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Prokopenko Vsevolod Anatolievich

Faculty: CITA    Speciality: Telecommunication systems and networks

Theme of master's work:

Development and research of the modem for a superhigh-frequency radio channel of telecommunication system

Leader of work: Vorontzov A.G. english ukrainian

Materials on the theme of master's work:

[Abstract] [lincks] [Report about the search]


Freely know Russian, Ukrainian languages. In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, know English.

I have an operational experience:in operation, installation, adjustment, and connection of subscribers of a cable television and the Internet network;
The operator of Ethernet network, with Internet services.
There is an operational experience with switching system ”F-1500 , office automatic telephone exchange "Coral", equipment of "R&M" (Reichle and De-Massari).
As there, I have an experience of household radio equipment repairing.

PC--user: operational systems: Windows 98/XP/2003 Server, Linux.
Software packages: Microsoft Office, Visio, Sound Forge, PhotoShop, the Compass 3-D, MathCad, Mathematica;
AntiVirus: Symantec, Dr. Web, Kaspersky;
Specialized: SystemView, NetCracker, NetSim;
Programming languages: Pascal, Algorithm Builder;
Databases: Oracle.
I easily work in Internet.

Short biography:

I was born! =)

I was born on April, 24 1985 in Donetsk in the big family of the engineer 4-th number finishing the list. In the childhood I was afraid to go in trolley buses and terribly did not like inoculations up to tears. Later I dreamed to become the driver of a trolley bus, to understand up to depths the device of this technical miracle. After country long trips I began to reflect on a trade of the driver of the trip passenger bus. But the time has passed and "not betraying dream", I have changed it...


During studying in a general education (english high) school #70, nothing especial did not occur. I can remember participations in a CCR (Club cheerful and resourceful), school competitions of talents, etc. Out of school there was a conquest of Donetsk waste heaps, acquaintance of a radio engineering, cycling, friendship to photo. The physics, has caused hostility, at first. But after the course of "electricity" I have understood and grew fond of all sections of Physics - this fascinating science.
Therefore I want to express thanks to my school teacher of physics Dudnik Valentina Pavlovna.
In parallel to studying in a comprehensive school, I was studying in the musical school ¹2 of Donetsk. At first I have finished a class of a piano then percussion instruments. (For last thanks Krasnokutskiy Vladimir Dmitrievich). The basic stimulus for work above the playing technique on drums is the group I play in.


Since the childhood I tried to make friends with technics any kind, but the best work for me is to work with a soldering iron. In general what is a soldering iron I know due to the brother (he had affect my education significantly).Turning over the pages of the newspaper with the list of DonNTU specialities, I chose between a speciality electronic systems and a speciality telecommunication systems and networks. I take more interest in processing of audio signals, reception of a qualitative sound and problems of radio than in many-sided electronics. It is not difficult to guess what choice I have made.
The second semester I took part in my first conference. I had speech on conference "physics and scientifically-technical progress" (supervisor the senior DonNTU Volkov À.À.)

My masters work is devoted to modern problems of telecommunication systems. Its application grows widely because of obvious preference radio communications (mobility, cheapness, fast of deployment). Constantly growing size of the transmitted data results in expansion of spectra of signals. It is necessary to search for ways of creation of new radio channels, adequate to modern requirements. In the fourth semester, such a way was offered by my supervisor of studies. The basic essence of it consists in use of a superhigh-frequency range 47GHz and formation of spectra of signals of precisely fixed width. Practical realization of this way has some problems, investigated in mine masters work.


I want to find the work related to installation and operation of base station for mobile telephony and systems of radio-relay. In short time graduating from the university I want to get a serious musical instrument - 5-Piece standard drum set set TAMA or Sonor, Sets come with a 14-inch wood snare drum and includes a 22-inch bass drum, 12 and 13-inch toms and a 16-inch floor tom and a full set of cymbals Paiste of 802-nd series. To play whith rock-group in Donetsk and in other places in open-air. And to receive a driving licence, to get moto.

The future

Further I plan to climb many mountains. To see all regional centers of Ukraine. To visit some capitals and cities of Europe. To achieve the certain skill and a recognition in the musical activity. To get academic degree At last I want "to build the house, to plant a tree, to bring up the son":" to wash utensils and to win all world ":)

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