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Parpara Olga

Donetsk National Technical University Parpara Olga

Faculty: The Faculty of Computer Information Technology and Automation

Speciality: Automatic Control Systems

Theme of master's work: "The infectious incidence forecasting in the region"

Supervisor of work:Orlov Juriy Konstantinovich

ICQ: 302-437-798


Middle mark during the period of study at university 4,86. I have good knowledge of Russian and Ukrainian languages, I also can communicate and write in English.

Short biography

My name is Olga, my family name is Parpara. I was born on the 16th of September, 1984, in the town of Makeevka, and I still live here. I have a mother, Parpara Tatiana Ivanovna, and a father, Parpara Sergey Nikolaevich. Frankly speaking, I didn’t like going to the nursery much, because we had to eat everything really quickly and we had to sleep after dinner by all means. In 1991 I went to school ¹ 47. And in 1992 one of my greatest dream came true – my brother was born. His name is Kirill. I’m really grateful to my parents for there attention and understanding. First of all, my parents are my friends.

I was a good pupil at school and I tried to get on well in everything. My favorite subjects were Mathematics and Literature. In the 3rd form I went to musical school, to piano class. But when I was in the 5th form our family moved to another district, so I couldn’t attend musical school any more.

The wish to study informational technologies appeared not at just. First I wanted to be an archaeologist, because I liked ancient history. After that I changed my mind and decided to be a lawyer – I found jurisprudence really interesting for me. As I grew up I was faced with many problems and I understood that I want to reach a goal. You’ll be surprised but I then I decided to be a doctor. I wanted to help people to be healthy and happy. By the way, my parents are doctors and it seemed to me that I had to follow that way. But in time I realized that medicine is not for me.

Accidentally, when I was in the 10th form I went to computer courses. Before that I didn’t work with computers, so that was something really new for me. I liked studying and to my great pleasure it wasn’t really hard. Then I realized that in shorttime it would be impossible to imagine our life without computers and that they will be an essential part of our society. So, I thought, when I get the higher education, no doubt, specialists in computers would be needed by all means.

In 2001 I entered Donetsk National Technical University, the Automatic Control Systems speciality. As studying at school wasn’t hard for me I finished school with the gold medal, but, frankly speaking, it wasn’t needed and didn’t help me in my future life. So, I became a student. I found my new friends at university. You know, studying at school differs much from studying at university, and may be, my first difficulties were connected right with this. I like subjects, connected to programming. All this time my science supervisor is Orlov Juriy Konstantinovich

The theme of my master work is the infectious incidence forecasting in the region. I decided to choose this theme because the existing system is really old nowadays. It was developed at the beginning of 90th. Moreover the ecological situation leaves much to be desired, so the actuality of my theme is obvious.

I guess that each professional should be successful not only in one’s profession, but in different spheres of life. I mean our private life too. I long for it all the time. I like reading, listening to the music very much. I found myself interested in drawing lately. I like modern and classic literature. As for music, telling the truth, I like foreign one. But as for Ukrainian groups I like “Ocean Elzi”. I like movies, especially such films, that make me think of something. Such films I remember long after I have seen them.

I ’d like to find such job that would be interesting for me, which would give me an opportunity to develop myself as a creative person. Of course, I want my job to be high-paid to make my dreams come true. Perhaps, in future I would like to get second education – economic or juridical one. But I think it’s hard to reach all of it when you are not realized in your private life. So, as every woman, first of all I want to have a happy family with my future husband.