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By Artemenko O.K.

The purpose of work: designing a system of automated management of mine electro supply which allows making regulation of operating modes of mine technological devices with the purpose of electricity consumption decreasing by these devices during the periods of day with the greatest cost of the electric power.

For achievement of an object in view it is necessary to solve a number of problems:

Novelty of this development is in the fact that at occurrence of a situation when at the given operating mode a current consumption exceeds the declared value, the developed system gives out commands in system of automation of the set device on regulation of its operating mode, instead of on switching-off.

Now there are the following means of the control and management of mine electro supply:

One of preliminary results of work is the mathematical model of process of a current consumption stationary devices of mine named after M.I. Kalinin. By means of this model there have been carried out researches which allow to optimize current consumption process.

As a result of modeling schedules of day consumption of active capacity have been received (fig. 1), a day energy consumption (fig. 2), day expenses for the electric power (fig. 3).

Figure 1 – The schedule of daily consumption of active capacity

Figure 2 – The schedule of daily current consumption

Figure 3 – The schedule of daily expenses for the electric power

In the further the improvement of the resulted model is planned. Thus, one of master’s works problems – modeling of a power consumption of technological installations of mine can be solved. Development of such model will allow to reveal the optimal, from the point of view of the electric power economy and technological process, device’s operating modes and to use them as a basis for developed system.

Development of means of the account of the electric power and means of information transfer about a conditions of technological devices of mine will allow constructing a system with use of modern element base, that, in turn, will raise speed, accuracy and reliability of automation system.


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