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Master DonNTU FVTI CS-06m  
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Faculty: Computer Science
Pulpit: Electronic Computing Machines
Speciality: Computer Systems and Networks
Group: CS-06m

Subject of master's work: "Technical and Program Support of Realistic Threedimmentional Graphics"
Scientific supervisor: associate prof. Anoprienko A. Y.

øñé 273-691-156
mail jaelgr@gmail.com

Briefly about myself

Use russian and ukrainian languages as native, also freely talk and understand english.
Able to program DELPHI, Turbo Pascal, C, Ñ++, Visual Ñ++, HTML, Java, Java Script, Assembler, VBA, VHDL.
Personal quality: straight dealing, diligence, sociability, education ability, purposeful
Taking a great interest in drawing and CG. Recently occupied myself with 3D modeling. On that field I'm using: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Corel Painter, 3D Max, Maya, Poser, ZBrush, VRay, Vue XStream.


I was born on February the 19th, 1985, in Donetsk. In the family of a locksmith Grischenko Vyacheslav Ivanovich and a school teacher Grischenko Olga Petrovna.


Next to our house there was a kindergarten, but I did not go to it - I went to another, which was situated a little farther, roughly in 20 minutes walk from my home. This fact has a simple explanation  - my parents, from the beginning of my life, were trying to give me all the very best! (because of that I later went to schools around the city and changed them once in 3 years). Kindergarten teachers respected me and considered the most responsible in the group, and if they went away for a short time, then they left me in charge. Well, honestly, I don’t remember such details, but mom says that everything was exactly that way, and we all know - mothers never lie! What I do remember for sure - that I always brought troubles: constantly fought, bitten and used all possibly ways to protect my honor and property…  but afterwards got the belt… Once upon a time two bad guys almost stole my bike – I ran away through all our yards, and they yelled something after me. Some other time I was offended by some boy and that time he ran from me, and my mother yelled to me from a balcony demanding to stop. Another time, parents sent me to buy some bread, and on my way back home I was robbed by some waif. When I was 5 and a half  years old, my younger brother Sergey was born, and my grandmother Klava got seriously ill. I don’t remember for sure how long she was ill, but, probably, not more than a month, and then she died


At the age of 7 I went to school  #13. I didn’t remember that critical day, when I became a different person, but in school I already, studiously learnt the lessons and pleased my parents with good marks. In the summer of that year, we changed the apartment and moved to another region. The next autumn (in the second class) I went already to another school - in "progimnaziya". It was based on the kindergarten, children learnt there up to 3rd class only, in a group there were not more than 15 persons, and there were a lot of useful and interesting lessons, which do not occur in any usual school.
When we reached the 5th class all our group proceed to school #22 where specially for us, a gymnasium class was organized. Here, in parallel with the main subjects, we learnt philology and dancing. Also, I was going for karate do, judo and swimming. When September the 1st arrived and I went to 7th class, a sad news waited for all of us - because of insufficient financing our class was going to disband. So, on the 23rd of September, of the same year, I already went to another school -  UVK#1. I became to concern with taekwondo. Took part in different competitions and even has occupied 2nd place - on regional competition. In school I learned good enough and has finished it with excellent certificate and histories and informatics diplomas!


In summer, when I finished the school, in my life has occurred not very pleasing event, after which I have lowered the hands for a long time... Possible it became the reason of my bad progress in university, I don’t know. I has entered to VT hoping to learn all about computer, but the main reason – to get acquainted with computer graphics and further work in this direction. However system of the education in institute is built little otherwise, than in school and considering that informatics in school is given on very low initial level, learn in institute for me was hard and computer graphics we learn quite not that, on which I expected. Otherwise  I learned bad out and has lost 3 years doing nothing. Only on the 4th  course I regained consciousness and begin my self education. I have solved that if  nobody teaches me what I want to know, then I shall teach this by myself. So I have mastered Photoshop, once again began to draw, and even go on drawing courses, where was made headway. For a half of the year I passed 2 courses of artistic school and would drew further, but my teacher has left in Kiev. I couldn’t find a replacement for him, and he didn’t advised me to nobody too. To learn further most it is necessary plenty of time and desire so I have solved to change a little my profile and start to learn three-dimensional modeling, having considered this branch creative activity more perspective. Lucky me – there are some works in this area on our faculty, and I got diploma, straight connected with three-dimensional modeling. Now I’m working on my degree task, connected with architectural modeling and parallel trying to grasp with character modeling, thereby, I hope to combine the knowledge of traditional drawing, got by me on lesson of the drawing and new winnowing in three measured graphics.

In the future I am going to become the professional in the field of creation of photorealistic three-dimensional scenes, whether personages, architectural buildings or other sort projects. Hoping to work through Internet with foreign customers and, possible, in future, went to live into another country (here in Donetsk we got horribly bad ecology). I think that interesting future is waiting for me :)

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