
Svetlichniy Maxim Sergeevich

Faculty: CITA
Speciality: IMS
Theme of masters work: "Development of the computerized subsystem of forecasting of demand for confectionery products in conditions of Company "KONTI""
Associate professor: Orlov Y.К.

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The biography:

About myself

       Mean score during training at university 4.5. Freely know Russian also Ukrainian languages. In sufficient size know English. I have an experience work the programmer 1 year, I am engaged in software engineering in Visual Studio.NET in C# (applications of Windows Forms and WEB). I work with DBMS SQL Server 2000 and 2005, well I know SQL and TSQL. I have small experience of development of forms, units and reports in the program "ACCENT", and also developments of programs on C++ Builder. I own knowledge of programming languages C, C++, Pascal, Delphi, VB, Assembler and javascript.

The childhood

       I was born in autumn day on October, 24, 1985 for what is grateful to the parents Svetlichnoj Natali Petrovne and Svetlichnomu Sergey Ivanovichu. The childhood was carefree and is filled with kindness and love of parents. I was in family not the first child, my sister Snezhana of all for two years is more senior, therefore in the childhood to me it was not boring also we always played together.


       At school, in elementary grades I studied in the experimental class, studied perfectly thanking my mother which always in me helped. My first teacher, Valentina Viktorovna, very good and kind teacher, at her lessons if was always interesting, and the time flied very fast. In elementary grades my hobby were a chess, I went lessons on a chess at school where learned not only to play a chess, but also developed memory and skill to think, I sweepingly remembered all to that studied and in 8 years already at one level played with senior pupils. In the senior class I have a little deserted study and studied much worse, but already after 9 class I studied well. It was never aimed to receive a good estimation because estimations are frequently put unduly, the main thing that in a head, and undeserved estimations sooner or later will show true knowledge.


       Choice of university and trade became a challenge because the city of Donetsk is affluent on educational institutions here again the choice I did not only of reasonings on a trade as about the diplom with higher education, and as about necessary and first of all a claimed trade. The choice I have stopped on Donetskiy Nationalniy Technical university having selected faculty of the CITA and a trade Information Management Systems on a direction "Computer sciences". During instruction at university new friends have appeared, to study was not so easily as at school, but main to be aimed to knowledge and all to turn out. Already on III-th course I studied perfectly well. Never learned only that teach at university, at leisure in addition studied everything, that can be useful in the future by operation on a trade.

About master's work

       Theme master's work: "Development of the computerized subsystem of prediction of demand for confectioner in conditions of Company KONTI". Choice of a theme master's operations was not random, in the capacity of the object forecasting of demand the confectionery branch with which has been selected was connected a place of operation. Interest to forecasting has been called by tendency to describe real interconnections of business processes of production and to take into account agency of assemblage of factors influential on demand.

Plots and the purposes on the future

       In the near future it would be desirable to protect successfully master's work and to receive the diploma of the master. In the distant purposes the desire to receive the profound knowledge of technical English language and .NET programming languages and also to participate in development of the software from Microsoft.


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