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Donetsk National Technical University  

Speciality:"The Automated Control Systems"

Mejbel Anis Hilal





                                   Oil and gas of the Syrian Republic

The general information

The syrian Arabian Republic has the area of 185,18 thousand square kilometers from which in 1,295 thousand it is occupied by Israel (territory of Golan heights).

 The population of Syria makes more than 18,5 million person. Annual growth of the population - 2,4 percent. Average life expectancy - hardly more than 70 years. Besides arabs (90,3 % of the population) appreciable ethnoses are kurds and Armenians. 90 % of believers of the country - moslems about 10 % - Christians.

Lava of the state - Bashar al-Asad.

44 % of gross national product of the country fall at sphere of services, 31 % - on the industry, 25 % - on an agriculture. On a share of foreign investments it was necessary about 16,3 % of gross national product.

The volume of national export in 2004 has made about 6,1 billion dollars, import of Syria has exceeded 5 billion dollars. Volume of gold and exchange stocks - about 5 billion dollars. On a share of oil and products of its processing it is necessary up to 70 percent of currency receipts of the country.

The management of the oil-and-gas industry of Syria carries out the Ministry of oil and mineral resources.

Oil recovery and gas

The trial oil recovery in the country is started in 1967, and the next year extraction became industrial. In May of the same year the first oil has been put on export through terminal Tartus.

 The volume of the proved stocks of oil makes 2,5 billion barrels. A share of Syria in world reserves - 0,2 %. An oil recovery - 594 thousand barrels day, 0,8 % from universal volumes of extraction. Export of oil has made of Syria about 285 thousand barrels day.

The largest deposits of the country - Saban, Dgarnuf, Azrak, Maleh and Der azzor. Geologists assign the big hopes for development of the central areas of the country.

The main player in the market of an oil recovery in Syria is state Syrian Petroleum Company. On share Syrian Petroleum it is necessary up to 50 % of the national income; number of employees exceeds 16 thousand person.

The proved stocks of natural gas of Syria are equaled Shirokov billion cubic metre that makes about 0,2 % from universal stocks. Volume of extraction of natural gas - 6,3 billion cubic metre. A share of Syria in universal extraction of natural gas - 0,2 %.

The main thing of games the market of extraction and processing of gas in Syria is based in 2003 Syrian Gas Company. The main areas of extraction - Dgabess,Der azzor and Hasaka. There is a network of gas mains in the general extent of 2000 kilometers.

 In the beginning of April, 2004 it has been declared authorization by the government of Syria of the project of development of gas deposits of the country by total cost 700 million dollars. In the project participate Petrofac, PetroCanada, Occidental Petroleum, Total and Sumitomo Japex. Works will conduct on 15 deposits. The consortium undertakes to construct two factories on preparation of natural gas in area of the cities of Homss and the Expert - Саура capacity 6 million cubic metre day.

 In 2003 deposits of natural gas with stocks about 1,2 billion cubic metre in 100 kilometers to the east from the city of Homs are open. Predictably, extraction on a deposit can make 250 - 300 thousand cubic metre day. In the same year deposits of natural gas in 65 kilometers from Der azzor (northwest of the country) with stocks 2,7 billion cubic foots are open.

                                                            Oil refining and petrochemistry

 In Syria two oil refining factories - in the cities of Banijas and Homs are located. Their total capacity makes about 250 thousand barrels of oil day.

Homs Refinery - the oldest factory in the country, started in operation in 1959. It has been designed for processing 1 million tons of easy Iraq oil one year. In 1969 modernization of a factory (capacity is finished up to 2 million tons) that has allowed to proceed to processing as well heavy syrian oil has been made. In the subsequent some years capacity of processing is finished up to 5,7 million tons of oil one year. At a factory than 4,5 thousand person works more.

The factory in Banias (250 kilometers to the north from Damascus) has been constructed at participation of the Romanian experts. Now capacity of a factory makes 135 thousand barrels of oil day. The factory is designed for processing of heavy and easy syrian oil. Construction of a factory began in September, 1975, and on a normal operating mode it has left in 1982.

In 2001 the Iranian company Azarab has won the tender on modernization  in Banias for the sum 9 million dollars. The question was installation of a boiler by capacity of 150 tons in day.

In 20 kilometers on northeast from Damascus (small town Adra) works a factory of oils and greasings - joint venture ExxonMobil (49 % of individual share) and the private syrian company. The enterprise is open in 1997. Capacity of a factory makes 10 thousand tons day.

Except for existing factories there are also some perspective projects which realization and have not started, despite of long debate. For example, local company Sarakbi in 1994 has offered civil-engineering design  capacity of 140 thousand tons.


For activity Syriantrans oil pipelines in the country answers Syrian Company for Oil Transport. Under  the company exists since 1972.

Первая прокачка (до терминала Триполи в Ливане) состоялась в 1934 году. В 1946 году в строй The botfly in diameter of 406 mm, also terminated in Tripoli has entered. In 1950 the pipeline up to Banias has been constructed (762 mm), the first shipments with which have taken place in 1952. one more pipe in diameter of 762 mm up to Tripoli a little bit later has appeared. The terminal in Banias has warehouse capacities on 768 thousand tons.

Syrian Crude Oil Transportation Company is engaged in swapping of oil from deposits of Syria. It has been created by the governmental decree in 1974. General extent of oil pipelines of the company makes 650 kilometers.

In March, 2005 works on construction of the gas main connecting Syria and Lebanon are completed. Works included modernization of compressor station in Der-ammar near to border of two countries.

The important role in economy of Syria is played with an export oil pipeline from Iraq, capacity about 250 thousand barrels day.

The largest ports of the country - Banias,Gabla, Latakia and Tartusс.