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Faculty:   Ôàêóëüòåò
Speciality:   Ñïåöèàëüíîñòü
Theme of master's work:   Program system of decision-making support
with use of methodology of an estimation
of environment pollution risks
Supervisor:   Kostin Valery Ivanovich
E-mail:   ann.zvjagintseva@rambler.ru

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       It chanced that, for the period of master's thesis preparation (speciality "Software of the automated systems") I've already supervised over the scientific direction connected to the analysis and hazards and risks estimation. By that time I've already has protected and published the Ph.D. thesis and about thirty scientific works.
       Therefore I even did not had faced a question about choice of a theme for master's thesis. Undoubtedly, it should correlate and should be continuation of my earlier researches, and, naturally, should be directed on creation of relevant software product for decision-making support in the field of ecological safety. In brief, more detailed information about developed algorithms incorporated in program system, you can take on my author's abstract web-page (Russian and Ukraine versions).
       But on the same page of this site I would like to explain in detail my work on the Ph.D. thesis for it has underlain my further researches.
       Theme of master's thesis: «Program system of decision-making support with use of methodology of an estimation of environment pollution risks».
       The theme of the working on Ph.D. thesis is: “Substantiation of assessment methods and forecasting the risk of hazardous substances influence during the atmospheric pollution of industrial cities”.
       Ph.D. Dissertation deals with the important scientific-applied problem in the area of ecological safety, which is substantiation of methods for assessing a technogenous risk during pollution of the atmosphere in industrial cities.
       Identification of hazards and analysis of different types of influences is accomplished during working on Ph.D. thesis. Current models and general methods of risk assessment have been analyzed. Theoretical analysis of functions of risks distribution as well as the analysis of possible indexes to characterize the hazard of atmospheric air pollution in quantitative terms have been carried out. Some peculiarities and regularities of atmospheric pollution have been determined based on experiments.
       Quantitative assessment of “dose-response” relationship parameters was carried out by means of statistical experiments and elaboration of risk calculation models for the main harmful substances. The methods for assessing and forecasting the risk of harmful substances influence have been devised using a visual modeling technology. Based on the developed computer model and the data of monitoring of subjects, the assessment of territorial risks of the atmospheric pollution in Donetsk, Makiivka and Mariupol is realized. A complex of means for scientific and technical support of ecological monitoring systems have been worked out.
       Development of relevant algorithms for an estimation of ecological risks have been based on present results received during the working on the Ph.D. thesis. On that basis the further researches summarized in master's thesis as program system of decision-making support in the field of ecological safety were executed.

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© 2007, Zviagintseva A.V.