last word of technics. At the first lessons our first teacher Valentine Alekseevna's Copeyka put to us interesting estimations it there were figures in the form of "cloud" and "sun", and also their combination, it is easy to guess, that "cloud" was a bad estimation and at the first lessons I received it, but then business has changed also the third class, I have finished the honours pupil. Then I Would pass in 5 class where us has met our classteacher Bubnova Valentine Petrovna the teacher of Russian and the literature, from the 5 on 8 class I was goodmark boy, the four to me put basically on languages, but I liked exact subjects and often took part in school and city competion. In 7 class I took place liked me also one of the most important events in my life has got acquainted with "tsarina of sciences"-physics which has defined my outlook and bent for to a science as to means, understanding of the world and to the tool of the decision of problems. In the eighth class I have got acquainted with one more subject interesting to me - chemistry and though in the first quarter I have received "4" because have ugly drawn chemical devices in one of laboratory already in following, quarters I was the best chemist of a class. To the ninth class I have put more efforts to studying languages and have finished the ninth class the honours pupil. Since the ninth class I became the permanent winner of city competition on the physicist. 10 and 11 class I was trained under preparatory program KAI. In 11 class I have borrowed at once 3 first places on city competition on the physicist, chemistry and computer science, and i had missed only several points in chemistry to go on regional competition. In 2001 passed successfully examinations I have left school with " a gold medal ". During study at school I have had time to work in section of acrobatics, the judo, swimming, dances, was also the actor in a drama school. But most of all going to school to me it was pleasant to spend a various sort experiences and experiments on the physicist and chemistry, and also at 10-11 a class I began to be engaged in radio electronics, interest to such things and forced me to study these sciences more deeply and with greater enthusiasm.


As I was trained in a class from KAI and to act I naturally wanted in it because I had a dream to build a rocket and to master space as entrance examinations surrendered directly at school. But just in 2001 the school has broken off for a while the contract with KAI and my parents wanted, that I studied more close -in Donetsk, I have decided to act in Donetsk National Technical University on speciality Computer System Diagnostic(CSD) as have seen only in it that was interesting to me. Having handed over on the mathematician I have passed interview on a budgetary place. And already September, first, 2001 I became the student of group CSD-01a. The first pair, on 1-st of September 2001. I shall not forget. It was the audience 8.805 and lecture was read by Mokriy George Vasilevich. The newly made students who have come on pair were all with the frightened persons and nothing understanding wrote down each word of the teacher. Last pair that day was in the 3rd case and it was my favourite subject - physics who was conducted by Sherstjak Boris Nikitovich. On the second rate studying anatomy I have got acquainted with then still the candidate, and already the doctor of medical sciences Zenin Oleg Konstantinovichem who has suggested me to be engaged in studying of morphological characteristics of a blood channel of the person, this perspective and very important direction and have defined subsequently, a choice of my theme master's works. In July 2005, having passed the state examinations, I have received the bachelor's degree with distinction. Then I have acted in a magistracy. I managed the fine supervisor of studies, the professor and managing faculty " ASU ", Skobtsov Jury Aleksandrovich who has approved a theme of mine master's works and has given the important advice and recommendations. A theme master's works: " Development of specialized computer system of modelling and diagnostics of structual-functional properties of a blood channel of the human ".

The future specialities

The future it is represented to the speciality chosen by me to me rather perspective as the modern medicine any more cannot does without precision and reliable devices. And consequently for development of data concerning a young direction of a science and technics the huge quantity of highly skilled experts which would promote the further progress in this area is required.

Plans for the future

In the near future I plan to defend successfully the master's dissertation and then to receive the diploma of the master. The nearest 5 years, I plan to work in the large company with prospect of career growth, and to create family. To plan for longer term a difficult task , I shall probably work on the same work, as now, and can be I shall partially or be engaged completely in a science in a direction of my master's work or accompanying directions, and then I shall act in postgraduate study and I shall protect the master's thesis. In far, and can be and not such far, the future it would be desirable to create a large firm on manufacture of automatic complexes for medicine which would bring to nothing probability of a medical mistake, and would provide a new coil in development of medicine, and a science as a whole …

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