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Sergeyechev Zakhar Sergeevich

Theme of master's work: Study of capacity factors work of the multifunction tool "Drill-cutter".

Leader of work: Malishko I.A.

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RELEVANCE. The most throughput capability in the automated output is reached at the expense of operation concentrations.
Using combined tools provide the following advantages:
Combined tools possess the defect that is increase of cutting force and temperature.

The argument

THE PURPOSE OF WORK is designing a tool construction for simultaneous processing the hole and outward surfaces.
The argument

PRACTICAL VALUE. Use of the tool allows to provide versatility and accuracy of the tool adjustment.

The argument

DEVELOPMENT. The combined tool a drill-cutter (figure 1), consisting of the body 1 with the adjustable bushing 2 in which the axial tool 3 (drill) is located. Regulation of a drill is carried out by rotation of an adjusting nut 4. After achievement of the required size, the nut is fixed on a bushing with the help of the screw 6, and the bushing in the body is fixed with - screws 7.
A tool block 8 is fixed on the body, on an inclined surface 9. The block is supplied with the fastening unit executed as an inclined gash 12. Moving the block on an inclined surface 9 is carried out by a nut 10 and the screw 11 connected with the body by means of a spherical gash 14. Fixing of the block is carried out by means of the screw 15.
The block is supplied with a cutter 13.

Figure 1 – Drill-cutter

Performance of an apparatus of the invention dimension regulation (figure 2) and detail treatment (figure 3).

Figure 2 – Scheme of a size regulation (animation)

Adjustment of the tool will consist of three stages:
  1. Regulation of the axial tool (drills).
  2. Rough adjustment on the external cylindrical diameter and length.
  3. Accurate adjustment on the external cylindrical diameter.

Figure 3 – Scheme detail treatment (animation)

The argument

CONCLUSIONS. On the basis of a existing design analysis the combined tool is worked out providing versatility of the tool, productivity and accuracy of adjustment of the instrument on the machine tool.
A claim for the patent of Ukraine on the invention of a combined tool "Drill-cutter" was presented.
In hereinafter planned produce the calculation of the displacement from cutting force.

The argument

  1. Малышко И.А. Осевые комбинированные инструменты (рекомендации по проектированию и эксплуатации). Донецк: ПКТИ, 1996. – 135с.
  2. Сверло-зенкер. А.с. СССР №1696175 А1, МПК5 В23В51/08, Заявка 4745900/08 от 29.08.89. Опубл. 07.12.91. Бюл. №45.
  3. Шатин В.Н. и Денисов П.С. Режущий и вспомогательный инструмент. Справочник. – М.: Машиностроение, 1968. – 380с.
  4. Родин П.Р. Металлорежущие инструменты. – К.: Издательское объединение «Вища школа», 1974. – с.132–136.
The argument

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