The abstract of Ivan Machkovsky the master’s work:
"Development and substantiation of out the blast-furnace technology of refining of the cast-iron in conditions of " Donetskstal "iron and steel works" Closed Joint-Stock Company"




      The control and removal of sulfur over a steel-making iron became the important requirement at a steelmaking,. The purpose of these requirements - disposal over 99 % of total of the sulfur deposited by coke and others materials. For Ukraine the desulfuration of pig-iron has got a special urgency in linkage with the high contents of sulfur in Ukrainian coking coal, coke and a steel-making iron. The purpose of work became "Development and substantiation of out the blast-furnace refining of the cast-iron in conditions of " Donetskstal "iron and steel works" Closed Joint-Stock Company" Existing positions are analyzed:
1. Development of theoretic base of complex technology of desulfuration
2. Development of complex technology of desulfuration in conditions of " Donetskstal "

The review:

      Now in the world there are some base ways of refinement of pig-iron.

      Removal of sulphur from pig-iron in torpedo cars. Inflation in ladle is represented as the most attractive to coordinate treatment and transportation of pig-iron. Its temperature on 30 - 50 °С is higher, than in the subsequent ladle after.

      Removal of sulphur from pig-iron in hot-metal ladle. This treatment has received a wide circulation for many reasons. It is possible to remove the certain quantity of sulfur up to desirable values, скачать before a blowing through passing domain slag as its absorbing ability of sulfur is unknown.

      Removal of sulphur from pig-iron cars.

      Removal of sulphur from pig-iron on a spout of the blast furnace. In a hearth bottom of a spout the porous fire-resistant block with submission of gas for an intensification of agitation of metal and slag. Following desulfurators is used as base in the world:

      Carbide of a calcium, Soda, Synthetic slag, Slag of the ladle treatment of steel, Lime, magnesium and calcium Additives to desulfurators:
Aluminium, Fluor spar, Hydrocarbons, Aluminate of a calcium, Carbonic natrum and also a various sort powder wire.

      Depending on a specific target the place and slag of out blast furnace treatments, a kind of reagents and ways of their input in a melt of pig-iron get out That’s why, the technology consists of:
1. Treatment on a spout of the blast furnace
2. Treatment in the pig-iron cars
3. Treatment in the hot-metal ladle
4. Recycling of used slag

The conclusion:

      During performance master’s work theoretical calculations (use of domain slag and various additives, the greatest possible fraction of secondarily used slag, key parameters of recycling the slag, use of a magnesium) and practical experiments are planned. The experimental part will consist from:
1.1 Experiments with additives to domain slag of various substances
1.2 Experiments on refinement of the used slag

      The part of dissertation is already worked, other is in a stage of development. It’s possible to define the following problems of increase of efficiency out blast furnace treatments of pig-iron:
1. Decrease of expenses for a reagent by a choice cheap, but effective reagents;
2. Increase of a degree of use of reagents for clearing metal of undesirable impurity;
3. Increase of a level of mechanization of works, automation of running by process and its control over settings of refinement;
4. The organization of a slagging practice from ladle pots and other capacities after treatment of metal;
5. A choice of rational scales and depths of refinement of metal;
6. Rational use of a refined cast iron as a material in steelmaking vessels.

      In Ukrainian metallurgy one of the most actual problems is a high content of sulfur in pig-iron. This problem has especially become aggravated last decade because the coke received from domestic high-sulphur coal on the metallurgical plants of Ukraine.


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